Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, May 15, 1885, Image 10
5 THE HESPESIAN STUDENT. THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, - " L-. Irving J. Manatt, Ph.D. Chancellor. ! , A",-1 sat s -& .W . W V. COLLEGE OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND THE ARTS. H. . Hlktaoek, M. A., Ph. D Professor of Mathesiatlca. George MeMilUa, Ph.D., Dean, Professor of Greek. George X. Howard, M. A.. Professor of History. GroTe X. Berber, M. A.. Professor of Latin. Badsoa H. Niebolsoa, M. A., Professor of Chemistry aad Pavels. Lweias A. Sherman, Ph. Dn Professor of Xngllsa. Lewis X. Hicks. Fh.DProfessor of Geology. Charles X. Beesey, Ph.D., Professor of Botany. TOE INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE. Charles X. Bestey, Ph. D., Scan, Professor of Hort' culture and Botaay. Hadeoa H. V aolsoa. M. AM Professor of Agrtcaltoral Chemistry. Richard 11 ownley. U. S. W., Prof, of Military 8cteace and Tactics. LcwmX. Hieks, Ph. D., Prefeesor of Geology. Charles N. Little,. A., Associate Professor of Civil Engineering. Heuy H. Wing, B. Agf., Instructor in AgricaltBre. THE LATIN SCHOOL. Miss Xliea Smith, M. A., Registrar. Xh. Adelaide Dearborn, Instructor In Elocution. Maward W. CaWwell, B. 8., IastnMear ta Htaerf . Biea H. Culver, B. 8., Iastractor ia msleea lsagiljis. Charles X. Bennett, B. A., Iastractor la Greek aad Latin. T. JCfrey Bodgmaa B.A., Instrnctor la Physics aad Astronomy. Miss Baiah "W. Moore, Teacher of Palatlag aad Drawing. Directot of Musical Conservatory. Five courses of study are offered : Clssaical.Scientiflc, Literary, Xagineeriag and Agricultural. The Latin School, for the present, offers a two years' course pre Mratory to tkeee course. StodesU wishing to eater the Latia School must be prepared for examination in Orthog raphy, Isgltek Grammar, Practical Arithmetic, Geogra phy aad History of the Uiaited States. THE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. A. R. Mitchell, x. d., Deaa, aad Profuwor of Anatomy. . : L. A. Meniara, kj., Proiessorof Principles and Practice of Med cine. H. B. Lowry, x.a., h.d., Professor of Physiology and Therapeatlea. W. M.Xnapp,H.D., Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Weaea and CnOoren. H. 11. Nicholson, h.a , Professor of Chemistry. L. B. Graddy, x.d,. Professor of Diseases of the Xye and Bar, Hon. O. P. Mason, Professor of Medical Jurisprudence, Rot. R. Livingston, m.d., Professor of PrlncipZ-.s aad Practice ef Surgery 8, D. Mercer, x. d., Professor of Clinical Surgery. N. J. Beachly, xj., Demonstrator of Anatomy. Milton Lane, x. .. Lecturer on Materia Mcdica. John P. Wayman, Pr. B., x. d.. Lecturer on Physiology. B.L. Paine, x.d., Professor of Theory and Practlco.(HomoeopathIc) C. L. Hart, x.d., Professor of Materia Mcdica. " P. B. IUgbter, xjo Professor of Obstetrics. " . W. 8. Latta, x.d.. Professor of Theory and Practice (Eclectic.) J. H. Woodard, X.D., Professor of Materia Medica. " Tiiia college was opened in 1883, and is now in viffor orous operation. The University with its collections and tbo capital city with its public institutions offer special facilities and inducements to medical students. No fees ate charged beyond the matriculation fee of $5, and the actual cost of material for the study of Practical Anatomy. Good board ia the city at $3 a week; furnished room 1 8 to f a month. Students of the Industrial College live oa the farm, where board is furnished at cost No charges for tuition, except matriculation fee of $5. Stodeat residiag in the state, or persons about to enter the Unirer Bity, are allowed half fare in going to and from home by the railroads catering Lincoln. For half-fare certificates Catalogues or other information address the Chancellor J. H. Harley, BXAX.K& IK DRUGS, BOOKS, " z . ,. AND Stij5fft fzccUior jgtrtrMit Aufi, Ahwt ft jV " . - TV rsj jft." 'vt aff - v ' I. : , ')aaa . EieTtk sc. WIN more money than at anYthine elsehv taking an agency for the best selling book ont.Betrlnners tucceed errandWI Terms XTee'.HalletBook Co. Portland Maine F. E. NEWTON, Dkalxe In PSifnnfiriamtfto .Ctfrvatta """ w,vw' wvv9 v . lilNCOL If -. AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, I7o. MO, Webster Block, Lincoln. TAILORESS, (Getsv CtotliiMg xsade, cleHe4 Mlropaircl. Number 118 South Tenth Street. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Flmagas Blethers, DEALERS Uf NEW AND SECOND-HAND Highest price paid for second-band goods. 115 South Temb. Livery, Feed, .AND Sale Stables t6& & - Mm W. MflAlfla. 1087 Q ST. TELEPHONE 147 '&' . 3&X -? 'k. VM w&ma vi Wf. t& ,t ? . -It '$4vm . r- ' . Jiff' ft5- . ft fr. .JSP ? ' J? " .-.J Nv. I H i j I tfSLtaygafc. - - STjKKS5M.VWHaff