Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, April 01, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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the highest respect find esteem; with others it often seems
r. hardship to preservo even common politeness. Men
who nro on opposite sides of tho main questions nre nat
urally inclined to look upon each other with suspicion
and tho result is rarely pleasant for any one. If a man is
honest in his opinions and honest In his methods ho is
entitled to a degree of respect from his opponents. But,
of nil tho unpleasant characters that are liable to como
forward in a college world, nono is more so than tho one
who professes this honosty and really dees not possess
it. When Dickens painted Mr. Pecksniff In such repuls
ive colurs lie revealed his hatred for tho hypocrlt. A
man who pretends to he friendly holbro tho face and who
fclanders behind the hack is not an admirable "likeness of
God." If anyone lays great claims to honesty, candon
openness of heart and superior sense of justice, nnd when
ho thinks that he Is out ot view, with nono but his own
allies and henchmen to observe him, straightway proceeds
to reveal u talent for common hing and Billingsgate, it
is well to make a nolo of that individual "lor future ref
erence." Deliver us from sneaks and wcuk-knecd hypo
crlts. And follow students If you ever fall in with such
men during your college life give thorn a wide berth as
soon nsthey display their colors.
nwyiiu $miartl8.
To go to IInstinc.8;
Stato3 Oratorical Coulest April 1C.
Dean T. Smith will bo with us the coming term.
Frank Smith spends the spring term in Jewell county
J. H. Holmes our "Jcs&o" vacationed with Warner
at Boca.
Davo For8ytho will return next September to give tho
chus of '89 a boost.
Georgo Munro, a student here two years ago, is teaching
near Hooper, Dodgo county.
Canaday's name was given in lliu Journal's list of de
partures us C. A. Nady. Joak.
Luke Cheney went down to Luke at tho New Orleans
circus. (This stylo three for a dime.)
Hall, Talbot and Coleman are among those who do not
return to take up their studies this term.
Prof. Bossoy has taken the campus in hand; tho result
of this change cannot fail to bo beneficial.
Miss Mary Campbell res'ed in Fremont. Miss Connor
beneath the parental ridge polo at Kearney.
A prop wishes to know how n. 0 Eddy became a sen
ior. Give it up. Come and explain, Mr. Eddy.
W. P. Sullivan it now principal of Table Rock Schools.
He went down to take posession durlmg vacation.
Tho unortunato with three or four themes to make up
now waxelh uncomfortably warm under tho collai .
With the return of Bwect, droamy, mashy, flunky spring,
wo may look for a great military awakening in these parts.
J. 0. Breech is resting his mind and reinforcing his
pocket book. Ho can bo fouud at the office of Kennnard
& Son; city.
An effort i9 being made to have a out of our laboratory
inserted in the atlas of Nobraska that is approaching com
pletion. Koim, tho blonde member of the class of 1898, I now
acting as salesman for a tomb3tono foundry. Ho works
the unsophisticated country pooplo.
It is whispered around in tho corridor that throo yung
men wore rusticated permanently at, or near, tho close o
holast session. No definite information is gotable.
That ugly hole in tho coiling of Pal Indian Hall has at
last been repaired. A not panel has boon substituted
for tho vacancy, and all h ready for calcsthonics again.
H. T. Coulee will study law in the offico orBrown &
Rvan for tho coming thieo years. t tho meantime, lie
proposes to amuse himself by keeping up his college stud
ies. The war on tho campus co lion-woods should bo con
tinued this season. A brisk campaign under (ho loader
ship of "chromo No. 8 " Is just what our grounds are
H. E. Grimm having closed his term of school at Boon
hns been employed some time In tho office of county sup
erlntcndanl Bowers. He will probably resume his studies
next term.
Tho bicyclists aro again on deck in spite of wind, dust
and tho skating rinks. Tho University lo.b will hardly
bo reorganized this vear, however, as there is but one
wheelman in college.
For officers of tho Spr ing term the Philodicean society
elected H. 0. Eddy, President; Miss Benedict ,Vicc Pies. 5
Miss Manloy, Secretary; W. E. Hirdy, Treamror,- Miss
Fisher, Critic; and Miss Latin, Attorney.
Tho lalladian officers for the Spring term will ba Miss
Campbell, President; Miss Barrett, Vlco Pros.; Miss Talbot
Secy.; W. E. John3on, Critic ;Miss Boyer His'orlan; Frank
Mnnlcy, Cor. Secy ; J. R Scoflold, Sergeant at arms.
The Union society elected the following officers for
tho ensuing term: H. T. Coulee, Pies.; Miss Bickol, Vic0
President ;R.S. Mockelt, Secy.; Miss Ruliffton assist. Secy..
Miss Cramphorn, Treasurer; and Miss Ileum ; Critic.
The Meds. were occupied for a few days alter their
commencem cut in finishing up the subjects worked on
during tho winter. The skeletons were prepared Ibid
(hno without a repetition of the great boiler act of last
A chapel choir, throo June exhibitions, an oratorical
conlcMiuid cholera havobeon booked for tho spring term.
To ofl'.set these blessings wo will bo favored with no is
suo of tho Sombrero and a cessation of dissecting down in
the chamber of horrors.
The Geology class departed for regions unknown, last
Thursday morning. They were armed with stouo-ham-
mers, tooth -picks and a huge luncheon, honco wo feol safe
n saying lliat the "resul.s of tho expedition will bo of in
estimable value to science."
A Junior who had taken great pains with rhetorical
work in his Fre3biaan year uccidently stumbled on one
orj two of those "flno productions" during tho past vaca
tion. Ho immediately went out in the sliudo of tho wood
shed and perspired hairpins and button.hooka lor nfie'on
consecutive minutes. Try it yoursolf. ;