Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, March 14, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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not spnco hereto review the subject mnttci of the volume,
nor is it necessary. It is sufficient to sny Unit attar read
ing this book, the render probably comes to know Poo
better limn in nny other way. While the few brlgh
-spots in his life are given the prominence they deserve
there is no nttcnipl to cover his faults with the mantle of
his genius; and this we say is well. It is no excuse Tor
Poo'a falsehoods, follies and vices that ho was among tho
first writers ofnistime. Yet wo are not sure that Mr.
Wood berry has not forgotten to temper his justice with
' niercy. To us there is much meaning in the fact that, in
his cnrlici years, Pe's times of trouble, were his times of
dissipation nlso, and while we accord to him no more
sympathy t'uin to another who falls by tho wayside, wo
7iiust vet not fall to accord him as much. As Mr. Wood
berry himself romnrks, it were well if some of t ho pas
sages of Poo's last years could have been kept from the
public, butns they were not. we are glad to see the truth
based on tho tirm foundatloh ol'his own letters.
Too much cannot be said in praise of the evident
painstaking and patient research that go to the making
up of this volume. The author has called outthemor,
important of a great mass of correspondence and looker
over tedious piles of newspaper and magazine litcrature
o verify publications and dutcs; and the result is a fitting
monument to the labor expended.
. In conclusion we quoto a part of Mr. Woodbury's
final summary of Poo's character and life, fearing that it
must be admitted to bo bo true while we hopo it is not
the whole truth.
"The simple fact la that Poe being highly endowed,
-well-bred and educated better than his fellows, had more
than once, fair opportunities, brilliant prospects and
groups of active friends, repeatedly forfeited prosperity
4ind even the homely honor of an honest name.
He ate opium and drank liquor.
He died under circumstances of exceptional ugliness,
misery nud pity, but not accidentally, for tho end and man
ncr of it were clearly near and inevitable."
"For wo think It !b no sin, sir;
To tnko tho public In, sir;
And enBo them of tholr tin, s'r;
' To drlvo dull enro away ." Oldtong.
"Compliments oy the Season."
Melody fills the air. Harmony enchants tho ear. Tho
rule of the tyrant winter is at an end. On every side is
beauty. Tho landscape bbssoms into fair perfection
and all the prospects charm tno delighted eye. The senses
are enraptured. All nature claps its hands in a trans
port of bewildering joy and happiness. Tho fountains
in the parks bubble with untrnnimelcd merriment and
from their marble basins, toss silver streams of flashing
water to kiss tho perfumed atmosphere and tho azure dome
of heaven. The bloom of the magnolias, the budding
Bplendor of tho passion-flower, the feathery fronds ot
-maiden-hair, tho emerald jewels of the forest giants, tho
ecstatic songof flame-throated cardinal birds, tho verduro
f tho dalsy.fctuddcd meadows, the low, soft murmur ot
tho rippliug brook as it winds its flowery cpurso through
.laughing vullcya and lovely plains, all tell ua of tho
spring tho poets fair Ideal. All I Queen of the sylvan
dells, monarch ot the sun-lit prarics sovereign of tlilt
glorious land; to thee all hail! With Nymphs for thy
attendants and Dryads for thy hand-maidens, in blissful
pageant, enslave tho willing earth 1
That's the conventional spring, not tho Nebraska spring.
The Town Clock.
The town clock is located in the Masonic Temple: but
for all its associations may be tumoral and degrading
nevertheless does it accomplish a measure of good.
The sermon has become a little tedious and people are
just beiinuing to wonder if "he isn't almost through."
Then the bell in the i'einplc beats twelve. The audience
enjoys a relaxation. The entire masculine and a part of
the feminine congregation in-duntly pull out their watches
and regulate them. This evolution is perl'nnnod with &
degree of simultaueousncss that is unrivaled elsewhere.,
Possibly the professional combination skaters may equal,
it in their "marvelous exhibition of, etc."
Tho girls all love the clock. Conversation is dragging.
Both yawn; but ' Algernon cannot tear himself away."
Then the genial lime piece srikes up "Go home, go
homo, go home, go home, go home, go'l" In tho
silept gloom that follows tho warning, Algernon-goes.
Down town tho ten o'cloek saloon rule is rigorously
enforced. If one stand near the entrance of a fluid res
taurent, at about the hour of closing, he will be amused
When the bell begins to loll the knell of many a bum
mer's hopeB, there is a wild rush for the door. Belated
individuals pile into the bar-room for their good-night,
drinks. In the struggling crowd some are almost sura
to get left. A scene of dejection ia furnished for the
Still another blessing occurs to us. On Friday night
when tho three societies are discharging their volleys of'
brilliancy and beauty through the University doors out
upon tho star -lit night, iiiu spirit of music fills the hearts
of the students. Tho eleven o'clock bell gives a key-noto
for the songs and one or two simple college melodies,
can be rendered without any distressing discords.
Who wonders that wo love the town clock?
Tins Juniou's Lament.
Walt Whltoman.
She is a flirt.
She jilted mo. I was jilted by her.
My heart is broken. My heart is fractures. My heart
is demolished. My heart is utterly wrecked.
I am mad. I am angry. I nm hot. I am enraged. T
anion my car. lamina passion. lam furious. lam
avago. lam indignant. lam exasperated.
01 misery! Oh! woelOl horrorlO! JuplterlOl thunder!
I will tell you. I will explain. I will relate. I will
reveal tho matter. I will confide it to you.
. We weul to tho oyster parlor. Tho oysior parlor was
gone to by us.
The waiter looked up my account. He searched out
my bill. Ho examined my tick. Ho viewed my reckon
ing. He considered my credit.
No oysters!!
All tho villianl Ah tho caitiff I Ah tho scoundrel!
Ah tho miscreant! Ah tho rufflun I Ah the abandoned
hardened, pitiless, merciless reptile! ' '