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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1885)
-! ' . .& - ' ' .' . 1 iiiZSb: Xfc II II l r - '1$ Bfrpkrji V " r M .- v - v NT s - TV THE HESPERIAN StTJDENT. THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA !."'' Vi J! .? T -V r I Irving J. Manatt, Ph. D. Chancellor. COLLEGE N OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND THE ARTS. n. S. Hitchcock, M. A., Ph. D., Professor ofMathematlcs. George McMillan, Pk.D.,Den, ProfessorCGreek. George X. Howard. M. A.. Professor of Hhttory. Grave B. Berber, M. A.. Professor of Latin. Hudson II. Nicholson. M. A.. Professor or Chemistry and Phyela. Lhc!b A. Sherman, Ph. D., Professor of English. Lewis X. Hicks. Ph.D., Professor of Geology. Charles X. Beeeey, Ph.D., Professor of Botany. THE INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE. Charles X. Besrey, Ph. D., Dean, Professor of Hort'caltare and Botany. Undson H. K aolson. M. A., Professor of Agricultural Chemistry. Richard 11 ownley. U. S. N., Prof, of Military Science and Tactics. LcwmX. Hicks, Ph. D., Professor of GeVoy. Charles N. Little, x. An Associate Professor of Civil Engineering. Heury H. Wing, B. Agr., Instructor In Agriculture. THE LATIN SCHOOL. Miss Ellen Smith, M. A., Registrar. Mrs. Adelaldo Dearborn, Instructor in Elocution. Howard W. Caldwell, I). 8., Instructor In History. Bion H. Culver, B. b.. Instructor in modern languages. Charles E. Bennett, n. A., Instructor in Greek and Latin. T. Mrrey Uodgmnn B.A., Instructor in Physics and Astronomy. Miss Sarah W. Moore, Teacher of Painting and Drawing. DIrectot of Musical Conservatory. Five courses of study arc ottered : Classical, Scientific, Literary, Engineering and Agricultural. The Latin School, for the present, offers a two. years' course pre paratory to tlieto courses. Students wishing to enter the Latin School must he prepared for examination in Orthog raphy, English Grammar, Practical Arithmetic, Geogra phy and History of the United States. THE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. A. K. Mitchell, x. d., Dean, and Professor of Anstowy. L. A. Menlara, x.d., Prolessor of Principles and Practice of Med cine. II. B. Lowry, x.a., x.i.. Professor of Physiology and TberapMties. W. M. Knapp, X.D., Professor of Obstetric ana Diseases efwewe and Children. IT. II. Nicholson, x.a , Professor of Chemistry. L. B. Graddy, x.s Professor of Diseases of the Xve and Ear, Uob.O. P. Mason, Professor of Medical JnrisprHdMMf, Xobt. R. Livingston, x.i., Professor of Principles ui Ftee ot ' Surgery. . " 8, D. Mercer, x. 9., Professor of Clinical Sargery. N. J. Beachly, x.d., Demonstrator of Anatoay.' Milton Lane, x. .. Lecturer on Materia Medic. JohnF. Wayraaa, Pr. U., x. d.. Lecturer oa Physiology. B.L. Paine, x.d., Professor of Theory. Preike.(Hommopathtc) O. L. Hart, X.D., Professor of Materia Medtea. " ' F. B. RIgkter, x.d Professor of Obstetrics. " W. 8. Latta, x.d.. Professor of Theory and Practice. (Eclectic.) J. H. Woodard, X.D., Professor of Materia Medica. " This college was opened Lfc1r)83, and is now In yigor orous operation. The University with its collections and the capital city with its public institutions offer special facilities and inducements to medical students. No fees arc charged beyond the matriculation fee of $5, and the actual cost of material for the study of Practical Anatomy. Good board in the city at $3 a week; furnished room f 3 to 6 a month. Students of the Industrial College lire on the farm, where board is furnished at cost. So charges for tuition, except matriculation fee of $5. Students residing in the state, or persons about to enter the Unite. sity, are allowed half fare in going to and from home by the railroads entering Lincoln. For half-fare oertil&Ue Catalogues or other information address the Cfcaseellor - J. H. If ARLEY, JMKALKR IM DRUGS, BOOKS, TAILORESS Gestts' CltttklMg; made, el Mad rfsUrel . Number lit Soata Tenth Street. LINCOLN. NEBRASKA. -AND Sfctftttttf, 'tJ '1 4- Mxcslnipr portrait J &tbmt WIN more money than at anything clsob taking an agency for the best selling book out.Bcclnucrs tucceed trrandly Terms Frco.Uollct Boot Co. Portland Maine MdfcJJ.&a ."- TJ i Sfc il ' -fc.' T 1 .'A ",-' ' ' ' LINCOLN. k: yewmu 1 UI II ft. f I I VIII Dealet. In j&cvrdware, Stoves, AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, No. 880, WebeUr Block, Lincoln. FIuieir Britkira, DKALKR8 VSi NEW AND SECOND-HAND Highest price paid for second-hand goods. r , 115 Soatii Tealfei. Livery, Feed, AND Sale Stable. mi Q'ST. TULBTHOinC UT. .1 t1 J - JH aflSMaMBBBBBl JbBSBHMaSBI J'y.'"KWWafSJa -'? .-. Krry ,' yv.i ' frsf-jr.'.-'r rr" - iT' v.V '",. -