HESPERIAN STUDENT UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Vol. XIII. LINCOLN, NEB., MARCH 14, 1585. No. X. Lombard University pleads fur special drill hi Elocu tion. Military drill is bcc uniug very popular at Knox Co. lege Alleghany College has iccently added a course in Engiueciing. In Russia, women are prohibited by law from uuni versity education. Obliging Senior: "Allow me to assist you with your rubbers." Young lady: " Thank you, but I n-n afraid it Trill nothon pleasant task asmv feet are somewhat dirty." Senior: "Ob, I won't mind that if your shoes are clean. The Hesperian is willing to hazard considerable wealth on its bfliel that the "Waifs and Strays', man of Harpers Weekly is a fresh college graduate. His fresh ness causes him to make that column resemble the ex change department of the colleue press. Williams. There is lack of life ami interest in the lit erary societies. Two of tbe memhi-rn of '84aro making a tour of Germany on their bicycles. Princeton. $00,000 has been given for the endowment of 11 new chair in the Art Department. The Faculty have decided that eleven shall only take part in inter-collegiate football games played up in their own college grounds. Harvard. Intcr-colltgiatc football has been positively prohibited by the faculty. A course of lectures on Pro tective Tariff arc to be given this term. The total value of the property of Harvard, which yields an income, is estimated at Ave millions of dollars. Dartmouth. A thousand dollar scholaiahip has just been given to Dartmouth on the condition that no one who uses liquor or tobacco shall receive the benefit of it. Dartmouth has a new chapel, with a seating capacity of COO. It will be dedicated next Commencement. Ann Arbor. There is a movement now on foot to trans fer the Department of Mechanical Engineering from Ann Arbor, to the Agricultural School at Lansing. The University naturally prefers Urn', funds and facilities bo added not subtracted. Etlorts are being made to intro duce military drill. Madibon. Plans have been admitted for the rebuilding of Science Hall. Au appropriation for this purpose is ex peeled from the state legislature just convened. A Stud ents' Fire-Brigade isthe latest innovation. At the close of last term the Junior class placed a flue Memorial window in the new hall of PUy sical Science. Cornell. A school of oratory is most carucstly desired; much dissatisfaction iu expressed at the present slate of this department of work in the College. Some steps are, however, being taken to satisfy this need, by securing a professor of Elocution and Vocal Cullure.--Tho 1 eraian language is u new addition to the curriculum. A Iliuvaid mar. assures n that in order to "bo some body" in that community it is uceessary to spend much lime in athletics. The real student is a goad enough fe' lovv, to be sure, but "digs" of the class-room stand IHllo show when honors are bestowed by popular vote. A record ol tlie chapel nt'cudaucu of the Pr fesors of Kansas University was kept by an enterprising s udoni and published in full. The per cent ranges fromO to 100. Only two had a perfect murk, while five wero regis'cred as regular absentees. The Japanese student is, as a rule, ambitious. Gov ernment patronage is almost certain afUr graduation, if ue applies himself in mustering the course This bard work is not balanced by nourishing food and physical exercise. The result is a race of students who havo traded .soiindhodics for gilt edgcil-hrains and a small salary The following letter bunded to Prof. Wentworth, of Philips Academy, Exeter, N. II., explainsilsclf: St. Paul, Dee.. 11th, '84 G. A. Wentworth; Wo use your Alsebra in Ihe high school. It make me sick. You are a Yours, New York has heretofore been the only American city claiming :o possess advantages to eventually mako her the metropolis of the world. Chicago with charac teristic cheek now walks up and unblushing!' demands the honor. Facts and figures covering all municipal history since Romulus and Remus quarreled over Iho tille-dccds of corner lots in Rcme, proving beyond ques tion that cities are made great by the extent and fertility of laud tributary to them, have been triumphantly pro duced ami quoted in the interests of the City of Lake. Now York's rejoinder is now looked for with anxiety. The pancake joke has at last accomplished something. AVasbar professor says that the falling off in attendance during the past decade has been alarming, and explains it as follows: "The cause is'rol in any deterioration of the college itself, foi it !s the same noble school as ever. Tiio trouble is that Vassar has become a thing to poke fun at. Half the new jokes about girls arc put upon Vassei students. Their doings are ridiculed, exaggerated, falsified, and the very name of Vassar is a synonym for feminine foolish ness. The consequence is that girls are beginning to dis like to go there. I wouldn't be surprised to see the doors of the college shut in five years more. The newspaper parugrapkers will havo done it"