8 THE HESPERIAN STUDENT gjxctutnge jric-H-beac. De Prtuw University offers a prize of $100 for deport ment. Babyish. The Badger is attempting to kick'a little enthusiasm into the literary societies of Wisconsin State University. Cornell Freshmen, backed by the Juniors, have con demned cane rushes and resolved to do all in their pow er to abolish them. College llecord is hereby informed that the base-ball moustache joke has passed its days of usefulness. It "don't take" with the present generation. Of all the pnperslin our exchange case the Hillsdale Herald has the least excuse for being. It represents neith er thc8tud-nlp, the college, nor the town in which it is printed. Let it be reformed or fenced in. A vagrant rumor informs us that Union College will boon send eul a traveling minstrel company. To add gloom to the situation the Cornell Era calls the organ i zatiou a "troop." Verily, the times do degenerate. There is a brass band in Harvard containing 110 pieces. University Press. For Heaven's sake stop that item before it gets any farther in its march across tnc con. tinenl. It started from Yale and its mission is plain. The Oratorical Association of Kansas University net ted a miniature, fortune at the horn: contest. After de ducting enough to pay expenses of orator and delegate to the stale contest a dividend of three hundred per cent wiib declared on the block of the organization. The JTolead, which limps forth from Westminister col lege, Deleware, at eccentric intervals, is still quivering with delight over the addition of our late Professor Thompson to its venerable faculty. We arc also inclined to cast over our count! nance the halo of a pleased grin at the event. The Volantc evidently wauls to go into mourning, but abstains in order to keep up appearances. The cause is a judicial decision against the University of Chicago for over a quarter of a million. Tnat is as unpleasant as being dependent upon a legiHlaturo for appropriations for running expenses, we imagine. "A guaranteed circulation of 10,000 copies" is the only striking line displaed by the Academy News, a. padded sheet hailing from some unknown institution in Miclii gau. Come west, young man, and secure a position on the Omaha Bee. Yon have talent; alio sense enough to abstain from concealing it under a "truthful bushel.' By all means come. Students of the U. of N. are allowed to vote in the city of Lincoln without molestation. Such a placid condition of things does not hold sway every-where. In many states the college vote is regaulurly challenged and much trouble is caused by the obstinxte relusalu of corrupt election clt rks to receive the classic college ballot. In Maine the Supreme Court has decided that the non-resident student must abstain from the luxury of voting un less he declares his intention of becoming a permanent citizen of the college town. "Cinch" is the exclusive property of the University of Calilornia. It menus a flat failure in examination. Forty two fieshmen -were "cinched'' in mathematics out there,' and wc offer OllaPodrida of the Bcrkelcyan the follow ing gem ss a sonvenierof the event: Fifty eaccr frcriiles Walt to learn their fate; Forly-two receive a "cinch" And now there arc but night. It is a lame attempt wc admit, but cannot be worse than the specimens witli which Olla regularly adonis his columns. Manlcy has the cream of the candy trade. Manley gives special rates on fruit for entertainments. All styles and qualities of men's hats at W. R. Dennis. Cadet suits and caps at T. Ewiug & Co's clothing house. Be sure and go to Winger & Miller's for your under wear. Large stock of gents' collars and cuffs at W. R. Dennis Sec them. Elegant line of men's hosiery at W. R. Dennis', under Opera House. The largest stock and lowest prices in the city at T. Ewing & Co's. T. Ewiug & Co. arc at the front for all the latest and fine fitting clothing. Reduction in prices to students at T. Ewing & Co's clothing emporium. Students can be accommodated at any hour of the day in Lincoln Business College. 1110 & 1118 O St. Call and see our new spring styles. T. Ewing & Co. Merino and all-wool underwear 50 per cent below for mer p-ices at Winger & Miller's. Don't fail to buy our spring suits at T. Ewing .&Co mammoth clothing house. University students can get best lead pencils for 25 ct per dozen at Winger & Miller's. T. Ewing & Co. arc opening an immense stock of spirg goods. University students get reduced tuition at Lincoln Bus iness College. An hour per day in Book-Kecping Pen manshis or Short-Hand is profitably spent. University students are invited to visit Lincoln Busi ness College. The best judges of artistic work go to Kelley & Co fo Photos. No. 1020 O st. G. B. Skinner deals in fancy horses also turns out fine single and double rigs at low prices. PosMbly some of these chilly mornings and evenings will induce you to look at W. R. Dennis' line of under wear. Remember Students you can get fine work, and better inducements, in the "Fotograf" line, at Kelley & Co 1020 O. St. Students, when you want a first class shave or a bos haircut go to Sam Wester fields corner of O andTwelvelh Don't forget it. Special attention is given to Card Writing, Engrossing, Resolution, anu any work in the line of plain aud orna mental pen work at Lincoln Business College. I have just received a new outfit of dental tools and ma. lerials. Am prepared to do all kinds ofwork which comes in my Uub. Satisfaction guaranteed. A liberal reduction to Blitdents. Come and see me. W. A. Hull, 1105 O St I Over Hurley's Drugstore. . - ' 9