THE HESPERIAN STUDENT STTTIDIElsrTS! STTTZDZEZLsTTSI GO TO GEORGE W. FAWELL, FOR BOOKS, STATIONERY, AND NEWS!! 113 NORTH ELEVENTH STREET, ZLsTO TBOTJBLB TO SZBCCTW O-OOXDS. - UNIVERSITY & Mr & W ' 3 Joint prayer meetings In room No. 5 every Wcdnefdav evening beginning at 7:45 and cloalng at 6:30. All students arc earnestly Invited to attend. Mary Campbell Pres. T. V. C. A. W. S. Pcrrln, Pres. Y. M. C. A. f Attoftt3Piraife, North Side TontotRce Square. LINCOLN. NEBRASKA APRI7P Send 6 eta for postage and receive flrniLrfrcc a costly box of goods which will help you to more money right away than anything cle In this world. All succeed from the first hour.The broad road to fortune opens before the workers absolutely sure. Address at once True & Co, Augusta, Maine COMMERCIAL HOTEL, J. J. 1MIIOFF, Prop., Turkish g Russian S ScLiL VwciTSr 0) In the Hotel. Rheumatism cured by Turkish Baths. Corner lltb and P Streets, Lincoln, Keb. galladian &iterarv ocietga "Forma ITentl jElerna at." Kcgular meetings every Friday evening commencing promply at 8 o'clock. Students and i trangera welcome. Gcntlcmens debat ing club meets every Saturday evening. Ladles club meets Friday afternoon, at 4 o'clock. A. Q. Warner, Pres. W. K. Perrin.tSecy. Qnivergitn jgnion, "LUlerae cumelegantta mundum agant." Meets every Friday evening in Union Ilall. StudcnU and strangers cordially invited. Dcbbiing Club every Saturday evening, open to all. All meetings commence promptly at 8 o'clock. Nora Gage, Prca. S. D. Killcn Secy. hilodiccan ittrarn Otitt$ "Nullo xettigla relrorium." Mnnta nvurv Xfriv nvpnlnc rnmmfnrlnr at eight o'clock promptly. C. G. McMillan, Pres. Elton Fulmer, Secy. Established 1871- . HALLBTT. THE OLD RELIABLE JEWELER. AND DELER IN Fine Watches, Diamonds, Clocks, Solid Silver and Silver -Plated Ware, Gold-headed Canes, Spectacles, Etc. Monogram Engraving and Repaing of Fine Watches a Specialty. ALL GOODS WARRANTED AND ENGRAVED FREE OP CHARGE. 1IL25 O ST IE. BE-IaLZBTT : f I