HESPERIAN STUDENT UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Vol. XIII. LINCOLN, NEB., FEBRUARY 20, 1885. No. IX. From the Soudan : Gordon is dead alive ded don'iknowauythingaboutilauyway. -dead woun. , Valuable beds of lithographic stone have been discov ered in California. Herclofoic the printers have im ported this commodity. Two students of Alleghany college were neatly caught in the act of leading the janitor's fiery steed into chapel. They should be punished to the full extent ot the law. The Kansas Senate has censured the statu commission er at New Orleans for joining in inviting Jefferson Davis to participate in the reception of Liberty Bell. "Bleed ing Kansas" evidently still bleeds. By all means go to Now Orleans before thu Great Show is over. The city offers ample accommodations. One thrifty housewife down I litre sleeps 011 a mat tics-s on the dining room table, having rented all other available space to lodgers. The Lincoln Democrat proposes to publish a list of the employes of the present legislature. Three or fair col umns of names will be given eaeh day until the entire pay roll has appeared. In the matter of unearthing collossul steals, the great Bourbon sheet if a veritable terror. A fine fire equipment luis been provided for the Uni versity of Wisconsin and a volunteer department oruan ized among the students. The quarlor.ofa million dollar lire act of last November will never bo repealed in the neighborhood of that institution. Electricity has been engaged for another gigantic en tcrprise. It is nothing less than the lighting of a broad path clear across the Atlantic. Ten ships are to be an chored at interoads of 200 miles between Newfoundland and Ireland. The cable connecting them will be used for the lighting current. Messages are also to be trans mitted. The skating rink seems to be crippling that archene my of Methodism, the theater, yut from the uneasy movements of the church on viewing the new complied tion it is generally surmised that a heavy drop on the whole rink busiuess is uuder consideration. The Student would modestly suggest that thu church fill its figurative coat tail pockets with figurative bricks and sail in. Two years ago the writer was in a position to hear the remarks made by visitors in passing through one of thu puplic buildings of Nebraska. People from every state in the Union cutne, saw, vyonderedal the poverty-stricken appearauco of surroundings, and very naturally concluded that the state could afford nothing heller. That one in stitution discouraged more prospective immigrants than our Solons over at the Capitol would believe possible. Ao a matter of sound financial policy Ihb state should bo lib eral in providing for its own needs. A hymn as written Welcome, sweet day of rest ,, That saw tho Lord arlso: Wclcomo to tltla reviving breast And these rejoicing eyes . As sung by the choir Waw-kaw ewa daw aw raw Thaw saw thaw law aw-raw Waw-Kaw taw thaw raw-vaw-vaw braw ; Aw thaw raw-Jaw-saw aw.-I(V. Let us weep. The faculty of Wheaton college, Illinois, is reported by the collets organ to have unanimously adopted the following version of the 15th Amendment; "Whereof, According to Iho declining declivities, it has become ncessajy to discourage and discontinue the practice of ambulating on rollers; therefore, Iiesolced,Tui henceforth uo o:ie, old, young, male or female shall darken adoor leading to one of these vile, outrageous immoral places, again; if this law shall be broken by a student, the Faculty at the next session will unceremoneoualy consider the case. It Is greatly to be regretted that the spirit of practical joking should pervade even the mi.st sacred affairs Hith erto tiie Y. M. C. A. has been supposed to be free from such tendencies; bat this has been disproved. Last Monday night they procured the use of South Hall, ostensibly for the purpose of holdlnga social. In reality this was only a subterfuge, nud the next morning it was found that while the more sedate were engaged in social devotion, tho ring leaders, having by this means obtained access to the top of tho building, were busy suspending the lap robe of our sedate professor of French, midway between North and South Hulls. Badger, University of Wisconsin. The blind jealousy of certain districts of Nebraska make it next to impossible to secure liberal appropria tions for state institutions located at Lincoln. Tho aver age legislator lakes it for granted that all public moneys expended within a radius of fifty miles of the Capitol building are in some manner connected with the vision ary 'steals" and "jobs" that he came here to hunt down. While this paper is published in Lincoln, it is in uo wise an advocate of tho iuteresta of the city when they slaud opposd lo the interests of the stale. As citizens of every quarter ot this commonwealth we feel heartily ashamed of a legislature too anxious to make a record for economy to provide for the actual necessities of the institutions under its wardeuBbip.