8 THE HESPERIAN STUDENT Mnnlcy hns the crcum of tlio candy trade. All styles nnd qualities of men's hats at W. R.Dcnnls', Our fall and winter stock is now complete. T. Ewing &Co. Cadet suits and caps at T. Ewiug & Go's clothing house. Be sure and go to Winger & Miller's for your under wear. Latest styles in neck-wear, collars, and cuffs at Ewing & Go's. Large stock of gents' collars and cuff's at W. R. Dennis. Sec them. Elegant lino of men's hosiery at W. R. Dennis', under Opera House. The largest stock and lowest prices in the city at T. Ewing & Go's. T. Ewing & Go. are at the front for all tho latest and fine fitting clothing. Reduction in prices to students at T. Ewing & Go's clothing emporium. For a flno fall or winter overcoat go to T. Ewing & Go's mammoth clothing house. Students can be nccommodated at any hour of tho day in Lincoln Business College. Merino and all-wool underwear 50 per cent below for mer prices at Winger & Miller's. University students enn get best lead pencils for 25 cts per dozen at Winger & Miller's. GotoT. Ewing & Go's emporium for flno clothing gents furnishing goods, hats and caps PoEsibly some of these chilly mornings and evenings will induce you to look at W. K. Dennis' lino of under wear. The senior clnss of Wabash College will tnko in tho New Orleans exposition in a body. Why aren't wo all Wabash college scnions? Sad thought I Special attention u given to Card Writing, Engrossing, Resolution?, and any work in tho line of plain and orna mental pen work at Lincoln Business College. The editors of Lincoln papers all left for Donver Jan. 8, with their robes all ready. It rumored that editors ascended one day before the rest of tho advent faithful. Important. When you visit or leavo New York City, save baggage expressing: and carriage hire and stop at the Grand Union Ilotel, opposite Grand Central Depot. Elegant rooms titled up at a cost of one million dollars, reduced to one dollar and upwards per day. European plan Elevator. Restaurant supplied with tho best. Horse cars, stages nnd elevated rnilroad to all depots. Families can live hotter for less money ut tho Grand Union Hotel than at any other first-class hotel in the city. The bust heading. Every lami y that desires to pro vide lor its young peoplo wholesome and instructive reading matter should send for specimen copies of the Youth's Companion, of Boston. It is the brightest and best of papers for young people. Its columiiH give more two hundred stories yearly by the most noted authors, in cluding J. T.Trowbri 'go, William Black, Harriet Beochor Stowe, Thomas nardy, Mrs. Oliphant and many others, besides scientific articles by eminent specialists, tales of adventure by notod travellers, papers of encouragement and advice hymen and women of ability and experience, and reminiscences nnd anecdotes of famous people. With n circulation rapidly approaching 350,000 copies a veok tho Youth's Companion can well afford to spread such a feast before its patrons: and spreading such a feast, H is no wonder It has such a tremendous circulation. One of tho best surprises wo met with during vacation was our visit to tho now Normal School and Business College at Fremont. In this "four months old" institu tion we expected as is usually tho case in schools of that age, to find it in a some-what primitive state of organi zation and developement, but we were most happily dis appointed. We were kindly shown through the several different departments by President Jones himself and vo can safely say that nowhere in the west can bo found a school of its age that can show as fino an organization, bo well furnished building throughout. President Jones brings with him from from his consular service ono of tho finest collections of Chinese, Japanese, Indian and other curiosities wo ever saw. They have an excellent begin -ning of a library, and a good start for a geological and mineralogical cabinot. Tho artists' ntudio is indeed worthy of the school. The business college will in the fu'ure occupy the whole third floor. Tho musical depart' ment is in tho best ot hands and rapidly growing and In fact every department seems to have fallen into the most thorough and experienced hands. Fremont is to be con gratulated upon having secured men who aro not only thorough instructors but thorough organizers, and also know when and where to strike. The registration for tho fall term was eighty-four and already over ono hundred have signified their intention nf attending the coming session. In every department we feel liko pronouncing it to bo what thoir advertiBments proclaim a decided success. JgjxchmtQc gric-H-brac. That anti-frat head-line in the "Kansas Wsekly Cour ier" is startling but deceptive. Tuke down your false colors, Courier . Notre Dame Scholastic has a curious cx-cdi'or. We used to think he had no brains. Lately ho has come out in favor of Commercial Freedom. His prospects, ment ally, are looking up. The Wooster Collegian is surprised. It hears that Kansas State University contains two litorary societies of such tremendous energy a9 to decorate thoir halls with pianos. Don't bs frightened Collegian. Such things aro common in tho Great West. Wo have throe literary so cieties in the U. of N. and each of thorn is tho proud possessor of a thousand dollar "square grand." For en ergy, pure and simple, go to the progressive west. At Ev.anston tho freshios are a hard lot, if we can judge by tho report given in the Northwestern. They r.aptured a number of '87 athletes, tied them scientifically ani secroted them in i collar whcio they were permitted to partake of sardines and poa-nuts by way of refreshments. Tho rest of tho sophomore class discovered the scheme and tho '88 bruisers were oompollod to ignominiously relin quish their captives. Tho Sophs were rescued in time for their sociable which took place in the evening of .the same day. 1 oor Sophs! They aro planning how to even up accounts with '88.