Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, January 05, 1885, Page 7, Image 7

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The renouned Master Willlo delivered his cclubrntcd
lecture on "The Great Stone "Wall of England" before tiie
Sophomore history class. Mr. Willio is a very fluent
talker and never gets rattled. His manner is at once
unique and comical.
They say that a prominent Sophomore and a Senior
equally prominent are thinking of going into business to
gether. They have become so well versed in the styles
both of this and last year that wo bespeak for them the
patronago of tho whole University.
As French took his departure for Rulo with his mortar
board uud barbedwire cane, Qoneral Grant's overcoat
would not have made him a vest pocket. If mortar
boards surprise the people of that little hamlet as much
as they did the citizecs of Lincoln, French will bo quite a
conspicous personage.
At tho llnal examination in Latin the Professor sent a
note to one of tho boys in a lower room. All at onco a
bright idea stuck K . Ho spoke up. "Professor I think
he just passed through tho hall into tho library." Tho
professor at onco started after him but tho Latin exami
nation went on all tho samo.
A local crept into this department of last issue which
seemed to reflect upon tho workmanship of Photographer
Clements in taking views of our medical students. To
any one who construed the local in that way wo would
say that it was only intended as a joke on tho mods and
furthermore Mr. Clements' work has been excelled by no
one; ho has always patronized tho Student and will al
ways be found a friend of students and will give them
work equal to the best.
The (ail of a comet apparently hit Lincoln some
time last month. Under its evil influences quite a number
of business firms have been closing their doors. Popular
app.-jhension is very much excited over the situation.
But (lie condition is not so bad as it seemed and when
the students como back to do their winter trade the only
effect of their entrance to a Btoro will bo tho tragic whis
perings of the old tradesman, "'Mine gracious, Isaac, mark
all the goods in the store up ona hundred and fifty per
cent; hero comes a student that wants trust."
The joint sochil held by the Palladian and Union soci
eties the last Friday of tho winter term was ono of tho
best of tho year. The principal feature of tho evening
was a mock trial held before Jurtgo Halligan . Tno cul
prit was charged with caMing the members of tho Palla
dian and Union societies hayseeds and of saying that
l!ey wear old clothes. Tho lawyers on both sides
showed gieat tact and ability in handling the caso. Tho
judge allowed the criminal to make a short plea in his
own dt fen 60. The case was then submitted to the jury
who, after eating a pound of candy that had accidently
found its why into tho jury room, showed great wisdom
in dociding the case by a verdict of not guilty. Tho re
mainder ot the evening was spent in having a social time.
Tho churches of Lincoln made grand displays on Christ,
mas and tho wise student that belonged to half a dozen
Sunday schools nnd was sharp enough to stay in Lincoln
during vacation, had his till of last year'tt cand and his
quota of twenty-fivo knives, tin whistles and tho like.
The Methodists had n very pleasing program at the opera
house consisting of recitations in part serious, partly
comic. One tho whole It was a very neat affair. Tho
Baptist had a enntanta at tho church. Other churches
had Christmas trees and tho religious part of Lincoln was
happy. At tho same time tho rest of the capital was not
utterly miserable. The Pleasant Hour club had a hop,
tho saloons were manufacturing a tolorablc amount of
amusement and all Lincoln was as merry as a Chicago
divorce case.
All tho students who went home tor Christmas jollities
took their hooks with thorn as usual. They were going
to do lots of work, of course. But after tho books had
been unpacked and had boon dutifully exhibited to tho
fond parents, thoy somehow were neglected. Ono of tho
boj's scattered his beloved "authorities" all over tho houso
so ho could study where ever ho chanced to bo. As a
matter of course ho never could find tho book ho wanted
to stud'. Another piled his carefully lo-gother on tho
study table whenco they frowned at their owner all vaca
tion long from out the dusty oblivion to which he had con
signed them. Ono or two actually studied hard tarco or
four days while homo. Their anxious parents wondered
ntsuclt phenomenal stud iouencss, but they didn't wonder
long after tho registrar sent their term reports and thoy
sorrowfully bohcld the word "conditioned" standing out
in bold relief on the sheet. On tho whole, what witii tho
tho dangerous results of Christmas dining, New Years call
iug, skating rink nnd holiday hops the boys did not have
anywhere near so quiet and restful a vacation as tho
books did.
Mauley gives special rates on fruit for entertainments.
Our fjtreetocar lines have made reduction for students.
University students are invited to visit Lincoln Busi
ness College
Tho best judges of artistic work go to Kelley & Co fo
Photos. No. 1020 O st.
Tho now churches are all snow bound for the winter
To cold to work on them.
G. B. Skinner deals in fancy horses also turns out flno
single and double rigs at low prices.
Tho town clock is a tiling of tho near future. At least
thats what the Journal said six monthn ago.
Now is tho time to quarrel with your co-eds. Livery
men will give no credit for cutters this winter.
Legislature meets soon. Good lucrative jobs for tho
impecunious students, peddling pea-nuts among tho
Remember Students you can got flno work, and bottor
inducements, in tho "Fotograf" lino, at Kelley & Co
1020 O. St.
Students, when you want a first class shavo or a bos.
hair cut go to Sam Wester fields corner of O aud Twolvoth
Don't forgot it.
Democrats in Lincoln are pawning their summer cloth
ing and superfluous jewolry in anticipation of their grand
pilgrimage to Washington, March fourth.
I have just received a now outfit of dental tools and
torials. Am prepared to do all kinds ofwork which comos
in my lino. Satisfaction guaranteed. A liberal reduction
to studont8. Como nnd bco mo. W. A. Hull, 1105 O St.
Over Harley's Drug Store.