w THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. W. H. PRESCOTT, 1215 O St. Lincoln. Cheapest andMost Complete Music House in the West. B. PARKER Jr. A 11 aadcPlete stock ofLadies and Gents ' ii4 "rt?i ioth wJ2i. BOOTS & SHOES Arctics, Alascas, over shoes and warm winter goods. EST Students eiocln!ly invited to call. FREMONT NORMAL SCHOOL AND Business College. TRAINS YOUNG lKOIM,K THOROUGHLY rORTKACIIIN", Kill UU8INE88 I. IKK. FOU ADMISSION TO COI.1.EOE, roil LAW Oil MKMCALSCU'llOI.M, roil VUlll.lC HI'KAKIXO, Ijt IBVJBtrMXrmr. Yqchx. MUSIC. In Drawing. Painting, and ELOCUTION IN HHOIITIIANII AMI TVI'E-WlliriNU THE JFAtiUMri: There are 11 members lii the Faculty, each specially educated for Mb department PRESIItEXTJOXES has had over twium years experience In educational work. PIWFESSOll Il.l3tUX, principal of th. Business collect'. has had over llfloon vears experience and is a superior penman and an expert accountant. PROFESSOR MOllLER U anonym' nui' inspiring teachor in tin- Natural Scluuco anr Ttusinoss Dunai'tmi'iitt PROFESSOR LAWTOX, orBoston. Mass 8 a superior instructor in Music. Miss Sarah 8hi"mon, of Chicago, is an artist of rare tal- W P Jones A- M- President- A l firm "5:,"V-j!jtJ5fe jFZ&& m i t 8,HnV ",'1 mo" successful toaclior. n ss LydinL. Jonob and Miss Jessie Cowles are graduates of iho Northwestern University f,iJ,0i,0?chcJ"- Mr. A. A. Cowles Is a prnctlcul short-hand reporter and nn adopt at tvpe-wrlt ng The other touchers are thoroughly qnalilled. KATKS OK TUITION AND BOARD. Are very reasonable, and tho cheapness or board at Fremont compared with cost in oihur cilie about oir-HOts the whole price of tuition Initiou for llfteon weeks is S15. Instrumental music, $13 penwentv lessons; iiico culture, $18: Jlne arts. $10 per twelve tlirec'-hour lessons; shoit-hund and typo writing, $10 pur twenty one-hour lessons, lcoit for students In other branches who NO VACATIONS. The WINTER TERM of 15 weeks will be gin Dec. 30, but students can enter atony time, and are doing so continually, paying charges only from time of entering to time of leaving. Special Term will begin April 18, R and Summer Institute July 0, '85. For particulars address the undersigned XV. Y. JONKS, A. M.. T.at r V...... 1 ll lit Z t npi. in .udiiiui vuiifgu, rreuioni, wen. Sweolial Attvsujaiiffesss JA,18,ii)nv,TCIT,(J,bi' Mwolianls, Bunkers, Manufactun-rs, mid successful Inrmcr U TRAIN YOUNG- .. , .V" "civii uijjji, in nirn then-own living nMeachers, a3 clerks, bookkeepers, cnshieis, etc.. in iner- PEOPLE uuiuiu, uuiiu.iig, iniiwuy, iiiuiury or inner iiuaiiuw unices II bus been organized and is conducted on slrictlv bUB- i . l',,,,lmB' bUt" "uvb urtiiipiii us i.iunilcrs success in the occupations of actual life. There is a business touo about it which communicates itself to the students wiih the most happy results. The attendance is continually in creasing at at a rapid rate. J -J