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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1884)
THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. DlsonscB of tho oyo and oar. w. jl. jDJLirTOjr, Jtr. o., OOULIBT mid AURIST. No. 1111 O Stroot. LINCOLN, NB1J, A.J. GUSTIN&CO. WHOLESALE SADDLERY, WHIPS, RACING GOODS, ETC. V.. W.WHE&TON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. O Stroot. LINCOLN, NEB Dr. D. H. MUIR, PII1SICIAV And SUKGEON. Gruduolo of Michigan Unlvorsliy. Medical Collcpo. Class ot 1871. CuIIb promptly at tended day or night. OIllco and resldenco touth Bldo L Btrcoi, 3 doors oast of M (Tel-xpiionk.) J. R. HAGGARD, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Ofllco Booms 5 and 0. over Harloy's Drug Storo. Residence 182(1 G Struct. Odell's Dining Hall. S. J. ODELL, Proprietor. WEBSTER'S BLOCK, 231 S 11TII. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. B. L. P.1IJTE, Jtt. ., ,, jv, Ofllco 1123 N Stroot. RESTAURANT AND BAKERY, SuccoflRor to E. Uarlow, 1235 0 Stroot THE MODEL RESTAUR 'NT, No. 124 12th st, Board $4 )or week; meals 25 cents. Booms for accomodation of Queste. F. S. McLoan Prop, Lincoln, Nob. UlE HOWARD HOUSE W. W. Carder, Prop., Con. O and 18th Sts. BeBt dollar a day houeo In tho city. tlir TOOP. OF LINCOLN STEAM BAKER Y. i n n 1 7 r Send G cts for postago and recolvo rMluLlfreo a costly box of goods which will help you to more money right away than anything oUo In this world. All succoed from tho first hour. Tho broad road to fortune opens before the workers absolutely sure. Address at onco True & Co, Augusta, Malno All the Boys Tako tho CIRLS To tho Old Itcllnblo CANDY KITCHEN For tho beet Ico Cream In tho Oily, 142 S. 11th. EVERY LOYAL STUDENT HEIPS SUPPORT THE COLLEGE PAPER. J. HOLLINGEB, Tho well known and Popular Tonsorial Artist Under Stato National Bank, Students call on him. A. C. INGRAM '! F. E. NEWTON, Dealer, In Hardware, Stoves, AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, No. 230, Webster Block, Lincoln. JOHNSON'S UNIVERSAL CYCLOPEDIA Ol' Useful Knowledge, Illustrated with maps, plans and engravings PLANNED BY HORACE GREELEY. Mr9MM't-GMIM9t ItEDK A P BUINAKD, DDLL D Prosl dout of Columbia College, Now York AIIVOLD OU YOT. Vh D, L L 1 1, Prof of Usology Physical Geography, Col of N J It has 31 EMlFKNT DEPAKTMEN I' ED- ITOBS,and 2.000 Contributors from all parts oi me wona 'Johnson's" Better In quality mora In quantity and iivi,1 tho prlco of Appiotons is the best- I r itouior Complete In FOUR and EIGHT volumes TESTIMONIALS from tho highest author ities In tho world. Including 15 of our great est Institutions of learning Harvard. Yale, Brown University, Dartmouth, Williams, Cornell University, Amherst, Hamilton, lfnc.hoater Tfnlvnrsltv. Mlrlilimt, TTn'v. ntn "Authority for the next hnlf century" iVJUUQ I'iUlllilo fVUUlllD "By far tho best"-Alox II Stophons, LLD " I ho best wo havo,,-Wondoll Phillips " 'I A poerloss work" J II Soeylo. LL D "Nothing Superior to lt"-Jouu G Whfttior "Comprohonslvo, compact, nnd correct" Robert 0 WInthrop, LL D For circulars or crms to agontB addioss A.J.JOIINSON&CO., 11 Great Jones stroot, N Y Or M T BUOWN, (Cut prices) Davenport, Iowa GO TO THE BEE-HIVE for m faitynyh- Cards $3.50. Cabinets $4.60 per doz 137 S. Elevomli St. DEALER IN WALL PAPER, PAINTS, WIN DOW GLASS, Etc, JPaintin g and Artistic Decorating Dono on short notice at low prices, 12340 St. WESTERFIELIV Tonsorial Emporium STTJIDEIsTTS CALL AND GET OUR SPECIAL STUDENTS' RATES I LAUNDRY COR. P AND 10 STS. Is now ready to do first claBS work at short notlco and on reasonablo terms. D'ye mind that now! WIN more monoy than at anything elsoby talcing a' agoncy lor ilia Dcst soiling book out. Uuelnnors tucceed crandlv Terms Froo.Ilalli't BuuU Co Portland Malno NEW SANITARIUM For tho treatmont of Chronic Diseases, i Turkish, Elcctrlcnl, Russian, Med iented, Soda, Sulino, Shower, Swing ing nnd fresli water batiis. The cel ebrated Artesian magnetic mineral waters are used hero. Tho most com plete health resort in tho west. P. B. RIGHTER, M. D., Medical Director. O. A. SHOEMAKER, Supt. Dttth Department. 238 S. 11 STREET, LINCOLN.