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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1884)
THE HESPERIANSTUDENT. Wlin over knew an editor, or mi' one connected with the publish in of a collego paper, to como around just on timo. Perliaps their word is not to be relied upon in regard to any matter, and certainly not in regard to thoir work on the paper. The editors of this paper one de partment excepted will please remember that we have adopted a schedule of timo for the handing in of ail mat ter: simply forgotten it, of course. We have known of editors writing locals concorning themselves their comings and goings; but the cheek iest thing in our knowledge was the request of a certain Prop, that wo write a local concerning him, and to make us safo ho would promise to act any part assigned, and in any scrape with which .b might connect iiim. Of course wo wanted to help him out and agreed to put in the local, giving name etc., as suggested, but Fletcher said to wait till next issue, and so wo will. Tho condition of the buildings in which the pooplo of this city havo worshipped until date, is such that all might lament. But they will soon havo been able to raise their heads, as three new and fitting edifices arc now in process of erection and will havo been under roof beforo the first of December. The new buildings are those of the Methodist, tho Presbyterian and the Congregational friendp. The edifices will bo completed as soon as pos sible, as sufficient amounts aro pledgod by the members of each congregation for tho work. Not a fow noticed tho city marshal drlvo up and hitch in front the other afternoon, and those with unpaid bills, etc., about town were feeling embarrassed, to say tho least, when that individual drew out his book of warrants, notices, etc., and commenced searching the hall for tho man who filled his bill. Relief to all par ties, ono excepted, of course, came at last, when finding Professor , tho maishal handed to him a notico, warn. iug him to make somo repairs on his property down town or the town would be forced to do the same at his ex pense. Tho Professor was taken somewhat aback by tho presence of the "official" and only succcded, after ono or two attempts, in making known his great will. ngncs to comply, would that "official" but point out any properly to which said professor might lay claim. After a few remarks about tho beautiful weather, tho marshal took a kind leave of tho professor, and went to look up the man that had gut him Into tho scrape of courso ho didn't find him. The Youth's Companion As a source of profitable en tertalnment for tho family, no paper exceeds In interest tho Youth's Companion. Its list of writers embraces tho best names iu periodical literature, uud it is evidently the aim of its editors to secure not only the best writers, bat the best arjlcles from their pens. It Is a remarkable thing for a single paper to obtain Buch a succession of lively and brilliant stories and Illustrated articles. While tho Companion Is in the main a story paper, tho mental moral and roliglous training of young people 5s an end kept steadily in vlo-v. Its articles on current topics are written by tho most qualified pons, and present, in a clear vivid, direct way, the fundamental facts of homo and for. oign politics, and all public questions. Its original ancc doles of public, men are invaluablo In their lufluenco In stimulating right ambition and a high purpose in life. Eveiy household needs the healthy amusement and high moral training of such a journal. It is published by Perry Mason & Co., of Boston, who will send specimen copies upon application. Foropaugh has beon witli his trained elephants and Tom Thumbs, tho county fair with its fat ox, Barnum with Jumbo and tho great Chinese giant; .but something has now arrived In our city which Is exciting tho curi osity of tho public press, the ministry, those who indulge in wearing Mother Hubbards, business men, and cvou tho small boys of five and six gaze in wondermont as tho University sludont passes along tho street with his mor ter board cap, but there is no doubt that this agitation of tho public mind against u convenient and long folt want will soon die out, and that the University students of Ne braska can puss through the avenue of Lincoln without be. iug called a dude and asked what that thing Is on his head, and as wo all know that all progress in reaching a higher state of civilization is persecuted at first ; then wo think as soon as tl o public mind realizes the vast importance of mortar board caps this feeling of persecution will dlo out. John B. Alden's Literary Revolution, though, possibly, not making so largo a "noise" in tho world as three or four years ago when its remarkable work was now to 'ho public, is really making more substantial progress thau over before. Aholiceablo Item Is tho Improved quality of the books Issued. Gulzot's famous "History of France," nr.t sold, till recently, for much less than $50.00, is put forth in eight small octavo volumes, ranking with the handsomest over issued from American printing presses, including the 420 full page original illustrations, and is sold for $7.00. Rawlinson's colobratod "Seven Great Monarchies of tho Ancient Eastern World," is pro duced in elegant form, with all tho maps and illustra tions, reduced in price from $18.00 to $2.75. These are but representatives of an immense list of standard works, ranging In price from two cents to nearly $20.00, which aro sot forth in a descriptive catalogue of 100 pages, and which is sent free to every applicant. It certainly is worth a postal card to the publisher. John B. Aldon, 803 Pearl Btreet, Now York. This term the Cadets entered quite extensively into tar get practice, besides both companies going out on sever al occasions thoro were many parties composed of five' who went out at odd times to practice foi tho general contest which took placo oelweeu the two companies on Saturday providing the weather would permit. Thcso contests aro quite Interesting. Whqn a company A man makes a good Bcoro, company A mou cheer and company B men look melancholy : but if a company B makes a good score, the reverse isuoticod and company B men cheer and com pany A men look sad. If by some gieat strategy ono happens to mr lie five gooso eggs ho foals as if ho wanted to see his ma and says it is tho first timo he ovar bhot a gun, bui if he happens to mako a score from fifteen to to twenty he is one of the lions of tho occasion. Lastly comes the final summing up to see which company has made tho best score; this is the timo wheu company feel ing runs very high, aud tho winning party express their feelings much In the same way as votors do at a political ralley. Tho contest betwoen the companies this fall, havo.turned out very satisfactory, for both sides havo been victorious tho same number qf times.