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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1884)
MT'M'a THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. gnwyiis ainri!B, All homo for Thanksgiving I 111 sinoko a "Punch", Manloy. 'Manley gives special rates on fruit for entertainments. All styles and qualities of men's hats at W. R.Donnis'. Our fall and wiutor stock is now complete. T. Ewiug &Co. Cadet suits and caps at T. Ewiug & Co's clothing house. Bo sure and go to Winger & Miller's for your under wear. Latest styles in neck-wear, collars, and cuffs at Ewiug & Co's. Largo stock of gouts' collars and cuff's at V. R. Dennis. See them. Elegant lino of men's hosiery at W. R. Dennis', under Opera House. The largest stock and lowest prices in the city at T. Ewing & Co's. T. Ewing & Co. are at the front for all tho latest aud fine filling clothing. Reduction in prices to students at T. Ewiug & Co's clothing emporium. The hest judges of artistic work go to Kelloy & Co fo Photos. No. 1020 O st. For a flue fall or winter overcoat go to T. Ewing & Co's mammoth clothing house. Merino and all-wool underwear CO per cent below for mer prices at Winger & Miller's. University students can get best lead pencils for 25 cts per dozen at Winger & Miller's. Students it will pay ycu to examine (he pictures made by Kelley & Co. before sitting elsowhero. Have you seen University panel they give gratis? It seems as if it would bo a good plan to lmvo sldwalks constructed in all directions leading through tho campus It would save a great importation of mud into the Uni versity. I have just received a now outfit of dental tools and ma tcrials. Am prepared to do all kinds ofwork which comes in my line. Satisfaction guaranteed. A liberal reduction to students. Come and seo mo. W. A. Hull, 1105 O St. Over Harley'8 Drug Siore. Frauk A.Wood, an old time University student and ono who has made hosts of friends among us, died last Sun day night from typhoid fever. Ho was just in tho prime of his life with a most promising fuluro before him. Ho will be sincerely missed by all whoever know him. Mr. Eugono J Hall, tho inimitablo humorous poet and lecturer Is Issuing a serio3ofhiB original dramatic recita tions in neat pamphlet form printed on oxtra fino paper beautifully illustrated, and when bound will make an el egant volume. These selections are entirely now fresh and wholesome and out of tho old rut of ordinary selec tions that have been printed again and again. Mr. Hall in representing tho New England character with its home ly good seuo and quaint humor is eminently successful. Copies can bo had by addressing tho author at 11 Mich igan avo. Chicago. Tho price is ten cents each, Manloy has the cream of tho candy trade. No regular class lor Friday evening in the Palladiau and Union societies. Go to T. Ewing & Co's emporium for flue clothing, gents furnishing goods, hats and caps Possibly some of these chilly mornings and evenings will induce you to look at W. R. Dennis' lino of under wear. Remember Students you can get fino work, and better inducements, In tho "Fotograf" line, at Kelloy & Co. 1020 O. St. Tho Phllodiccan Literary society lias purchased a new piano of the Hazellon brand of very good tone. For the present it decorates the chapel. As soon as the weather tecomes so severe the Cadets cannot go out to drill tho Lieutenant is going to introduce flword practice, and a number' of other amusemonis for exercise. This will be an improvement on the manual drill and will take tho place of a gymnasium. Tho Sophomoro nnd Freshmen history classes aro having a series of lectures. That Is, each member of tho respectlvo classes has prepared a lecturo and in accor dance with a prepared schedule delivers it boforo his class. This is certainly a good work, but to an outsider it seems that it is sufficient of itself for the time, and that it is asking too much of any ono to thus proparo in addi tion to tho regular work. The mortar boards are hero, and along with them tho ciitioisms of the olty papers. Wo do not dispute tholr righ' to critisize, latlicr point to them that of tho Stats Journal us giving our reasons for wearing the caps. Tho attompt to call out that "westorn spirit" against the introduction of eastern customs, is however, unfair, since tho intention of tho students was not thoso of tho dude, hut tho best intercstb of our Institutions. Thoso mortar boards have come and with them much freo amusement for city folks. Tho following aro some of tho most striking exclamations of tho amazed pooplo A child attending a catholic school: " h I know he is going to bo a Catholic priest." A butcher downtown: "What in h 1 is that?" Town boy: "Tho latest dude in town," and their continual song is: I'm a dudo, dandy dudo, Yon can toll by my etylo I'm a dudo otc. Ono of the studonts whllo out with a parly of on targot practico mot with quite a serious accldont. By some means the small pin which strikes tho catrldgo and cauaos Ittooxplodo wasrustodflo bad that tho pin would not play back and when ho went to load tho pushing of tho breech plate down caused the cartridge to explode throw ing tho pieces of tho shell in every direction aud burning his coal very badly. Tho accident did uot provo fatal for It did not scaro him to death. Tho evening of November 10th. Professor Hicks deliv ered a very interesting lecturo to thoso studonts In tho High school and University interested in the study of Physical Geography. Tho object of tho lecture was ta discuss that part of Geology which pertains to Physical Geography. It is evident the Professor is a very intorest. lug speaker and tho studonts were delighted with this form ofinstuctlon it scorns as If It would boa good plan to have moro of tho same klud of lectures.