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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1884)
THE HESPESIAN S UDENT. , 1 : t i fc,V.-V , " ! ' 'te:1 , Mafart& Bwt mjajty FlrBt Avonuo, 87 and SO 8treot8, Kow York. Interior Decorations Fenders, Fire Sets, Anditons, Fire Place Frames, Goal Ho ds Grate Trimmings, Screens, Parlor Easels, Banner Stands, Etc. Everything In metal decorations. Burnors, all kinds, metal lamps of every description incluuiug the well known Perfection Studont Lamp, which is the best student lamp In the world. jjjjitUitdim $tterrg Montis. "Forma Mentis JBterna e$t," Regular meotings every Friday ovonlng commencing promply at 7: SO. Studonts and strangers welcome . M. Davis for Carpets, Etc. HOVEY&PFCK, Wholesale and Retail dealers in Stoves, Hardware, Tinware. Weedenwnro, Ac. First class hardware storo. A spe cialty made of pocket knives. 106 North 10th street torn Bwfwffe, North Side Postofflco Scjaaro. LINCOLN - - NEBRASKA Livery, Feed, AND Sale Stables. 231 NORTH 11TH ST. THF TRADE PALACE. "LUUraecumtYtgantla mvrulum agant." Meets every Friday evening in Union Hall Open to all. Debating Club every Saturday evening. Open to members. ROLLER ano IOE , 5KATES. YAH 5KATES. f-f - 5 C7 eATAiowt run. Mammoth Fall Stock -; "... Now on exhibition, comprising the richest fabrics from the principal looms of. the world. Wo 1 havo of our own importation an immenso stock ol ' , , " -" RLAIN AND COLORED SILKS, i ' PLAIN AND BROOADE SATINS, BLA.OK, COLORED AND BROCADED VELVETS, BLACK AND COLORED PLUSHES, BLACK AND COLORED DRESS GOODS, COMBINATION SUITS AND SUITINGS And many other novelties that can bo shown by no other house In the state. Special attention is called to our line of Escuriel and Beaded Laces, The Trade Palace, .-It!.' TENTH STREET BET P AND Q. TAILORESS Gents' Clothing made, cleaned! and repaired. Numbor 118 South Tenth Street. LINCOLN. NEBRASKA. Flanagan Brothers, NEW AND 8ECOM)-HAND GOODS Highest price paid for second-hand goods, 115 South Tenth. .' . J t CANDY CANDY Bond $1, $2, $3, or $5, for luiuu 'iui uy u&iiroeo, vi ma puai Candle In America, put up in nta Chicago. Try H once. elegant boxes, and strictly nure, auiuDioior presents .KxnreBs charges light. Refers to all Addres C.lF.GTJNTHER.. i OoBteetloser, Chicago. - . V -t A ' , ,i fA. , ' jNt. ki:,w .M