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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1884)
THE HESPERIAN STUDENT A. T.LKMINO. K. LEMINO A. T. LEMING- & CO., 1020 O STREET. croHinsr KELLY THE POPULAR BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS) Merchant Tailor, ARTISTIC PAPER HANGINGS. MOULDINGS, WINDOW SHADES, FANCY GOODS, PHOTOGRAPHIC AND ARTIS- TIC MATERIALS. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. VSrl W Kit. SHHjS-nHPi mm- iSRILl. GOODRICH CO. BOOTS And SHOES, ALL THE LEADING STYLES AND LOWEST PRICES LNTHEOiTY. 1108 O St., South Side. ALWAYS AN ACCEPTABLE GIFT For Pastor, Parent, Toachor, Child or Friend. .a -d 5 M v o o .S 3 te P to. c , "" Si. to 55 "" 3 0 3 S - 3 c c 2 I (! l c - 2 WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED. In Sheep, Russia and Turkey Bindings. Latost Edition has 118,000 Words, and 3000 Engravings, (being 3000 moro words and nearly tlireo times the number of Engravings in any other Ameri can Dictionary.) It nleo contains a Biographical Dictionary, giving brief important facts concerning 0700 noted Persons, On pngo 110-1 koo the n' picture of .SHIP iiiul names of the 5 SAILS, showing tho valuoof Webster's numerous Illustrated Definitions. It Is tho best practical English Dictionary oxtunt. Lowhm Qunrtrrli Review, It Ih an ovor-prosont mid reliable school master to tho whole family. S. S. Herald, G. & C. MERRIAM & CO., Pub'rs, Springfield, Sinn. E2 5- S 2 .5 "3 A c c 3 2 tt) At small alditlonnl cost now supplied with DENISON'S PATENT INDKX, a valuahlo umo-saving invention. -"" o p. o t c 3 ff 2. (S B So j re o P. 5S h o 2 B ? S.f! G' co 6' SIS o & s P CD Q M M 2 3 3 in 320 South Eleventh. All Work Guaranteed. THE KEYSTONE ! 28 South SHtovesuKh St Fine Groceries, Queensware, Glass ware and Lamps. Tho biggest lOcentbosol slioo blacking in tho city for tho monoy. CRITTENDEN Oyetors and Ico Cream. Best in City. 1217 0 Street. ESTABLISHED 1870. LINCOLN Steam Dye House, 128 N nth Street LINCOLN, NEB. Gents Clothing Gleaned And Repaired. M Ull'"WnBH