Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, November 01, 1884, Page 8, Image 8

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a first years' prep who 1nna over the railing and blandly
asks to be classed with the seniors in their rightful privi
ledges in exnmination of Clinic?. We hope these in
stances may be rare.
The professor of chtmist.iy changed his hours of lecture
from 11:80 tu 7:80 A.M. The medics couldn't sec the
point of getting up so curly to accommodate two or three
Lits, so had a meeting and appointed a committee to wait
on the professor and see if other nrrangements couUl not
be made etc. etc.
"We are in hearly sympathy with the chancellor and
regents in thoir efforts to elevate the standing of our
medical college, but the method of this and many other
collgcs docs not seem in keeping with the more advanced
educational ideas. Il appears to us the actual knowiege
should be the basis on which to act, instead of just the
number of days or months of loading. Some men will
accomplish as much in one year's study as others will in
two. While a three year student is chmpioned for his thor
oughness, he is required to attend but three courses of
lectures of six months each, while a two year student
must depositc a certificate of twelve months previous
reading and attend two courses of lectures, making eigh
teen months for the first and twenty-four for the latter.
Tlieic are men in our college to-day who have 'studied
medicine for six and seven years and become quite fa
miliar with Gray, Dalton and others. Now when a three
years' course comes to be adopted should not credit be
given a student for actual knowledge and not place him
on the same basis with onewho has no knowledge of
medicine? If he has mastered one or more branches let
him pats on these and put his undivided time on other
branches, the same as literary students are allowed to do.
We think a eouite should be fell i mini d onwhich a aver
age individual could complete, and let It bo two, three or
as many years as is necessary, and if an applicate be
above (he average or has acquired a certain amount before
enteiing, give him credit lor it, irrespective of how,
when, or where he acquired 6tich knowiege. We think
a good English education thould be insisted upon. But
actual knowledge should be the basis and not time.
Exchange jQrit-H-btac.
Thcr; arc hundreds of pcisouo standing at the parting
of the ways and seeking to know their best course in
life "What are we to do? "What path in life shall we
choose? What occupution shall we follow? What busi
iicbs shall we engage in? What branches of study are
most desiraole? What occupations are uiot profitable?
Such are the questions that confront us. Wo live in an
age when the fields of human knowledge and endeavor
are widening Darkness passes: light shines Invention,
discovery, research have revolutionized the whole courae
of business, and have almost changed the face of nature
itself The world Is astir; we cannot lay behind the
age. We must endeavor to keep with the rapid march
of events und hence the question presses on us at every
turn "What shah we do? 3Iany a man loses everything
by undertaking to do things which aac not in his power
to do He ii Haltered by schemers, misled by euthus
jasals, ana hurried by the spirit of rush and enterprise
which throbs through the ai tries of the age, and without
waiting to think, and pray, and consider he rushes on,
and frequently he rushes lo ruin. We must not act rash
ly nor inconsiderately Success comes to men of strict
integrity, clear thought, and steady purpose. Selected.
Our friend, the Notre Dame Scholastic, corrects us in
the assumption that its exchange man was sat upon by the
board of health or street cleaning commissinnor or some
thing, or somebody, which we made in the Iat issue of
the Student. Wc are not half so much pained bj the
correction as by the fact that it appears to bo just. Qo
right on in your unholy course, Scholastic. Success to
The first uumber of volume fourteen of Volante is at
hand in a tasteful new dress. The University of Chicago
is coming up in good shape if wc may judge from th
character of its representative in the field, college jour
nalism. We have no fault lo find with Hiiy department,
or I lie local Here there is a certain dry-as-cbips air
that is tiresome. But as Volante so truthfully ejaculates
"we cannot judge bv the first issue'.
The Adtlphian of Adelphi Academy situated at Brook
lyn, N. Y., is bettering its self every year. The literary
department is especially well carried on. When the ed
itor causually mentions the discomforts attending the
issue of the first number for the college year of a student's
paper we feel a 'cllow feeling come over us. It might
hhve been added that work grows harder as the weeks
goby. The first issue is usually the easiest 'o prepare.
But the last ore Oh, horror I
The Sibyl speaks of "Buffalo Bill's wild western com
bination" having brought a large number of strangers in
to the city of Ehnira upon a certain day. These "Wild
We t" affairs are becoming bilious. The average N. Y
farmer imagines Hint what these circuses present, are life,
size, colercd-aftcr-naturo reviews of western life. This
galls a western man frightfully. The University Review
is better than cither of the old paperd published by K. S
IL, but it does not quite take the place of both together'
The Lantern, of O. S. U., is in its fourth volume and
bids fair to be the sole exponent of the student. There is
a tendency to drop the Critic which has appeared aa a
weekly, the Lantern being hither to isssucd as a monthly.
Since, however the Lantern has made its appearance ai a
semi-monthly and thus fills a larger place than before
The students have decided to give to it their undivided
support leaving the hapless Critic to die a natural death
The Lantern for Oct. 15th contains among other excellent
articles, one upon the "Destruction of American Forests."
The obvious arguments in favor of Commercial Freedom
based upon the facts elucidated by the writer is not clearly
brought out. They are left to be inferred. What must we
name the false, pernicious view of national polity that en
ables men to become enormously wealthy at the
expense of the masses, and that, loo, by destroying onr
natural endowment of forest land which, onct gone, can
not be replaced? Our Ameiican labor is not protected
for Canadians who arc willing to cut lumber on their own
and and ship it to us at our prices are imported at a low
rate of wages to aid in devastating American forests and
in taxing american citizens with the sole intent of
enriching ouc or two men already worth their millions
Possibly this is statesmanship. It looks to the victims
more liko robbery. Ah how much theie is in a mere
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