6 TKE HESPERIAN STUDENT. ffamyux $mnrilti. I'll smoke n "Punch", Mnnloy. Mnnley hna the cream of the candy trado. What nils the class in University Algebra? H. P. Barrett is visiting with us this weok. Miss Keyset, or Donne, is visiting Miss Cnrsc. Bo sure nnd go to Winger & Miller's for your under wear. Latest styles in neck-wear, collars, and cuffa at Ewing & Go's. For some unknown cnu3o the haso ball excitcmeiu has all died out. The largest stock and lowest prices in the city at T. Ewing & Co's. Reduction in prices to students at T. Ewing & Co's clothing emporium. The best judges of artistic work go to Kelley & Co for Photos. No. 1026 O st. "Mortar boards"! What an acquisition they will be to the average Freshman head. University students can get best lead pencils for 25 cts. per dozen at Winger & Miller's. Dr. B. Bell Andrews, of Nemaha City, was visiting friends at the University this week. Go to T. Ewing & Co's emporium for fine clothing, genls furnishing goods, hals and caps "It is not all life to live nor to wear cancs,etc.;" is the Soph version of that familar quotation. The howling breezes, that waft the dustto our eyes, are certainly growing more numerous than pleasant. Possibly some of tht-se chilly mornings and evenings will induce you to look at W. It. Dennis' lino of under wear. The Union and Pullndiau debating clubs seem to have better prospects than ever before, for doing good solid work. And now comes the "would be startled prep" and innocently inquires if there is a special police force for hallow e'en. H. E. Grimm, of Rocn, came in to nttend the general mctting of students, Saturday evening, to discuss "fra ternity problems." The preps arc wrestling hard with civil government. They have already acquired more knowledge than the ordinary congressman. For tho past two or three days wild geese in flocks were noticed flying southward. Another harbinger of approaching cold weather. The Cadets and bund have been out on dress-parado several times this term. Taking in to consideration its being the full term they make a flnc appearance. The notice in our last issue of tho Hesperian election was intended for the preceding one but by mistake came as stated. Only two weeks late and nobody to blame.(?) Professor Culebrtson, formerly of tho University, is running his extensive sorghum works day and night. It is a new industry for this state and the p.ofc&sor seems to be maknig a success of it. Our fall nnd winter stock is now complete. T. Ewing &Co. Cadet suits and caps at T. Ewing & Co's clothing house. Large stock of gents' collar and cuffs at W. R. Dennis. See them. Elegant lino of men's hosiery at W. R. Dennis', under Opera House. T. Ewing & Co. arc at the front for all tho latest nnd flno fitting clothing. For a flno fall or winter overcoat go to T. Ewing & Co' mammoth clothing house. Merino and all-wool underwear 50 per cent bclow.,for-r mcr prices at Winger & Miller's. Students will save money by purchasing their clothing and furnishing-goods of T. Ewing & Co. N. B. Secure yourself against the coming crisis! the . chapel choir seriously threaten dissolution. What ails our "campus" now ? Fences down fire, you know, gates open, cattle, horses, pigs, and town-boys, ru-n ning at will! What's to bo douo about it t We had intended to make a noto on tho influences of cold on chapel piety, but on giviug the subject a more careful consideration concluded to defer our remarks un til brighter times. Tho now feature of library work the clipping plan progrcssctli in tho hands of tho professors of history. This is we'l worthy a more extended notice; an editorial perhaps would better do it justice. With duo respect for tho rights of contestants and tho principles involved, wo note tho struggle commenced be tween our literary societies and tho secret fraternities. Let tho struggle be waged calmly and fairly, and may the right prevail. I have just received a now outfit of dental tools and ma. terials. Am prepared to do all kinds of work which comes in my line. Satisfaction guaranteed. A liberal reduction to students. Come and see mc. W. A. Hull, 1106 0 St. Over Harley's Drug Store. The eosedsajc taking tho cake in athletic sports this year. They seem to bo more enterprising than tho boys. It is time the boys woke up to this idea. It is to be hoped before another jcar thero will bo a gymnasium in connection with tho University. Why are the preps so coltisl ? When "let out" of class they generally fly around through tho halls, talking tol erably loud and making us fear, at least with respect to the co-eds, that a lurgo majority of ought-to-bo High School students are loafing in this vicinity. The University of Nebasrka is going to be represented at tho New Orleans exposition, by a barrel of potatoes sent by Judcio Savage of llio college farm. Each potato is to belabled and decorated with tho required amount of triming. They say it is doubtful whether they would stand a chanco at a ono horse county fair. Many of tho students find it to their interest to board at tho Howard House, This house has recently changed hands and now more than sustains its former reputation of being the best dollar a day house in the city. Mr. Car. dor printed tho first number of tho Student over pub lished and will welcome tho boys at all times.