v SHHi T H E H ES P E R lNS T U I '. i2 N T . THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Irving J. Manatt, Ph. D., Chancellor. COLLEGE Or LITERATURE, SCIENCE ANI THE ARTS. H, K. PUchcock, M. A., Ph. DProfossor of Mathematics. Georeo McMillan, Ph.D.,Dcan, Profcssorof Greek. Charles K Besscv, Ph.D., Profcssorof Botany. Levis K. Hicks. Ph.D., Professor of Geology. George E. Howard, M. A.. Frofcssor of History. Grove E. Barher, M. A.. Profcssorof Laiin. Hndson 11. Kicholson, M A.. Profcssorof Chimlstry and riiysl;. Lucius A. Sherman, Ph. D., Professor of English. THE INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE. Charles E. Bcsscy, Ph. 1)., Dean, Professor of Hort cnltire and Botanv Hudson 11. Nicholson. M . A ., Professor of Agricultural Chemistry. Kichard H. Tow nicy. U. S. N., Prof. of Military Sclenco and Tactics. Lewis K. Hicks, Ph. J)., Piolcssor or Geology. Charles N. Little,!, A Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, Hci.ry H, Wing, B. Apr., Instmtor in Agriculture THE LATIN SCHOOL. Miss Ellen Smith, M. A., Registrar. Mrs. AdolaidoDearhom, Instructor in Elocution. Howard V . Caldwell, J). S., Instructor in History. Bion 11. Cnlver, B. ., Instructor in modem languages. Charles E. Bennett, B. A., Instructor in Greek and Latin. T. Mrcy Hodgman B. A., Instructor in Pip ics and Astronomy. Miss Sarah V. Mooro, Teacher or Painting and Drawing. Direct oi of Musical Conservatory, Five courses of study arc ottered: Classical, Scientific, Literary, Engineering and Agricultural. Tlie Latin School, for the present, otters a two jcars1 course pre paratory to these courses. Students wishing to enter the Luiin School must he prepared for examination in Orthog. raphy, English Grammar, Practical Arithmetic, Geogra phy and History of the United States. THF COLLEGE OF1HLIHCINE. A. It. Mitchell, si. r Dean, and Professor of Anatomy, L, A. Menlnrn, si.n., Proiessorof Principles and Practice of Med cine. H. B. Ikumt, si.a., M.n., Professor of Physiology and Therapeutics. W, M. Knn'pr., si.v.. Professor of Ohstctrlcs and Diseases of Women and Children. 11. H. Nicholi-on, si.a , Professor of Chemistry. L. B. Grnddv. i.n Professorof Diseases of the Eye and Ear, Hon.O. P, Mason, Professor of Medical .lurisprudencc, lloht. 11. Livingston, si. n., Professor of Principles and Practice of Surgery S, D. Mercer, si. r.. Professor of Clinical Surgery, N . .1. Bcnchly, si r.. Demonstrator of Anatomy, Milton Lane, si. i Lecturer on Materia Medica. .lohn F. Wavman, Pr B., st. ., Lecturer on Physiology. B. L, Pained si .u . Professor of Thcorv and Practico.(Homoeopathlc) C. L. Han, si.u., Professor of Materia Medica. " F, B. lfighter, si.D., Profcssorof Ohstctrlcs. V. S. Lalta. si.n., Professor of Theory and Practice. (Eclectic.) J. H. Woodard, m.u., Profcshor of Materia Medica. " This college was opened in 18S3, and is now In vijjor otous opcnilion. The University with lis collections and the oapilal oily with its public "institutions offer specia facilities and inducements to medical students. No fees arc charged beyond the matriculation lee of $5, and the actual cost of material for the study of Practical Anatomy. Good board in the city at $3 a week; furnished room $8 to $G a month. Students of the Industrial College live on the larni, where hoard is furnished at cost. No charges for tuition, excej t matriculation fee of $5. Students residing m the state, or persons about to enter the Univcr. sity, are allowed half fare in going to and from home by the railroads entering Lincoln. For half-fare certificates, Catalogues or other information address Ihc Chancellor lf,you arc Interested in music, call at tho Conservatory of Music on Eleventh Street, third door south ol tho campus. Examine unr system and get onr priceg Voice Cnlture, Piano, Organ, Harmony, Violin, otc ,,, i i' ajivuiiui iik, a..ra. mw mm m M Vocal Director. Gtifll Director 1125 O St. Lincoln. Cheapest and Most Complete Music House in the West.