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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1884)
F&msmj&$.. M-mmmimmM'JMmm ax;r '.:??ff; - . -jiM '"b ft. .. " ?,? if j THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. 7 .A '' i Irving J. Manatt, Ph. D.i Chancellor. COIXEGF, OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND THE ARTS. IT. K. Hitchcock, M. A., Ph. D Professor of Mathematics. George McMillan, Ph.D., Doan, Professor of Greek. Cliarleit . Beesey, Ph.D., Pro fee r or of Botany. Lewis E. nicks. Ph.D., Professor of Geology. George K. Howard. M. A.. Protestor of IllPtory. Grove K. Barber, M. A.. Profecror of Latin. Hudson II. Nicholson, M. A.. Professor of Chnmlstry and Physic. Lucius A. Sherman, Ph. D., Professor of English. THE INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE. Charles S. Bessey, Ph. D., Dean, Professor of nort cultare and Botany. Hudson II. Nicholson. M. A., Professor of Agricultural Chemistry. Richard U. Townley. U. S. N., Prof, of Military Science and Tactics. Lewis E.icks, Ph. D., Professor of Geology. Charles N. Little, u. A., Associate Professor of Civil Engineering. Heury H. Wing, B. Agr., Instructor in Agriculture. THE LATIN SCHOOL. Miss Ellen Smith, M. A., Registrar. Mrs. jdolaldc Dcnrborn, Instructor in Elocution. Howard W. Caldwoll.B. 8., Instructor in History. Bion II. Culver, B. 8., Instructor in modern languages. Charles E. Bennett, B. A., Instructor in Greek and Latin. V. Mrey Uwlgmaa B.A., Instructor in Physics and Astronomy. Hiss Barak W. Moore, Teacher of Painting and, Drawing. Dlrcctoi of Musical Conservatory. Five courses of study are ollV red : Clnsaicnl, Solcntlfic, Literary, Engineering and Agricultural. The Latiu School, for the present, oilers a two years' course pre paratory to these courses. Students wishing to enter tlio Latin School must be prepared for examination in Orthog. raphy, English Grammar, Practical Arithmetic, Geogra. phy and History of the Uuited States. THE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. A. R. Mitchell, . D., Dean, and Professor of Anatomy. i L. A. Menlam, m.d., Protessor of Principles and Practice ofMe"' cine. II. U. Lowry, m.a., m.d., Professor of Physiology and Therapeutics. W. M. Knapp, x.d., Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of women ( and Children. ' n. II. Nicholson, x.a , Professor of Chemistry. L. B. Graddy, x. Professor of Diseases of the Eye and Ear, Hon.O. P. Mason, Professor of Medical Jurisprudence, Itobt. H. Livingston, m.d., Professor of Principles and Practice of - Surgery S, D. Mercer, x. d., Professor of Clinical Surgery. N. J. Beachly, x.d., Demonstrator of Anatomy. Milton Lane, m. d.. Lecturer on Materia Medlca. JohnF. Wayman, Pr. B.. x. d., Lecturer on Physiology. B.L. Paine, m.d., Professor of Theory and Practlce.(Homceopathlc) ' C. L. Hart, x.d., Professor of Materia Medlca. " F. B. Itlghtcr, x.d., Professor of Obstetrics. u W. s. Latta, x.d., Professor of Theory and Practice. (Eclectic.) J. H. Woodard, X.D., Professor of Materia Medlca. ' ', This collego was opened in 1888, and is now in Yigor orous operation. The University with its collections and the capital city with its public institutions offer specie facilities and inducements to medical Btudents. No fees are charged beyond tiie matriculation feo of $5, and the actual cost of material for the study of Practical Anatomy, Good board in the city at $3 a week; furnished room $8 to f 6 a month. Btudents of the Industrial College live on tho farm, where board is furnished al coat. No charges for tuition, except matriculation fee of $5. Stmlentb residing in the state, or persons about to enter the Univer sity, are allowed half fare in going to and from- linnieby' ' the railroads entering Lincoln. Tor half-far. certificates, Catalogues or otltcr information addreefe the Chancellor. PEESOQT1 m , ,1125 O St. Lincoln. Cheapest and Most Complete Music House in the West, ? 'r - f W ' J T , 'established p LINCOLN 1870. Steam Dye House, . 18 N nth Street. LINCOLN, NEB. 6Mlt Cliiktac. UiiNi hi (Upkii THE KEYSTONE!! SitS Swtttfc JEIremln Sit, Fine Groceries, Queensware, Glass- ware and Lamps. ,Tke Viggcst lOceat box oi akoe blaoklag tat ka city lor tke BMMey. " ?r Vfr' Wi'f'i 'I iilll'l WiHWlli I1M "HUM i i i.n.ili nl.i Auk,.. .,... ...J. m 11 nn nil iniiimMlilllll'BillHMi ill i III i i III i I i i i II lit I i Mi i ill tjai )Mh