BBS THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. $xehattQe jriC'H-bvHC. mv-bonex, The Berkeleyan of California sports a new cover re sembling the old one. The slight change in the stereo typo pinto is not improving to tho general appearance of the paper to the judgement of some but tho eflcct, as a whole, is not displeatting. Tho policy of tho paper re mains unchanged. It is frco from fault-finding and up right in tone. The University Press of Madison, is entirely remodelled and appears in a greatly improved form. Tho arrange ment of matter and quantity of space hare both been somewhat altered. Tho paper is far above its standard of last year. We admit e the careful grouping of topics and the neat, clear exposition of tho current college news in the local department. The fall exchanges are dropping in by two and threes. Nearly all wear the same old countenance which wo have known so long and which we have learned to recognize among a thousand. Some, however, have como out in new form and usually in better than before. We wel come all and will strive to make tho acquaintance of tho Mew ones and the old ones in new dress. Among our exchanges we notice the Notre JDamo 8cho-la8tic--&n old acquaintance. The little quarto rejoices in a new cmblishment upon the outside pages namely a a wood cut of the college building. Tho Scholastic has omitted its exchange column. Tho expediter ot last year was such a sinner that the good fathers of Notro Dame probably sat upon him and the column over which ho presided. The Badger, also from Wisconsin State, is not disguised. We recognized the well-known friend as soon as the wrapper was removed. The Badger is of equal merit with tho Press so far as news go. Tn fuct it is even more newsy. It lags behind in typographical make-up. The progressive spirit is rarely conflued to ono of two rival journals and wo may expect tho Badger to loom up in the near future. The sister journal, tiie Occident, retains the old flashy cover. Tho blue and gold are beautiful colors but dis played on the cover of what ought to bo a business-like exponent of college ideas they appear almost to gaudy in the extreme. Tho tone of the Occident is hypercritical in tho extreme. It is especially severe on tho class of '84. Criticism is often sorely needed but it should beencourg ing, never discouraging. A little sympathy with the misfortunes f a class would bo better by far than a great deal of objurgation and snarling over what cannot bo helped. The Cornell Era is still coming regularly to thjs office. This is one of the old established college journals. Tho Era is metropolitan in appearance and elevated in gen . ernl tone. The treatment of college affairs is fair and without seeming bias. Tho main object of a college pa per is to represent correctly tho mind of tho aver age student and his opinions on tho nffairs in which lie is interested. Bomo go to far and write political edi torials and religious locals. Others take the opposite ex treme tuid conOne themselves to the more narrow affaire of the institution. Tho Era strikes the happy mean. Wo consider it a model paper. The dornunstrator of anatomy is a jolly follow. He's always cutting up. Dr. Farmer, of class '80, camo in Monday last to pur sue his studies at tho University. An old Dr. said he classified his putienta as follows: Tho Lord's poor, the Devil's poor, tho poor devils, and dv s'l poor. Miss Georgio Arbucklo, graduato of Omaha medical col lege, class '83-4, matriculated last week in tho Homoco pathicdopartinont. Professor EL B. Lowry left ono week ago last Tuesday for his long contemplated trip to Europe where ho will remain ono year pursuing the study of medicino in its various branches. Drs. Shoemaker and Buck gave a reception to tho Homoeopathic class in their rooms Monday evening last. Tho evening was mado more pleasant by the presence of Chancellor Mauatt, Professors Hart, Righter, and Palno . The medical department of the present session opens most auspiciously. Nearly all of the students of last session are again present and the new faces add much to the appearance of the classes in this im portant branch of the University. In addition to the already able corps of medical instructors who labored so earnestly and successfully last year have been added two professors of surgery, Drs. Mercer and Livingston. Both gentlemen have ripe exper ience in the practice of this art as well as in the teach ing of it. Undoubtedly the most important study in the curriculum of any medical school is that ot sur gery and the success of the medicaldepartment will always largely depend, here as well as elsewhere upon the thoroughness and ability of the instructions given from this chair. It is expected that the professors of surgery will be able to bring before the class very many interesting clinical cases whereby they can demon strate not only the theory but practice, also, of the science and art of surgery. The new instructor in the chair of Physiology, Dr. Wayman, is also just en tering upon his duties of the matter and manner of what he has already given his class in the impor tant and interesting study of Physiology is an index of that vfhich is to follow then there will be no dis appointment here. No higher or more generous com pliment could have been paid this gentleman than that of Dr. Lowry, when he said that Dr. Way man was a better instructor than he, was. All things considered, it would seem that the medical department has in the short space of one year, com to stand upon a solid foundation, above which it is hoped will be reared an edifice so systematical and grand that out of its doors shall come those so well trained in all branches of the healing art that the people of this commonwealth will say of those who founded it "You builded better than you knew. ' '