THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. Base Ball still exists in a hysteric condition in the vicN in ago of these classic halls. On tho 19th ult. the Hesperian Association met by call of the president. Miss Mary Campbell whs elected Literary Editor in tho place of Miss Fisher resigned. Tho proposition of W. E. Johnson to take the paper on his own risk was accepted. The opening address of the Industrial Department, given by Prof. Bcssey,dcan ofthe same, was well attended both by students and citizons. It was as well tho inaug ural of Prof. Bcssey, and showed him to be a specialist in tho chair to which he has been , called. A. few days ago a strange bird was brought to the Uni versity and added to the museum collection. It was shot two miles from town, and measured over a yard from tip to tip. It is pure white and has a peculiar spoon-shaped bill about 8 inches long, and from half an inch to an inch and a half wide. Jt were probably in keeping with the custom of former editors to note the eccentricities of tltc new members of the faculty, to make known tho peculiar habits of that one, to remark about the methods of recitation adopted by another, etc,, but we only say that, to those here for work, tho outlook is most promising. The fitting up of one of the rooms on 'he fourth floor for the use of the band boys is certainly an improvement upon the old order of thingd, and one for which the boys aro truly tliauktul; while on the other hand those not connected with them aro denouncing most bitterly the English language as it is incapablo of describing or even making known their breadths, lengths, and depths of thankfulness. We rejoice that the change is taken so kindly by all. At three thirty Friday tho 10th the Freshman class met in the chapel to form a permanent organization. A con stitution was presented by the committee and adopted. The following officers were elected : 1 resident, Miss Aughey; Vice President, Miss Barrett; Secretary O. B. Polk; Treasurer, A. E.Anderson; Prophet, R. 8. Mockett; Historian, Mr. Schofleld. There seemed to bo a great deal of enthusiasm manifested and it was tho determination of all to make the Freshman class of eighty-five boom. Owing to the inclement weather the audience that greeted Dr. Hicks in the opening address or the academ ical department, was much smaller than it would other wise have been. The lecture was one of interest, amply repaying those present their inconvenience, and proving Prof. Hicks true to his special science Geology. We only wish that a much greater number might have listen ed to the address. While most of tho old familiar faces the class of '84 excepted, aro again visible among us, the faces of the now seem even more plentiful, and this is as it should be; but, ye older members, do not forget to give them the wel come that Is their due. Make the advance and let them feel that there are those here interested in them. To the new-comer no pun wo would say, do not bo too timid. Associations must be formed, and associates chosen, else why are we hero ? "Now is the accepted time." Ye local extends to all a most hearty welcome. Tho joint sociable of our literary societies, which took placo tho first Friday evening of tho term, was the best of its kind wo hevo over had the pleasure of attending. There seemed to bo a lack ofthe usual coldness exhibited on such occasions, and wo sincerely doubt if tho illustra tion ofthe modern sociable given by tho Brooklyn divino lust winter, would in strictness apply in this case. Ho likened them to a room filled witli cha'rs each of which is occupied by an icicle. But we reconcile this by re member ing that he referred to those of Brooklyu and not thosoof the west, especially of University students. Wc have always held tho opinion that few know of the existence of tho University of Nebraska, and woro confirmed in that view when a dcliverj-man from down town, searching for a boarding club that has lately coma among "tho things tliat be,'' drove up to tho University and dcpesiled his load of provisions in this office. Bo iutc interviewed at this juncture by a couple of idlo Ficshies as to whether those articles of diet woro intended for tho use of tho faculty when special meetings cause them to forego the pleasure of their regular repast, or did tlio new board of editors contemplate a feast in tho near future, ho replied: "I guess I know my business. These supplies aro for that now boarding club, and this is where they stay, isn't it?" A short time sinco many might have noticed groups of tho upper classmen collected here and there about tho building discussing some topic of a very general interest, or at least they evinced a prcat eagerness to know and to say something on the subject. Others were even more impressed with tho importance of the theme because of tho interest taken by a gentleman Senior and a Junior lady, who spent, in a conspicuous place, as much as two hours in a conversation bearing, perhaps, upon tho same topic. But it all turned out to ho the the an nouncement in the Daily Journal or tho marriage of O. T. Brown and Miss Josio Chapman, formerly students of the the U. ofN.,Mi9S Chapman a graduate of tho class of '84. Well wishes etc. to all concerned. A few days ago one ofthe most interesting games of base ball of tho season fok placo between tho Sigma Chia and Phi Delta Thelas. Tho challenge made by tho Slgs was at once accepted; the number f innings to bo five and Sept. 20th at 2:80 tho time. The sun rose clear in' the morning and remained so all day. At two eclock the two societies were gathered on tho campus to make arrangements for the contest. After due deliberation It was settled that tho society which made tho least number of semes shoiild furnish ico cream for tho crowd. Pre cisely at 2:30 the captains threw up for ins, and tho Phis went to fhc bat. Then was some very fine playing, especially in tin owing. Many times the ball made a semicircle over the first baseman and hedge fence. A number of times it slipped through tho fielder's hands and caused them to fly up like a jumping jack when tho spring is touched. Tho bystanders seemed to bo very much interested and frequently applauded. Tho great trouble seemed to bo that toward the first of the game there was too much muscle to spare aud the ball was kept soaring above tho player's heads. Tho only accidents worthy of being mentioned were that Mr. Hardy had a fin ger knocked out of joint and Mr. Churchill a bad cut in tho jaw. The innings were as follows: First Phis 8, Sigs 10. Sccoud, Phis 5, Sigs 5. Third, Phis 16, Sigs 9 Fourth Phis 10, Bigs 22. Only the first half ofthe filth innings was played. The umpire called tho gimo aud it stood 38 to 40 in favor of tho Sigs. '