THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. HESPERIAN STUDENT. Issued semi-monthly by the Hesperian Student Publishing Association of th University of Nebraska. BOARD OF EDITORS: Mnnnger, Eel. J. Churchill. Chiefs, : : Literary, : : Local, : : Associate, : : Medical, : busineb8 manager, ( C. 8 Polk. J G. B. Frankfortkr. Mary R. Camphell. ( R S.Mockett. W. S. Perk in. C. G. McMillan. : Elmer Pierce. Wm. E. Johnson. The University may well congratulate herself on the improvement in the quality of the entrance ex aminations made during the past four years. Now it requires some knowledge to enter even the first preparatory dc.partartrnent; then the poorest appli cant was hardly turned away Then the sub-Fresh department was crowded with conditioned first prep aratories; now unconditional passage is the only door to the preparatory school. Apropos to this subject, it is pleasing to announce that quite a decided propor tion of this year's entrants joined the second prepara tory and Freshmen classes and that the proportion of the first prep are less than usual. "So mote it be." TERMS OF SUR8CRIPTI0N : One copy, per college year, .... $1.00 One copy, one half year, .50 Single copy, .10 Single Copy, to Members of Association . . .05 ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION. All communications should be addressed to the Hes perian Student, State University, Lincoln, Nebraska. Press of the University Printing Company. jgdiforial &oie$. What our University needs now is more room and worst of all a Chemical Laboratory. At present our laboratory consists of one small room scarcely large enough for a dozen persons to work. The store and apparatus room does not exceed 10x12 with not one tenth the apparatus required in the course laid out. There are fifty students this term to take laboratory work making it an utter impossibility to do it thoroughly. The Student then hopes that the Legislature will realize the importance of such a building and appropriate funds to build such a labo ratory as not only our institution but our state demands. In one of John Hopkins' circulars last year our course in history was mentioned with high praise but a weak point was spoken of in the course as the ab sence of American History. This year the course has been so altered as to include a full year of elec tives in that important branch. The Student is glad to see that there seems to be an inclination among the students to prefer this study of the early history of our country and the rise of its institutions to the corresponding foreign histories. Nothing is more generally lacking in the average American than an accurate knowledge of his own country and it is occasion for pride that our University has joined the foremost Colleges in the land. An important change has been made in the library. The scientific books are put in a room by themselves thus distinguishing .the scientific from the literary and historical departments. Many of our eastern colleges have entirely separate rooms for their scien tific libraries, just what our University will have in the near future. This change is a step in the right direction and would have been made before but from the fact that we had so few scientific books that had they been put in an alcove by themselves it would have been impossible to find them. While we do not expect a scientific library like Harvard or Johns Hopkins, we should be glad to see one which would correspond with the work done here in our Univer sity. In another column the beauties of calisthenics are fittingly discussed by one advocating physical drill among the young ladies. This article reminds ye ed itor of the pre-historic existence of a gymnasium in the University for the development of the boys. Why cannot this valuable addition to college work be obtained again by the boys of the school? Is not the present Freshmen class, for in stance, in possession of a sufficient amount of spunk to petition to the regents, raise a subscripition, or do something to start the ball rolling? Will not the Sophs or Juniors help them in the goed work? Cannot even the intellectually profound Senior offer his influence and pocket-book to the same worthy end? we pause for a reply. The Student congratulates itself at the beginning of this year to find the chairs of Geology and Horti culture filled. For two years the University was without a chancellor But when at last the office was filled the Student rejoiced that the regents ''made haste slowly" and selected a man fitted for that office. Again have they shown their interest in the University, as well as their good judgement in selecting Professors Hicks and Bessey to the chairs r n