n- HESPERIAN STUDENT UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Vol. XIII. LINCOLN, NEB., OCTOBER i, 1884. No. I. A school in one of the largest Buddhists Temples in Japan, whore several hundred young priests are being ed ucated, has recently adopted the Bible as one of its text books for daily study. Andrew D. White, of Cornell University, has been elected president of the American Historical Associa tion which held its first meeting at Saratoga Sept. 9, 188-1-The object of this association is the promotion of histori cal studies by bringing into personal contact students and writers of history. The fall term of the University opens with a bright out look. The Student welcomes those who are here for the first time and extends its hearty congratulations to all who are now enjoying the superior advantages here afforded. Our learned professors, both old and now, are doing their best to raise the standard of scholarship and to make this institution the pride of our noble state. "The English language is spoken by more people than any other on the globe. The written language of China is understood by more people; but, as spoken, it is not one language, but many. JMiglisli is spoken by not less than one hundred millions of people, and is rapidly in creasing in use, in all the various points where it comes into contact with other tongues; while the vast diffusion of English literature in all its branches, give a constantly widening sphere; and wherever it goes it catries a larger amount of evangelical truth than any other language. A recent writer has said that brain work is as necessary and healthful to the economy as muscular exercise and ),oth are essential to health. The conditio n, however, un der which brain work is wholesome is freedom from anxiety and worry. If the work can be done calmly and dispassionately, it is but the natural physiological action of 11 bodily funciton and, like the escapement wheel of a watch, is part of the machinery to the movement of the whole. As a machine may run for years without friction but soon wears out when sand becomes mixed with the lubrication, so the human m ichine may run along. Dec. 1, 1884, is the date for the opening of the world's fair. The states and territories in the Union, as well ts all the civilized nations on the globe, have been invited to participate in this grand exibition. The project is on a more extensive scale thau ever before attempted. The roof of the main building aloue covers forty icrcs of ground, The entire available floor space will exceed two and one half million square feet. A great proportion of this space is already taken by tho prompt and vigorous movement of foreign countries as well as our own states and territories.. A prominent feature in Nebraska's exhi. bltion will be its "Model Farm" with all the modern improvements and conveniences. Arrangements are also being made to plant one thousand forest trees and an equal number of fruit trees on the exposition grounds. There will be varieties tested and known to bo reliable on Nebraska soil. Many other items of interest in regard to Nebraska's share in the world's centennial will be found in the appeal to the people of the state from which these facts have been gathered. Along felt want in our University is at last beginning to be supplied. Our students have not come in vain for mental development. This has been thorough systema tic. But is this the sole end and aim of education ? How often we find this question practically snswerd in the af firmative by the graduate that yearly leaves the schools and colleges' flow many enter with high expectations for the future, who leave, it muj be with brilliant honors but so impaired in health that t cir bright hopes are doomed to disappointment. This is certainly a system of education unworthy of our modern civilization. Bet ter return ta the crude system taught by Cyrus the Great 'to speak tho truth and hurl the javelen." If we ask our selves the cause of this, may we not find the answer to a great degree in a very few words? Lack of systematic 2hysical training. How often is heard the insinuation that if (he present generation had to work as hard as their forefathers did there would bo no call for gymnastics 01 calisthenics This may bo true to a certain extent but it is not alwayt the amount of work that is lacking. It is this very exer cise taken without proper regulation that is often tho means of breaking the student down. A famous writer has said: "With all our lectures, con versations, newspapers and other similar means of mental culture wc are not willing to trust the intellect without sciutific training. The education of chance would prove unbalanced morbid propellers." Is this not equcally true of the body? As a mind devoted entirely to one branch of study would soon become dwarfed in its other capabilities so the body is strengthened and developed by exercise in proportion as it is systematic and general Fo- this reason gymnastics and calisthenics arc no longer regarded ns a pleasant pastime but an indespensable necessity- Until recently this has only been recognized by a few. More than twenty years agoa noted educator wrote "Before our system of education can claim an approach to perfection wo must have attached to each school a pros lessor who thoroughly comprehends tho wants of the body aud knows practically the means by which it may made symmetrical, flexible, vigorous, and onduring." Many Institutions have recognized the truth of this and adopted a system of physical training. Our own Uni versity has taken initiatory steps toward such a system and wo hope it will continue to inane advaucos in this direction, Yi