THE HESrERUN STUDENT. m ffiS&BMgll $mim -4 mM z VSliB CWK & B8-' 5Pa-&8B ?? (0 AM o2.gS t a to t g 2 a S 3 5 2.8.5 b M P m i ra 1 (51X5 3 S as s-a rS2.nBS arp-5 85 FRANK J, BENEDICT, TEACHER OF PIAKO. OKGA, AND HARMONY, lull Ion, $l"..C0pcr term of 24 (half hour) lcSSOHS. First door north Dormitory ittcohf loil JkOttSfrvafarg, Comer O ami 17tli. The largest Collection of Green Houso plants n the State. Cnt flowers, floral designs of all descriptions, fancy baskets, etc., constantly on hand. Tea and Tnbo roses In bloom. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, J. JT. IMIIOFF, Prop., Turkish ro Salt Water jjf In the Hotel. Rheumatism cured by Turkish Baths. Corner llth and P Streets, Lincoln t Nob. JT 5 2 1 BROS. COMPANY, Manufacturers, Retailers, and Jobbers of F'UBNITUBE. Pout Ofllco Square. LINCOLN, NEB Vick's Floral 8? G-TJTIDIE If or 188-4 Juan Klrpant nook or 150 Iapcs, a colored l'latcn uf Flownrn niul Vegetable nnd more than 1000, Illustration of llio choicest Flowers Plnants and Vegetables, and Direction for Growing. It Is hamlsomo enough for tho Centre Table or n Present. Sond on your immo nnd Post Ofllco address, with 10 coins, nnd I will send you n copy post paid. Mils Isnot aqnrrlo.rof Its cost. It is printed In both Kngllsh and German. If you nftor wnrds order seeds decuct tho 10 cents. Vick's Seeds are the Brst in The World. The Floral Guldo tell show to grow thorn. Vick's Seeds and Vegetable Garden, 175 ;. n colored plates, 500 EngraUugs. For 50 cents hi paper covers; SI. 03 In elegant cloth. In German or English. Vick's Illustrated Monthly Manazine&2 pages, a Colored Plato in every number and many flno Engravings Price 31.23 a jcar; Flvo copies 5.00. Specimen Numbers sent for 10 cents; 3 trial copies for 35 cents. JAMES VICK- IJOCIIEBTEH, N. Y. A. J. SHaW Physician and Surgrin Oflkc tcmnvcil In O Si In-I. 10 ami 11 0 ft I fl f ,,,c 'orllB class. Send 10 ill 1 1 I lccn,s for postage, and wo will mail WWUllyoufrw, arojal, valnablo box ol samplo goods that will put yon in the way of making more monuy in a few days than yon i-vcr tl ought possible at any business. Cap ital not required. Wc will start you. You can work nil tho tlmo or In spare tlmo ODly The work is universally adapted to both sexes young and old. Yon can easily earn from 50cts to $5 everv evening. That all who want work may test tho 'inslness.we mako this unparal led ofl'cr: to all who nro not well satisfied we will send SI to pay for tho troablo of writing tons. Full pnrticuIars,dircctlons,ctc sent Irco. Fortunes will bemadoby thoso who glvo their wholo time to tho work. Groat succoss abso lutely sure Don't delay. Start now. Address Stinson Co., Portland, Maine. Richmond Straight Gut No, I GkCilXlSTTMS aro made from tho brightest, most delicately flavored and Jiipnost cosi uoltj leaf grown in Virginia. This Is the Old and Omoinai. I1KAND Ol BTJIAIOIIT CUT dMAHETTES, nilO was brouglil out uy lis in iio. The groat popularity of this brand has has caused certn'ii parties to piaco on saio base Imitations; tho public is cautioned to observo that our signature appeals on every pnekage of Genuine TUchmond Straight Cut Cigarettes. RICHMOND GEM CURLY CUT TOBACCO. Tho Brightest and Most Delicately Fla vored Gold Leaf Grow n. Tills tobacco is delightfully mild nnd lrngruiit. Absolutely wlthoutadultoiiitlon or drugs, and can bo Inhaled with eutiro satisfaction without Irritating tho lungs, throat or mouth. Allen & Winter, Mul'rs, Rich mond, Va. ALSO MAMJFACT'JHEKS OF Opcia Puffs. Littlo Beauty, lllchmond Gem Etc., Cigarettes. Richmond Straight Cut, Turkish & Forlque mixtures, nnd Old Kip Long Cut Tobaccos. UEjnnr imvG.w.i DEALER IN Stoves and Hardware ! Opposite I O. LINCOLN, - - - NEBRASKA m CPUXdCGK rROP. OF LINCOLN STEAM BAKER Y. DAVID MAY, DEALER IN CLOTHING AND- GKENTS' FURNISHING irfflntc!wantCl1 for Tho LlvcB ol nil 'ho rc- AgSnididcnts of tho U.S. Tho largosi, hand somest best book eve r sold for less than twice our priccTho fastest selling book In America. In meaio profits tongcnts.All intelligent peo ple want it. Anyono can become a successful ag(nt. Term free. Book Co. Port laud, Maine f Aftitit3ffnit, North SIdo PoMtofflco Square. LINCOLN. NEBRASKA Buy Your Gro ceries at the Key stone Grocery Corner M and llth, Goods Fresh and J. BAUGHMAN. PROPRIETOR Get their washing doncal tho Chinese Laundry. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Under wear done up in first-class style. Yee Lung, Proprietor, No. ix6, South nth. dr. s. is.;, DEJITI81 1029 O STREET.