s THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. 11! "Who comes there?" "Friend with countersign." "Advance friend and give countersign." "Chickens. I'll divy." "Correct. Pass on." The University nine ouglil to bo admitted to the Icayuo During the past six weeks they havo hrokon Just twelve bats nml ripped the covers oil' from an even dozen of balls while practicing. Cm any amateur club beat tint record. There have been many Instincts of harmony among organizations, but the board of editors of the Annual furnish the most remarkable example. That their ami able qunlitics have been highly cti'tivalod appears from their picture in the said Annual. We were recently informed of the nuptials of Miss Vida Webster and Mr. E. F. White. Miss Webster is an old student of the University. We are sorry to lose any of our students, but since the deed is done and can't be rc- traclid, the StitdiiXT extends its hist wis-hes to the couple. The Seniors instead of "orating" on the Pythagorean doctrine of the Metempsychosis of the Soul, nrd the ab solute Unkuowablcness of Eternity, arc wrestling with very piactical subjects. Undoubtedly they haveconclmU d that it is not so much "the whalness of the what, but the isness of the is" unit concerns us in this world. The following are some of the old student1 who came to Lincoln to spend Commencement week: W Q. Keim, 8. W. Sullivan, Emma Howell, A. E. Adsil, J. JST. Dryden ami Mrs. Drjdon, D. II. Wheeler, Minnie . urker, George McLean, Narcissa Snell, Cora Stone, Cleve Lamb, Frank Wood, Clias. E. Verity, C. J. Grable and Edon P. Rich. George McLean who once upon a lime was the very bossest janitor thai ever swung a broom in any college lias come from Minnesota to shake with his many friends and attend the exhibitions, commencement, exercises etc. ofihoweek. George ninde more friends to the square inch lh-iii any oilier man thai wr happen to remember to iiuve met ; mid if we don't lame 'lis right arm for the rot of his natural lifo it will be a ciulion. On the occasion of our last chapel meeting Chancellor Manalt spoke a few earnest words to ihe students. Ho said vacation was for rest, but as no mind could bo en tirely idle, he desired that each student should maintain a lively interest in all public affairs; and thatjwhilo speak ing as often as possible for the University they should do nothing to convey the idea that any part of the institu tion was designed to supercede another part of our public school system. The High Sciiool played our societies a little gouge ame in the matter of sealing the Representative hall for the llnee exhibitions. ThcH. S. hud engaged to pro vide a certain number of chairs for our exhibitions, if we would do the same for them ; but they got their number from the M. E. Church, and it was nccersary to take tliem back after the Pallndian performance. The best part of it was that some forty of Ihe chairs were left in the gals lory, mid as a consequence three of the most pious of the Palladians might have been seen wildly-charging about through the stillness of Sunday morning, and a promis cuous mass of boys, chairs and mud was brought to the .'oor of the church by a madly driving drayman, just as the congregation was assembling. We hope no one was scandalized. a The Sombrero," Our College Annual, IS ON SALE AT LEMINC'S and FAWELL'S, PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER COPY. TM Latest styles in hats at T. Ewing & Go's. Cadet suits and caps at T. Ewing & Co's. Celluloid collars mid culli. at T. Ewing & Go's. Special bargains lor students at T. Ewing & Co. Elegant Patterns in Neckwear at T. Ewing & Co's. Buy your boots and shoes of 0. W. Webster, 0 st Acad cmv of Music. Largo assortment of collais, cuffs and neckwear at T Ewing &Co's. Call and seo the now fall suits at T. Ewing & Co's Clothing Emporium. Clements has the finest lot of slerescopic views of the University ever taken. The best judges of artistic work go to Kelley & Co for Photos. No. 1020 O st. Best style, besi goods, at lowest prices at T. Ewing ifc Co's Clothing Emporium. All the newest styles and paltern3 of clothing and gent's furnishing goods at T. Ewing & Co's. Clason mid Fletcher invite all students to call and ex amine their arlcstic college novelties. All students should call and examine the stock of Olason and Fletcher's University supply depot. Remember Students you can get fine work, and better inducements, in the "Fotograf" line, at Kelley & Co 1020 O. St. Sludenls it will pay you to examine the pictures made by Kelley & Co. before sitting clseware. Have you seeu t lint daisy University Panel they give gratis? vx. T mtmimmiaiim&mBmtotlliHWfr