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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1884)
THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. r' It is a little surprising that our museum is not put to more practical use. The five thousand specimens of Nebraska flora which' look so well in the catalogue might as well be growing in their native haunts for all the good the students get of them. Botany clas es come and go and the howl goes up that there are not,thirty-five species of plants to be found in the region; while a little study of the vast collection so carefully preserved under lock and key, with the key lost, would do more to disprove this statement than a half dozen of text-books. As the case now stands the names of about fifty of the commonest weeds are handeddown from class to class as a priceless legacy. An unusually fine collection of rare woods is a feature of our museum which is never known to be men tioned in any class; yet a little illustration by means of their markings, of the facts of structual botany would discount all wood cuts ever invented. While speaking of unused educational machinery it may be well to mention that the three or four compound mi croscopes which the institution boasts are never used except by the curious who ask for the privilege. We go through Biology without the microscope, we go through Botany without the use of specimens, we close the text book of Geology after having the priv ilege only, which every citizen of Nebraska has also, of examining the stones in the museum. Zoology has no more todo with our stuffed groups of birds than has Civil Engineering. The Student suggests that in stead of complaining of our lack of advantages, the professors use and require the students to use the ma terials they have. Students do not come here mere ly to be allowed to study but to be made to study to the best possible advantage. western title of "Sombrero." Wo think that all Hie stu dents acknowledge Unit It is u monument of painstaking industry nud onthiniasm on the part of the oditor. Many disadvantages had to bo labored with. Slnoe the "Sombrero" is the first annual over published at the Uni versity many of our students were groping nbiul' in a dense fog of ignorance as to what an annualjwas. Some thought that it was u bound filo of the State Democrat, others imagined thai it was much k Un "keep off the grass" notice that bedecks o-u- n- anything which would bo compared. Then u.u , nnney niul brains (not counting jokes and cheek) were wofully want ing lo the editors. Notwithstanding nil these dlsabill tiustho Vol. IofUio"3jmbrcr.t" h n.v ii tho .uiricjl. As the Drifter was in the habit of rjmirki.ij lo tlu casual passer by when he wis soliciting subicriptloiu for it: "The Annual is a pamphlet onunfhunlrol and twenty pages, printed on sup-jrsextr i toned book paper, fully illustrated bv our bjU ui'ive tale it. oiUining chief mutters ol interest which Imvo occurrel in the University during the past year and, in shortfuriiisiilng a complete compendium of the life of each and every student from September 12th 1893 to June llth 1884." "Please send In your minuy by tin spuj.lijst mens'' ol eic. We would review the publication if it were u t too large u subject to baudle in s.iu: limited space. '. When this number of the Studknt reaches the suscril ers the school year of 1883 i will bn u thing of the past Tlic boys and girls will bu sc-iltciiug to their homes and preparing for the summer campaign in tho territory ot bookngency ami desert of farming and rusticating. The year has been at; eventful one. Two fraternities i ave been established in our universi.ty. Both have come lo stay. The Pulladiau societv has held its first oratorical content and th first regular joint meeting of the societies bus passed off smoothly. Thus two precedents have been established which will produce gjod results in the future. To be sure there has not been so much reckless fun this year as in the past, partly owing lo the advent of our new Chancellor aud partly to ihe disintegration of the old clans that were responsible for all the deviltry per petrated about the college. The first "annual" has beeu pushed through with commendable energy and excellent success. Altogether the year has been one worthy of re inembiuucc and pleasant recollections. Commencement exercises passed oil' pleasantly nN though the hall in which they were held was slightly .n conveutenl. The graduating class made itself as con spicuous as usual, and the honorable Faculty and Itc genls preserved the co volitional solemnity and dignity, thus making u great big impression on the parents, re I us tives, friends, acquaintances aud other accompaniments if the students. It looks like an old custom to torture the graduates, the audience and every one elsejby a lot of old idensjprcsci ted in u second class) whining rhetoric and which canuol be of any value either as expoiicutsiof the competency of the graduates or as au honor to the University. It looksjtro;much like a vain thow, u needless ceremony. There was an anxiety among the Seniors Ato refrain from troubling Ihejiopulace with their orations but they were reslraiuedfroin their philanthropic inten ti.m by Ihe blood-thirsty Faculty. May the class of '85 inaugurate the new order in which the '84s failed. The Annual is out nlhibt. It rejoices in Ihe strikingly Prof. D. F Easterday is worthy of the highest com mendation lor what he is doing to raise the musical stand ard of the University. The band is remarkably im proved and an entirely new organization owes its being to Prof. Easteiday. We refer to the Orchestra. The first public appearance of Ihe home talent was at the com mencement exercises of tho year just passed. Thobojs acquitted themselves nobly and won the approbation of all heavens. The musicians of the University arc being developed rapidly. A good rousing Glee Club is one of the first tilings lo be looked alter in tbe fall. Tho circle will then be unbrokeu. The amount of new clothes, canes aud gencral'dudes queness" displayed by our students at this epoch is re markable. All seem to be desirous of making t lie most tremedous impression possible upon the numerous visit-