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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1884)
THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. STTTZDZEOsTTS! STUDBITTS GO TO GEORGE W. FAWELL, FOR BOOKS, STATIONERY, AND NEWS!! Don't 3GiX t Soc tJxo TfrUvoxity Xcettox D?c3l9 113 NORTH ELEVENTH STREET, IsTO TROUBLE TO SZE3IOW GOODS. a. t.u:min. K. I.KMINO A. T. LEMING- & CO., 102GOSTRKET. BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS ARTISTIC PAPER HANGINGS, MOULDINGS, WINDOW SHADES, FANCY G00D3, PHOTOGRAPHIC AND ARTIS- TIC MATERIALS. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. GOODRICH BROS. - BOOTS And SHOES, ALL THE LEADING STYLES AND LOWEST PRICES ITIIECiTY. 1108 0 St., North Side. INGRAM BROS., 1234 0 STREET, LINCOLN. PAINTERS, PAPER HANGERS AND DECORATORS. SATISFACTION QUALITY AND PRICE GIVEN isTUOKNTS' SUPPLIES Oan be found at tlio BOOK STORE OK CLASON & FLETCHER. Iho finest lino in tho city HOVEY&PECK, WholoBiilo and Retail dealers In Stoves,. Hardware, Tinware. WoodcLiwnro, &c. First class hardware store. A spe cialty made of pocket knives. 100 North 10th street. Nationa School Supply Bureau, Ueloit, Wis., July 31, 183.1. National School Supply liureau: Lust April, being thon In charge of a largo public hcliool, but desiring a position in some good nciulomy or college 1 placed my naino with your Ilurcnn. During tho drst part of tho present month I received notlco from you of ii vacancy in such a placo as I desired. rutting myself in communication with tho party concerned I received tho appointment, lam well entii-fli'il with the management of the iHnreau, and feci sure that It lllfi) a useful and necessary placo In our school econem v. xou aro at liberty to use my nainoifyou wish. Itespcctfully, KUWAltl) O. FISK. Headmaster JIarkhani Acad., MilwatiKco Wis. rorappllcatlon-lorm and circular, address: XaVl School Sujiply liureau, Otleago.Ill, N. B. We want all kind of Ttachcrs Tor Schools and Families Good pay to Agents and Private CorrobitoncIeittN. NO MORE LONG! SBTTIIVG! IS MAKING lMIOTOQUAl'IIS INSTANTAN- KOUSLY JIY THE DUY IMtOCESS. Special Kales to Shulenis .' INK THAT WILL SOT FREEZE!! On receipt ot SScontHln 2c postage stamps, wo will send by mall, all ohaiuies imiepaid, one quart of tho llnest lilack, Wuo or Scarlet Ink, unchanging colors, which will not Injuro by freezing: 5 quarts forSl.CO. Ink has been in use for years, and warranted best. N. M. DRAKE & CO, 211 Chestnut St. ST. LOUIS, MO. I l v- . -L $ 1 .-I