HESPERIAN STUDENT UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Vol. XII. LINCOLN, NEB., JUNE 13, 1884. No. XVI. HESPERIAN STUDENT. Issued semimonthly by Hie Hesperian Student Publishing Association of the University of Nebraska BOARD OF EDITORS: Managing Editor, A. G. "Warner. EDITOII.-1K.01I1EF, : : : : j iSes Ln niAltY, : : : : : E. J. Romkson Local, : : : : : Will O. Jones Dmft, : : : : : C. G. McMillan Associatf., : : : : : Anna Saunders M edical, : : : : : : S. H. Lktson Business Manager, : : : W. 0. Knight TERMS OK SUBSCRIPTION : One copy, per college year, . . . . $1.00 One copy, one half yenr, .50 Single copy, ...... .10 HATES OK ADVERTISING : One columi, one insertion, 3.00 Two squares, one insertion, 75 One squat e, one insertion 40 All communications should be addressed to the IIes peiman Student. State University, Lincoln, "Nebraska. Editorial f?flf& Now that the first nomination is before the people there is talk of a campaign club among the students. The Student thinks it an excellent plan. There is no better training for an active part in politics than an organization of this kind and if it is carried on in tle right spirit it will have its influence. It is hopedthat the first issue of the Student next fall term, which will be the last one brought out by the present board, will be more worthy of the Uni versity in all respects. For the issuance of that number we expect to have new type, an engraved cover, and that indispensible piece of machinery, a professional proof-reader. This whole institution is going to boom next fall and the Student does not propose to lag behind. The first number of the "Sombrero," our college annual came out last Saturday. It is rather modest for such a publication but can grow and g t mean as circumstances may demand. One feature which we have not seen in its contemporaries is a double list of the students in the college classes, one being official and another giving the class list made up on the basis of the aspirations of the individual members. W'j hope that all will graduate with the classes that they desire to be in, but "we are harrassed with doubts." There is not the least provision in the University building for accidents by fire, in spite of the fact that it is peculiarly liable to danger of that kind. In the winter time there c-e irom fifteen to twenty fires in the various rooms most of which are only looked at a few times a day. Then in the chemical laboratory few weeks pass without accidental explosions of great er or less dimensions. A few Babcock Extinguishers at convenient points might be the means of saving thousands of dollars' worth of property. The propriety ofdoing away with the first prepara tory year has been much discussed of late. There seems to be no real reason for its continued existence since there are at least a dozen High Schools in the state which prepare students for the second year in the University. We are already somewhat crowded in this'building, especially since the advent of the medical department and each year will make the need, for room more pressing. It would be better then to take time by the forelock and be prepared for the coming army of students before we are obliged to pile them two deep in the recitation rooms. In making up the catalogue for the school year of 1S83-4 the faculty have been more severe in their grading than previously. The unhappy Junior class is reduced to five members, nearly half of the would be Sophomores find themselves among the Freshmen, and many who have been attending regularly the Freshman sociables are thrust down into the "deep dark valley" of Prepdom. We understand that Chancellor Manatt would have been pleased with a yet severer classification. We are glad to note the advances that are being made towards greater care fulness in the matter of passing students from one year to another. There are a class of students in this school that will do almost any amount of work A n