!ikmm 8 THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. . '? i i I I" JUJxchmtgc nic-n-m. Tha Academy News bqms ub its Vol. 1, No. 1, ntul wo aro glad to recolvo it. It halls from the Michigan Mlli tnry Academy, will nppcnr onco a month, and contains an unusually largo amount of matter, somo of which is excellent, and some of which seems "valulcss." Tho Argonaut laments that Micro is not much enthusi asm In tho election of its editors for tho ensuing year, nnd thinks that wire-pulling and oven a littlo temper would bo preferable to apathy in such matters. Tim Ar gonaut is eminently correct. Tho proof reading on this paper is not as good as it should bo in a periodical other wlso so admirable. Wo bollevo that wo can spoa'c on tho subject of bad proof reading with confidence for wo do moro of that kind of work than any other exchango. Wo learn from tho Wooster Oollegian that the "Universi ty from which it comes is to have an officer detailed from MieU. 8. A to drill Its students. When this favor was first extended to us we (tho students) wore not as thank ful as wo should lmvo been, but havo siuco learned tho value of "the drill" and aro confident that Wooster will bo benefited by tho new department. The Oollegian further lnmcnts tho lack of enthusiasm in regard to ath letics. Exactly, lack of enthusiasm in this and other mat tcrs is a malady much too common in other places he sides Wooster. Tho Oarson Index is published by two societies, and thoy have got into trouble so that tho respective editors nro coming out in cirds over their own names. It is never well to rend tho veil of tho awe-inspiring "wo" and reveal tho insignificant "I's" of which it is composed; hence we aro glad to find at tho end a P. S. signed by tho faculty, which says that tho discussion shall stop. Tho Index like all tho rest of tho exchanges tells of a girls' society that has for a motto, "Arma Virumque Oano." Tho Student claims to havo originated this joke, and if Miero nro any others that think they can rightfully olnim it wo should lie glad to hear from them. Tho Student from Cumberland Unlvesrity is much bet ter than its narrow columns and "chunky" shape would indicate. Wo take great pleasure in callln; tho attention of certain of iho unfortunates of this school to the follow ing verso from "The Song of the Book Agent," nnd be lieve they will find great consolation in singing it softly to themselves while nt work during the summer: "I want to bo an agent, Book agunt If you plonso; I'm not afraid of biting dogs Mosquitoes, nor of llcas. And when vacation's ended, So sultry aud fco dry, I'll have three hundred dollars Or know tho reason why." The second number of the York Oollegian comes to hand much improved, and promising improvement for tho future. Tho worst feature of this number is tho press work; but of course that ib not tho fault of the editors. A poom which has for its title "Four-Leaved Clover" hag much more point aud is butter written than tho average college effusion, but we aro enraged at its apponrauco as it takes up tho same phaso of hum a a existence that wo had Intended to depict in a blood-curdling, hair-raising uiticle to bo bonded, "Mushed on Stone Steps, or A Bird's Eye View of tho University Campus at Midnight." Not. withstanding this inadverlnnt treading on our toos wo vish boundless success to both York College and Oollegian. It is tho duty of thoso connected with the University to de sire to seo Nobraska advauco in an educationalway, whothcr the advancomont takes placo through this in stitution or not. MtLFORD ENCAMPMENT. kitchen. Third Street O t 3 4J a cq ' y t J Cfl J t Second ' ' Streot. " .... 2 " t . oo , . . 53 . .a . . .- "O . . . a . . 3 . .... j Q First Street. .... ; ; Officers Kitchen. : : : staff : t Latest Blyles in hats at T. Ewing & Co's. Cadet suits and caps at T. Ewing & Co's. Celluloid collars and cuffn at T. Ewing & Co's. Special bargains lor students atT. Ewing & Co. Elegant Patterns in Neckwear at T. Ewing & Co's. Buy your boots and shoes of O. W. Wobstor, O st Acad emy of Music. Large assortment of collars, cuffs and neckwear at T. Ewing &Co'8. Call and seo Iho now fall suits at T. Ewing & Co's Clothing Emporium. ClemenlB has the finest lot of s'.crescopic views of tho University ever taken. Tho best judges of artistic work go to Kclluy & Co for Photos. No. 1020 O st. Best style, best goods, at lowest-prices at T. Ewing fc Co's Clothing Emporium. All the newest styles and patterns of clothing ar.d gent's furnishing goods at T. Ewing & Co's. Clason and Fletcher invito all students to call and ex amine thoir arlestic college novelties. All students should cull and examine tho stock of Clason and Fletcher's University supply depot. Remember Students you can got flno work, and hotter inducements, in tho "Fotograf" lino, at Kolloy & Co 1020 O. St. Students it will pay you to examluo tho pictures mado by Kolley & Co. before silting elsewaro. Havo you seen thut daisy University Panel thoy give gratis? y Wn m