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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1884)
1 rHE HESPERIAN STUifeNT. im!, HftlS rfBBB.ffr&HK'l S&5iiwtBSS, WJSSGi OiStendB" FSSSa? ?s-es.o& K5gc,r5 . fcfrs B.B,i'3 ooo w385rQ2SS'ia sa&SgaBBB KaHUns w !? hhs-h ox w ret i Tfc gl5 -4 PI W5pS 71 H Sg 2 o o r aS3lgft o R.5 " 2 o S3.St7oi5 psR82-a KS'Imw-S c B 2"SSc g 4 S-S. FRANK J, BENEDICT, TEACH EU OF PIANO. ORGA, AND HARMONY, Tuition, Sn.OOpcr term of Si (hair hour) lessons. First door north JOormiiory Corner G and 17th. Tho largest Collection of Orccn House plants In the State.. Cut flowers, floral designs of all descriptions,' fancy baskets, etc., constantly on hand. Tea and Tube roses In bloom. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, 3.'jr.'inttrt?(?F,'pp., 09 Russian CliS Ca WW CtiEiD In tlic Hotel. Rheumatism lured by Turklsii 11 "Bkth. Corner 11th and P Streets, Lincoln, Neb. Vick's Floral O-tJilDiB ii'iir jiooi is iui j-aeKUUl ii"i'K oi iuu Furor, 3 colored, l'laton of Flowers ii ntt Vegetables and more than 1000, Illustration of tho choicest Flowers PlaantB and Vegetables, and Dlrpctlon for Growing. It Is handsome enough for tho Contra Table or a Present. Sond on your namo and Post Ofllco address, with lOconts, and I will scud you a copy post paid. This 1b not a qurrter of Its cost . It Is printed in both English and Gorman. If you after wards order scods decuct the 10 cents. Vick's Seeds are the Best in The World. Tho Floral Guidu toll show to grow thorn. Vick's Seeds and Veqetable Garden, 175 p. 0 colored plates, 500 Engravings. For 50 conts Jn papor covers; SI. 00 In elogant cloth. In German or English. Vicka Illustrated Monthly Magazine 32 pages, a uoioreu nato in every numuor aim many flno Engravings. Price 81 .25 a year; Fivo copies $0.00. Spociniou Numbers sent for 10 cents; 3 trial copies for 25 conts. JAMES VICK. RoCHESTEn, N. Y. JANSEN 13R08.& COMPANY, Manufacturers, Retailors aiid "f olnjcrs of FURNITURE. W Side of Post JhlccBquare. 3-5-7 ; LINCOLN, NEB A. J. SHAW Physician 'and Surgeon Oflkc icmoveil to O St but. 10 and 11 OH I n fo tno working class. Send 10 ll 1 1 1 I lcuntB for postage, and we will mall UwHlyour. nroval. valuable box of 'sample goods that will put you In tho way of making moro money in a low oays man you over thought poBslblo at nuy business. Cap ital not required. Wo will Btart you. You can work all tho tlmo or In sparo time only. Tho work is universally adapted to both soxes young and old. You can easily carafrom,50cts to $5 ovcry evening. That all who want work may test tho buslncsp.wo muko this unparal led onor: to all who aro not well satlsAed wo will sond SI to pay for the trouble of writing to us. Full partIcufar8,dlrcctlonB,otc.Bont free. Fortunes will bomndoby those who give their whole time to tho work. Great success abso lutely suro. Don't delay. Start now. Address Stinson & Co., Portland, Maine. I ,1 I I Richmond Straight-Gut No. I GtmMMFTM8 a?j mado from tno brightest, most dolicately 4ft vo red and highest cost Gold Leap grown 'Im tTIrlnln 1'l.lti la tin tt And ntlTHIUlT 111 TllKtll'u. mia id kiiu ibjj uuu wniuinnu 13 hand of SriiAiaiiT Cut Cioauettes, and was brought out by us in 1875. Tho grout popularity of this brand has has caused certain parties to place on salo base imitations; tho public is cautioned to observe that our slgnaturo appears on every package of Genuine .Richmond Straight Cut Cigarettes. IUOIIMOND OEM CUKLY CUT TOIJACCO. The Brightest and Most Delicately Fla vored Gold Leaf Grown. This tobacco is delightfully mild and fragrant. Absolutely without adulteration or drugs, and can bo inhaled with entire satisfaction without irritating tho lungs, throat or mouth. Alien & dikiieV, fautira, feftli mond, Tu. ALSO MANtlPACTUUBUH OP . ' Ojiera PuCi.,LUtlQ Beauty, KIchmond Gem rKtc., Cigarettes. Richmond Straight Cut, TiirKisn b renquo mixtures, uuu uiu nip Long Cut Tobaccos. d'ealkk in Stoves and Hardware ! Opposite V. O. LINCOLN, - - - NEBRASKA rildP. OF LINCOLN STEAM BAK&it Y. AV'ID M'AY, DEALEIt IN i( ttnisria a " ailMk Vt-!L -i (LUTMINU AND- GKENTS' FURNISHING 'iwUriiftWanted for Tho Lives ol all tho Pros AgolllOidonts or tho U.S. Tho latgost, tian somest best book over sold for Jess than twlco our prlco.Tho fastest soiling book in America. Immense profits to ngonts. All intelligent pco plowantit. Anyono can becomo a bucccbsIuI ogont. Terms frco. IIallbtt Book Co. Port land, Maino. - J North Sldo 1'OMtofllco Square. LINCOLN. NEBRASKA Buy lit the Key stone Grocery Corner M mi l lltli, Goods Fresh and Dealing Square J.BAUGHMAN. PROPRIETOR Get iiicir washing done at the 'Chinese Lawndry, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Under wear done up in first-class style. Yee Lung, Proprietor, No. 116, South nth. DR. S. II. KING, "lOW O BtfREET. y'1W"ff'