Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, May 20, 1884, Page 8, Image 8

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The Orescent is the best high school ex.
Our Roman Catholic exchange tollsof Milling off a
watch for the benefit of tho library at St. Vincents College
Its surely a snintly scheme for getting money.
The Occident contains to much talk nbout wino, dan
cing, sprees, etc. Its review of tho forthcoming annual
is an appetizing production.
Tho K. M. I. News is llio cheapest college paper we
knoW of, being "free to nil to whom it is sent." It is,
however, too good a publication to be printed on such poor
paper and in newspaper form.
The Tabor Echo, our semi-monthly exchange from
just across tho Missouri publishes a contest oration on
Lady Macbeth that is much above the average of such
productions. Tho Echoed ninu brand new editors seem
inclined to push things and we hope they will succeed.
The Morrin College Review for March was freighted
with a couple of contributions on tho subject of higher
education for women. This is well, for though the ques
tion is old it must be discussed till it is settled rigth
that is till it is settled as the western colleges have already
settled it.
The Oarthaginian seems to be a very thriving mngaz'nc
but wc lenrn from its editorials that the college from,
which it comes is hardly able to exist because of the
lack of funds. Wo hope that they will "make tho rifllc"
aud be able for a long time to print their motto "Oarthago
non delenda est" with the non in the biggcM capitals that
space allows.
The Alabama University Monthly has an article entitled
"Mud this Classics Go?" another, "Does Geology Ignore
n Creator?11 and then caps the climax by trying to explain
the hidden meaning of Poe'a Rrvcn. Verily the students
of that University tiembic before no subject, however
knoly. The Monthly b in its eleventh volume and
gives forty pages each month of very iutere ating mat
ter. It may be noticed tliat our ex. man is not us rabidly
critical as he used to bo and not so much so 113 many of
his contemporaries. In fact the exchange column has
almost run into a column of college note. This has been
done with malace of forethought, nnd simply indicates
that we have tired of being so profoundly wise. If any one
objects to our going out of tho mups and taffy business
they can object.
The Rockford seminary is a completely feminine affair
except a masculine teacher of painting and another of
music. Further than this the teachers arc all Misses so
tho institutitiou must be a practical paradise. Tho
Magazine published by t he Purian Union f that seminary
is above the average of our exchanges though tho locals
sound like those that are usually written by ladies atten
ding 11 one-sex close-communion institution.
The Badger of May 1st contains a sypnopsis of whet
seems to have been a very lively debate between two of
the ladies societies in the Wisconsin University. We
hope our ladies debating club will go and do likewise.
But wc do not hope that one of our literay societies will
present a programme for a single evening's performance
consisting of fourteen declamations and orations.
Robertson tho Dyer.
Take your music lessons of Prof. Draper.
Latest stylos in hats at T. Ewlng & Co's.
Cadet suits and caps atT. Ewlng & Co's.
Celluloid collars and cuffa at T. Ewlng & Co's.
Special bargains lor students atT. Ewing & Co.
Elegant Patterns in Neckwear at T. Ewing & Co's.
The city of Lincoln' bonsts of four base ball clubs and
t hree brass bands. Let us pray for the stricken commun.
Buy your boots and shoes of O. W. Webster, O st Acad
envy of Music.
Large assortment of collars, cuffs and neckwear at T
Ewing &Co's.
Prof. Diaper is the most successful instructor of mu
sic in the city.
Call and sec tho now fall suits nt T. Ewing & Co's
Clothing Emporium.
Clements has the finest lot of sterescopic views of tho
University ever taken.
The best judges of artistic work go to Kcllcy & Co for
Photos. No. 102G 0 st.
Best style, best goods, at lowest prices at T. Ewing fc
Co's Clothing Emporium.
All the newest styles and patterns of clothing aud gent's
furnishing goods at T. Ewing & Co's.
Clmcn rr.d Fletcher invite all students to call and ex
amine thoir nrtestic college novelties.
All students should call and examine the stock of
Olason and Fletcher's University supply depot.
Remember Students you can get fino work, and better
inducements, in the "Fotograf" line, at Kelley & Co
1020 0. St.
Plans tor the new waterworks arc now being prepared
by hydraulic engineers. The work will begin as soon as
they are completed.
It is probable that the salt basin is at last to be made
useful. It has passed into the bauds of a s ndicatc that
means to get something out ot it.
Students it will pay you to examine tho pictures mado
by Kelley & Co. before sitting clseware. Have you seeu
that daisy University Panel they give gratis?
The old Barnes row on Eleventh street has gathered
itself together aud is now ambling off to the outskirts of
the city to spend the remainder of its days in peace and
quiet. The new hotel will be extended to tho ally, Ail
ing up the left space vacant by the departed architectrual
The excavation for the new Presbyterian church is
well undtr way. It is located on the corner of Mand
thirteenth strec ts, about 150 feet from the Cathedral and
not 40 feet frqm tho new Congregational church.
The Methodists are also erecting a $35,000 house of wor
ship on one block from this corner. It looks to an out
sider as though tho religioua portion of the city had be
come frightened and is hudlding together for mutual