Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, May 20, 1884, Page 6, Image 6

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equally bad, one must strive to reach the happy mean.
Fully k third of our collego courso may bo lost by too
much Btutly. Tills seems paradoxical but It Is true. A
more- general Intercut in University affairs is what wo
need. Any one who can devise a feasible scheme to
bring this result about will have filled a long-felt want.
T'io editors of the Annual have become personally rc
Bpon8sble for its financial sudcess. The Drifter is one
of the colossal intellects that hep bear the loss, if any.
Therefor ho takes advantago of having free face to give
the Annual an ad. Subscribe for the Annual, advertise
jn the Annual, support the Annual. Don't forget itl
gmnyux (marAn.
Chancellor has gono East again.
Miss Belle Ballard has taken a school near Raymond.
There will be t-vo more issues of the Student this col
lege year.
George Hitchcock '83, has just returned from an ex
tended trip in Florida.
Examinations begin on Tuesday morning the third
of June. They continue until noon of the following
Happy Seniors. No r lasses, no cares, no nothing! A
whole month of blissful idlenss! You arc the most for
tunate of mortals.
And now Ohency'is to be disgraced. He has taken an
agency for a picture house and will canvass in Richard
son county during tlio vacation.
Wanted, A guardian for the gymnasium. In its pres
out decrepit state it is feared Unit our old and tried friend
will wander away mid become hopelessly lost.
The police force has been ordered to appear in uniform
when on duly and to conform to a number of red tape
rules. It will be har.1 on our ubiquitous cops.
It is a fact that the University of Nebraska possesses
two of the most elegant society hulls in. Ihu United
States. Why is this the ease? Answer can be had at this
The foundation walls of ihe new capilol are completed
up to the water table. The missive walls of the dome
have gono of high as the second story in their journey to
the skies.
The U. N. B. B. nine will play a game with the Firth
club on (lie 1st of June. This club grows in a country
village, but we wish to warn ihe boys that it will take
cxccllaiit i laying to defeat them.
Cuts and Hunks seem to be most prominent features of
the University work just now. Commencement work is
focusing and the weather does all in its power to cause
laziness and general dontcarativencss.
The Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity which lias
beui expected in this institution for lo these many
months has up to this writing failed to matiralize.
Have the girles been denied a charter?
Later Since the above was written the girls have
been initiated. Furlhor particulars will be given in our
next issue.
Commencement promises to bo well iittondod this yonr.
Miss Alico Carso formerly '85, mndotho University, a
call last week.
MissTalbothas gono to hor homo at Syracuse to spend
a lew days.
Messrs. Frank Myers and Ed Austin formerly 80,
mado us a cull hist week
The collego orchestra assists the song portion of tho
Y. M. C. A. on Sunday nfernoous.
A second uino lias been organized, and will soon cluil
cngctlic first to mortal combat.
Miss.GeniaStillmaii was suddenly called to hor home
in Louisiana, Missouri, last week.
A. L. Frost, '85, a veteran of two months experience indie-
commercial world, has returned to continuo his
The Cadets indulge in a diess-parado every Friday
afu-riionii. These exhibitions ofmisculinc symmetry
are not so well attended as of yoie, however.
The base ballists have laid out now grounds several
blocks north of the campus. 'I hey are extensive enough
for the hnidest Latter in the Univcrsi'Y nine.
The prep who, in a fit of menial liberation, carried of
chapel bible and left in its place a much worn Dictionary
can learn something to his interest by calling at Room
Number Five.
The Sophomoivs are considering die feasibility of tak
ing up a collection to buy a pot of paiut for tho faded ex
terior of our building. Their experience in "painting the
town red" eminently qualifies them for the laudable
The catalogue is now in the hands of the printer. It
will appeal in a form closely roso-nblng that of the Yale
catalogue, and will contain many new feature.. Tho
middle nanus of all the siudentB who possess such an
useless apendage will be given in full.
The commencement progrrmme so far as nnoiinced is
as follows; Friday evening, Palladian Exhibition; Sat
urday evening, Union exhibition; Sunday evening, B.iccas
laureate address; Tuesday evening University mid res;
Wednibtlay, Commencement ; Wednesday evening,
At last we are to have grass around the building. The
work has been eouiincucc d or we would not dare to make
this rash statement. Guards or brick have been built a
round the basement windows, and the ground will be fill
ed so as to form a slope from the top of these to the drive
ways. Now "Keep oflthe grass," and in a short time this
barren place will become as verdant as an agricultural
It is broadly hinted that on the morning after the cir
cus day the janitor found a donkey in a recitation
room on the thi.d floor. He quietly .emoved his royal
highness and M.g a pit long and deep for the perpetra
tors of the deed by not saying anything about the matter.
Ho h oped to detect Ihe euilly pies by observing who
fust broached the subject of donkejs, but the scheme
was a miserable failure. The truth leaked out without
implicating anybody, and at this date the Faculty and
the janitor are huHing for the wretches with dark lan
terns and clubs.
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