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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1884)
THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. of tlio court of Charles II. Tlioy gavo tho lost blow to the Romantlo dramn. II living borrowed soino of tlio ln triguos from tho Spanish drama, mid exercised a dis -cased imagination, thoy wore fit prototypes of tho dra matists, so culled, after tho Restoration . Soldom havo writers adopted such au uniform stand -aid as those of that day, and unconsciously thoy wroto truo poetry. Perhaps it was because of their oblivion to this fact that thoy succeeded so well. The tumult and yearnings of tlio soul wore rovoaled upon their pages. Tho em o Mods of people had been stirred by tho translation of tlio Bible, tholr longings increased by tho discovery of tlio New World and tlio intellectual life q-ilckonod by the spread of learning. Thoso were tho causes of such a won dorful concentration of dramatic energy within so shor t a period. From the midst of revelry, we h ivo tho m )j t glorious results, for tho old dramatists in their doopis t degradation caught gllmses of tho pure and good; with the poets sccptro they swayed tho multitude. 84. Tho joint meeting between the Palladian and Union societies which took place in the chapel on the evening of tho 10th was very interesting and well attended. Tho proceeds wore donated to tho Annual through tlio kind ness of the two societies. Tho chapel was comfortably filled by an audience of between two and three hundred. Most of tho hearers were studeuts, but wo noticed a good sprinkling of town people. The orations of tho evening were delivered by Messrs. Frankfurter and Shepherd . The first named gentlemnn reflected credit on tho Union by a thoughtful and well delivered speech. Tho subject was " 1 he Result of Scientific Thought," and it was liau dlcd in n manner that clcurly showed a deep interest on the part of the speaker. Mr. Shepherd favored tlio au dience with a review of tho study of art nnd especially of dramatic art. The gentleman showed a thorough ac quaintancewith his subject and delivered his oration in a clear, ringing voice suplimcnleil by appropri ito ges tures. Neither of the orators was remarkable for orig inality so much ns for artistic composition and effective delivery. It would be impossible to form an opinion as to their relative merits, since both were oxcelloht and of an entirely different character, and if one could, it would not be in order to express tho opinion since the intention of the two societies was to make this meeting as little of a contest as possible. Miss Mary Jones of she Palladian delivered au essay on Jcaun Dare. Wo have uothing but praise to bestow upon the production aud its delivery Miss AllieLantz recited a tale of a maiden who was drown ed by tho incoming tide. Although tho piece was simple in tone it presented an opportunity for variety of voice aud intonation which was token advantage of by tlio recit er in a neat and mssterlv manner. Tho debate, whew ! Never before was a question devised that stirred up so warm a discussion as the one on the tapis, "Resolved that College Fraternities are beneficial." Tho editor of Drift is a lcd-liot, boiling-over fraternity man and doe a not mean to "officially" express an opinion. See him privately and hear his views. When we say that it was nearly twelve o'clock before the general debate was closed and that it would not have been then, unless two thirds of tho audlcncohad departed and the rest woio fast van ishing, words may form somo idea of the vohemenco of tho discussion. Porrln and Mockett were tho regular do balers and boro thomsolves credit. Both of thorn did "official.") Messrs. Will O Jo ncs, A G. Warner, Jesso Holmes and II. P. Barret exterminated tho fraternities in general dobato, and Mcs3rs. J . H. Mockett P. F.Clark and tho wioldor of this gifted pen Joined in upholding tho banner of hrothorhood. Tho Antl-frats were unpro riously victorious ("official.") The Frats rolled Jj their dxpononts in the dust ("unofficial.") In short, no ono knows which side beat. Probably both did. Tho mu sic intorsoorsed among thomoro wclghtyjpartsof the pro gramme was excellent and heartily applauded. Wo hopo to see another joint incotiug boforo many years. May wo not bo disappointed. Commencement draws near. Tho Seniors are loafing as hard as thoy know how and aro supposed to be think ing over their grand culminating offoit, which will elec tilfy tho world on tho 11th. Rovlows have commenced in class room. The poor wretch who has dono no uxor than he could half tho term timo is now scratching around ns lively as ho can to make up a deficiency that ought to nwo any sane man into unquestioning silence. But it was always thus. Tho boys work like nailors and then flunk. Painful isn't it. To say that there 13 a general fluuk among our studou t is drawing it very lightly indeed. Tho spring is nlways productive of a group of students who are compelled to spend the wholo time in Ichthyology, Botany, and kin dred branches. This is hnrd an the dryer portion of th curriculum. Tlio Profs, seem to understand the true state of nffairs for thoy are very lenient to tho uuhappy ones who spend more time in tho woods than in their study rooms. The nine is going down to Firth to bo waxed by tho professional country nine that inhabits that locality. Tho cadets tire going to Milford to feed mosquitos for a spell. Tho band is going along (hope they will finish the band and dellvor us from torment.) Tho bad man that does the business managing for tl is paper is going off to San Francisco for fossils. He will bo back iu time for ex's. It looks like n goooral exodus, don't it. Why don't more of tlio students of this respectable in stitution take a deeper interest in the affairs of the Uuis versity ? A lamentable want of enthusiasm is every whore manifest. Yes, it is even conepicous. The same crowd on an average which has to manage this and that matter is already engaged in bringing somo other scheme to sl happy conclusion. All rivalry seems to have died out Wo cannot account for this. Students should remember that they do not come to collogc to spend their whole timo in boning away at books. A man may burn tho midnight oil and stand at the head of his class during tho whole four years of his courso and still, when he leavo his Alma Mater, depart with less polish than he poscssed at the beginning of his college life. Study is the main tiling, but a "dig" takes nothing away from college that will bo likely to affect his after life except myopia, which is not by any mcanc beneficial. Either extreme is I r Ml """