Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, May 20, 1884, Page 2, Image 2
THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. HESPERIAN STUDENT, Issued semi-monthly by the Hesperian Student Publishing Association of the University of Nebraska BOARD OF EDITORS: This last improvement would save a great deal of time now spent in profitless searching for references. Managing Editor, A. G. Warner. Editors-in-chief, : Literary, : Local, : : Drift, : : Associate, : Medical, : : Business Manager, ( 0. S. Allen. J. II. Holmes E. J. Robinson Will 0. Jones 0. G. McMillan Anna Saundeii : S. B. Letson W. C. KNIGIIT TERMB OF SUBSCRIPTION : One copy, per college year, .... $1.00 One copy, one half year, .BO Single copy, .10 RATES OF ADVERTISING : One column, one insertion, $3.00 Two squares, one insertion, 75 One square, one insertion 40 All communications should be addressed to the Hes perian Student, State University, Lincoln, Nebraska. gditorwl $loh, The joint exhibition of the two societies shows that it is possible for them to unite their exercises with no appearance even, to contest. This meeting and the entire harmony that prevailed, indicates a gen eral good feeling among the students which we hope will be long continued. For a little time after the beginning of the new regime thejlatform chairs in chapel were filled with a unanimity theretofore unheard of in faculty meas ures. As time rolls on, however, those "vacant chairs" emerge one by one until the platform looks almost natural once more. The Student isn't at all surprised at this; it only wonders what they came for when they did come. Have any reasons for absence appeared which have not always applied with equal force? There is a rumor, coming apparently from the "powers that be," to the effect that a better library room than the present is a thing of the near future. It is suggested that the upper story of the chapel would be an excellent place for this purpose and as there is light from three directions probably no room in the building would be better. Among other meas ures which would accompany or follow this change would be are-arrangement and better classification of the books, and in time a card index of the whole. Thackeray puts forth the idea in one of his novels that one's allegiance to a party often is not a matter of principle so much as whether his father, grand father and best friends were in it. This is true in many cases. Personal likes and dislikes are fre quently the real causes of our alliance. We are Dem ocrats or Republicans just as we receive better treat ment from the members in the one party than from the other. Social ties are generally the strongest of all, and they have more influence than we think. They fasten themselves to us in our earliest years when we are most open to prejudice, and prejudice is a wall that very few climb over. A news-paper bureau in connection with our library is one of the things in prospect. The plan is to sub- . scribe for a large number of papers, state and other, which shall be read by persons to whom the duty has been regularly assigned. These persons will carefully index the matter contained in the pa pers to be kept on file, and make clippings from the others. The clippings will be classified and kept in drawers for future reference. This is a plan that has been adopted in Johns Hopkins, and in some other eastern schools and will certainly prevent those en gaged in such work from "getting behind the times," a fault that has been much talked about by those outside the colleges. We hope that the experiment will betried, and believe that it can be a success. It is a singular fact in the history of the world that many enterprises undertaken for purely selfish pur poses have been the means of working out the interest of all. The quarrel of Henry The Eighth with the Pope led to the establishment of Protestantism in England, although Henry acted simply to spite the Pope. The desire of conquest and gain led to the discovery of America, which has resulted in the founding of a nation to become the greatest and most influential the world has ever known. The greedi ness of Great Britain in seizing India, brought about the discovery of Sanskrit and, opening to scholars a rich field of hitherto hidden knowledge, it revealed the connection between races never dreamed of be fore. In the higher sense of the word all things work together for the general good, although it is not al ways as apparent as in those cases. There is nothing like pushing yourself forward if you want to get up in this world. If you lay claim to a place, nine people out often will grant it to you. It is mucti like going into a post-office crowded with people all wanting their mail; if you hold .back, your 'zd& fjfmgsitmmasBai 'PBfey gy '".