Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, May 20, 1884, Image 11
t HESPERIAN STUDENT UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. i i N k. V. Vol. XII. LINCOLN, NEB., MAY 20, 1884. No. XIV. If you tiro luterostcd In music, call nt tho Conservatory of Music on Elovcnth Stroot, third door south of the campus. Examlno our systom and got our prlcoB. Volco Oulturo, Piano, Organ,' Harmony, Violin, otc. W; 1,. FAIRBROTHER, . . u K. jn. 19RJIP11H. Vocal Director. v Qenl Director. TEL- "W- BBOW1T, DRUGGIST, COLLEGE TE22ZT AND MEDICAL BOOKS! AND A COMPLETE LINE OP 127 South Eleventh Street. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS Aro cordially Invited to call nt tho Commercial Tonsorial Parlor. WmXmap Qjr Ma Tmm CmQMcaar ZrjfM up Gimmxe GtamaarrMt, HUTGHINS & HYATT, Dealers IN coal. Jijrn ivoon. Sawed and split wood a specialty. Pino kindling. Office, 1040 O Street. TAILORESS Gents' Clothing made, cleaned and repaired. Room 4, Third Floor Stato Block, over T. .Swings1 Clothing Storo, O St. LINCOLN. - - - NEBRASKA.. Money! Men ! DES MOINES, IOWA. All thoattachos of tho Student, oxcopt tho co-eds and tho lit orary editor (who is too young), patronize tho popular tonsorial artist, S. F. Wcstcrucld, O and 12th. Thoy can testify that "Sam" Ir a skilled workman an I jHgontloman. Club rates given. APP7C? Send six conts for postage, and I nlLt Jrccolvo froo,a costly box or goods which will help you to moro monoy right away than anything olso in tho world. All of olther box succeed trom first hour. Tho broad rond to fortuno opons boforo the workers ab solutely sure. At onco address, Tuue & Co., Augusta, Maino. JOHN KELLY, MERCHANT TAILOR, 329 South Eleventh, I have Just rocolved a flno fall stock of black for dross goods and fancy business suitings. One door west of Baptls church. &IJVC0CJY; Offlco 1125 N Stroot. Co to A. M. Davis for Carpets, Etc, Etc.