THE H'ESPERIN STUDENT, THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Irving J. Manatt, Ph.D., Chancellor. JLrr COIXEGE OF EITERATUIIE, SCIENCE AND THE AIITS. II. E. Hitchcock, M. A., Ph. D., Dean, and Profoseor or Mathematics. Gcorgo McMillan, Ph.D., Profcssorof Grcok. QcorgoE. Howard, M. A., Professor of History. Samuel R. Thompson, M. A.. Professor of Didactics. Qrovo E. Borhcr, M. A.. Professor of Latin. Hudson H. Nicholson, M. A., ProresBor of Chemistry acd Physls. Lucius A. Sherman, Ph.D., Professor of English. Froder'ck W. Urube, M. A., Professor of Modern Languages Professor of natural Sciences. THE INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE. Samuel 11. Thompson, M. A., Dean, Professor of Agriculture Hudson H.Nicholson, M.A , Professor of Agricultural Chemistry. Harvey Cnlhertson, M. 8., D. Agr., Professor of Horticulture. Itlchard H. Townley. U. S. N., Prof, of Mlljiclenco nnd Tactics. Charles N. Little, 11. A., Instructor In Matrfics and Civil Kng. THE L.ATIN SCHOOL. Miss Ellen Smith, M. A., Principal. Mfs. Adelaide Dearborn. tatftffcitpr In Elocutlou. MissMVIga G. HitchcnckjTKtor in Latin. Howard WTCaldwoll, B. S.ilnWTUctQr In History. L. P. M. Eastcrday, M.A., Instructor In Physics aud Astronomy. Bion II. Culver, B. a., Instructor in modern languages, p S. B. Hohmann, Dlrcctoi of Musical Conservatory. Teacher of Painting and Drawing. Five courses of study nrc ollercd : Olnssicu), Scientific, Lilcrnry, Engineering nnd Agiiculturiil. Tlic Latin School, for ilic present, oilers u two j ears' course pre paratory In tliei-e courses. Students wishing to enter tiie Latin School must be prepared for examination in Orthog. rnp by, English Grnmmur, Praclicnl Arithmcjfc, Geogra. y, unci History of the United States. THE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. A. It. Mitchell, m. ii., Dean, and Professor of Anatomy. L. A. Mcrilnm, m.d., Prolessor of Principles and Practice of Modi- II. B. Low'ry, m.a., m.d., Professor of Physiology and Therapeutics. W. M. Knnpp, m.d., Professor of Obstetrics and Dlpcascs of Womon and Children. II. II. Nicholson, m.a , Profossor of Chemistry. L. B. Graddv, m. Professor of Diseases of tho Eyo and Ear, Hon.O. P. Mason, Professor of Medical JurlBprudcnco, N. J. Beachly, M.n., Demonstrator of Anatomy. B. L. Paine, M.n., Professor of Theory and rrnctlco.(IIoniccopatlilc) C. L. Hart, M.i)., Professor of Materia Mcdlca. " B. P. Rlghtcr, M.D., Professor of Obstetrics. " W. S. Latta, M.n., Professor of Theory and Prpctlco. (Eclectic.) . J. H. Woodard, M.u,, Professor of Materia Modica. " IraVan Camp, M.n., Professor of Obstetrics. " This college waR opened in 1888, nnd is now in vigor oious openilion. The University with its collections and lite capital cily witli its public institutions offer specia facilities aud inducements to medical Mudtnls. JSo fee arc charged beyond the matriculation Ice of $5, nnd Hi actual cost of material for the study of Practical Anatomy God board in the city at $3 a week; furnished rooto $8 to $6 a month. Students of the Industrial Collogo live on the hinn, where board is furnished at cost. No charges for tuition, exce t matriculation fee of $5. Students residing in the stale, or persons about to enter tho Univor sity, are allowed half fare in going to and from homo by the railroads entering Lincoln. For half.faro certificates, Catalogues or other information address tho Chancellor. nllndiim ihvnr g0f. "Forma Mentis Eterna est." Regular mcotings every Friday ovening, commencing promply at 7:30. Students and strangers welcome. Robert L. Marth, Pres ident; Wm. E. Johnson, Scc'y . Debating Club open to Palladlans only), Saturday at7 : 30 I'M. mi'vPto S- Mr & 3, State University, Lincoln, Neb. Prayor meeting ovcry Wednesday evening from 7: -15 to 8:30; cverynoon from IB; 35 to 12:45. Bible class every Sunday morning at 0:30 (standard.) Htwm jsoatietjj, "LUtere cum tlegantia mundum agant." Meets every Friday evening in Union Hall. Open to all. Debating Club ovory Saturday evening. Open to mombora. E.J. Robin son, President. E. J. Churchill, Secretary "W ZE3I PBESCOTT, LINCOLN, NEB. CHEAPEST ARD MOST COMPLETE MU8IC HOUSE BN TI5E STATE If you buy an insirumcnt without seeing mo and my stock you will surely miss it, for I am positive I can save you money. I have a fine line of Goods suitable for Holiday Presents; besides the finest stock of Pianos and Organs ever brought to Lincoln. I have a fine lino of Music Cab inets for holding Sheet Music and Books. Pull Line of Piano Spreads and Stools. EASTBRlsT PRICES ZDISCOTTZEsTTIEIDn WmM Cs?&x.& Will 3&ir WPvnmijrfi Attfcatlaa ani Baiilm a.etan vMiian.'ele .. W. H. PRESCOTT, 1125 O ST. rT