Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, May 20, 1884, Image 1
HESPERIAN STUDENT UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Vol. XII. LINCOLN, NEB., MAY 20, 1884. No. XIV. -I Monslgnoi' Cnpel speaks of nows.paper interviowera as 'Intolloctu inoFqultoB." It is sulci dint McCosh of Princeton has nltcndcd ten colleges unci graduated nt sx. Tho Frcshnian class of Cornell has representatives from Russia, Spain, Brazil, Central America, Germany, Australia, and Canada. Henry Irving thinks that Americans aro much more forward in using new inventions add in taking up new dens than the English. It is estimated that in tho pajt forty years over fifty millions of dollars have been donated by individuals to educational institutions. Rev. Dr. McCosh of Princeton college says: "I don't believe that Mr. Boccher has much theology, and what little ho has I don't believe in." Wall BIreet has had a sensational event of about the usual order in tho failure of James II. Keeue, who lost over four millions in six months. At a meeting held in Chicago tho other day $45,000 were raised In tho intercs t of Lombard University, a tli eologicnl school nt Galcsburg, Ills. Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes says: "I am trying to do s omo kind of justice to Ralph Waldo Emerson in a brief memoir, taking u short time to read and much longer to writo." President Ellol of Harvard University thinks that "the ordinary requirements of American colloges In the mat ter of hUtory ar ridiculously absurd." Ho believes that If auy history Is rcqulrod It should bo tho history of England and America during tho last two hundred years Prof. Sumner, of Yale college, is taking a step in tho right direction by lecturing to the students on the operations of tho stock market in Wall Street. If this was oxtenslvoly dono by teachers of Political Econ omy the Wall Street gamb'ors might not get quite so rnany "Lambs" to shear. Tho newspapers arc now ovcr-buay making the next president, but, strange to say, they cannot agree upon the successful candidate. It is almost as ensy to fortell tho nominations of a convention, as it is ,io predict the ver dict of a jury, and it would bo great fun tor the people to see some "dark horse" triumphant. A commltteo of young ladles waited on tho Chancellor last week, with a request that calisthenics be taught in the University. Ho promised to do nil in his power to secure the wished-for instruction. Tho Washington Monument, tho completion of which hns been regarded by many as an event of the d'm future, is beginning to assume a more definite shape. Th column is now considerably more than four hundred feet high and preparations are being mudo for the dedicatory ceromonies. Robert 0. Winthrop who delivered tho ad dress at tho laying of tlie corner stone in 1848, will also deliver tho oration celebrating its completion. $25,000 have been appropriated to pay the expenses of the dedication. Dr. T.DeWitt Talmago in an article in tho first num ber of tho now magazine, Homo Science, compares tho rush and hurry of American life to a railway train with a "hot axle." Veiy few would suffer from that cause even with tho snrao amount, of rush and hurry if they would but uso a little moro oil to lubricate tho "axle" and apply it at regular, intervals; that is, if they would bo moro methodical in their habits and take rest and re creation witli the same eagerness with which they seize upon work. .New York has been suffering from a financial panic on a small scale. Wall Street was first startled by the failure of Grant and Ward with liabilities of several mil lions. The subsequent failures of several banks and large firms have severely shaken tho confidence of the people. Such panics as theso illustrato tho great financial powers held by our national banking system. Iffs probable,' however, that uiider any banking system that could bo devised, so long as our immense credit system lasts, wo would have a frequent recurrence of iho time when some slight event of no great importance in itself, frighten peoplo as to make such panics iuovitablo. Gladstone, in a recent speech concerning tho charge that the Ituglish government had abondoned Gen. Gors don to his fato, said that they had not refused to relieve Gordon, but that the Egyptian people wero striving for freedom from tho despotism of tho Sultan and that tho English government did not propose to prevent them This shows a very commendablo spirit on tho part of Gladstone's administration aud one which does not agree with the policy usually hold by that government. Mauy have charged the Gladstone government witli be ing weak and vacillating because it has been less aggres sive lhanBeacoufleld'swit8, but is fur moro in accordance with tho peaceful tendencies that aro animating most civilized nations. 1