Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, May 05, 1884, Page 6, Image 6

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Hfo was a stern reality ml as if tho sternness wns embocl.
icd in liio monotonous cry of "three strikes niul out,""fllx
balle, Hike your base," and "dead ball." Well, to those
Hint like it, bnsc-btill Is no doubt a noble pastime. Tho
Drifter does not like it. Therefore by a simple logical
influence it d( cs not appear lo him to be so very noble as
it might to others. Hence the enthusiasts will please
pardon this somewhat dubious notice. "Every one to his
taste" and no bruised fingers in ours.
The societies arc about to indulge in the luxury of a
joint program. Il is the first that has ever been attempt
ed in N. S. U.. The faet is that the feeling between the
societies has never before been ol the kind that would
permit of any such affair being successfully arranged.
But now, we regnt to say, everything U running as
miootlily as the most pious quaker could desire. The
joint progiam has good material on it and will in all cer
tainty go off witli eclat. There was a time when such an
affair would have caused more fighting llinn could be do
scribed in anything save red ink. But, alas! forever pastl
Aibor Day this year went off rather lamely. The two
frats had bushels of fun, and the great double jointed
conundrum going the rounds is "which ought to ret up
the cream 1" It has not yet been decided and probably
never will be. It makes little differnnce either, for even
a judge men l should be voted against one the other
rculd mver r fli by it, since it would be ensicr to draw
tears from a bi.aid fence than any sucn a frivolous matter
as cretin from a Nebraska fraternity man. Next year, it
s to b hoped that the ugly cotton woods Unit bedeck the
rampuF may betaken up and a general tree-plunting ensue
to fill up the vnciiut holes with trees that arc of some
beauty and value.
2 v i if i 1 ti- ij en iM n 1 1 i he 3 car in which the hot
auists sally forth from their winter haunts and lay in a
fresh stock of Antragalun Uaryocarputes and Antennaria
JPlantaginifolia. There is almost any amount of 'ina-
('ultunlid mjojnunt lo be deiived fiom this study. If
one has, any where in his soul, a lingering, retiiing love
for nature, botany is sure to draw it out. Remember tha,
to do'any good in any thing one must be an eluhusiasl
For a student lo set about collecting the required thirty
five botauical specimens for the professor, is absolutely of
no value to him if lie does il merely as a task. Any sensi.
ble student ought lobe dit-gustcd witli such an insignifi
cant si owing as Ihiity-fivc botanical specimens. But
many have great diflicully in finding even so many. The
fact is that two hundred and fifty different species of flow
cring plants can be easily collected about Lincoln before
the tenth of June. To ei. com age home industry, the
Drificr promises lo sel up the cream, soda, pie, lemonade
and Cole's Great Mammoth Coii'lcnsificatiou of Inexpli
cable Monstrosities to all who seccced in making a fairly
exhaustive collection of our Flora before the end of the
term. Hero is a chance to make a fortunn without labor,
capital or intelligence.
The boys are talking over "Field Day." Last year we
did not indulge in this anniversiiry or whatever it should
be called. Perhaps enthusiasm died out a little. No
wonder, for wc passed through the ordeal three times
within as many months the year before. It is a good
plan to make arrangements for sorrio games. The Drifter
suggests that a bowl-fight, ropc-pull and greased pole as
cension comprise a good part of the "exercises." This
will be original in style nnd improving in tono. Give it
all attention, we beg of you.
What right has the festive small-boy to Invade our
enmpus on Sunday and raise Cain with his games of ball
and other boisterous occupations. It would be a good
thing if no one was allowed to turn the uorthcaal block
of the University grounds into pandemonium but our own
base-ball and football fraternities. Wc advise the spec
ial policeman who has charge of the University property
ti kill a few boys and make tho world better.
The Physiology class gazed with horror on its instrus
tor as he vivisected an unhappy dog before its eyes
Those who were there report an awful scene. Nino tenths
of the girls gave one screech and fainted on the floor
It must have been exciting.
nwyiis (n!(;trc1s.
Chancellor is back.
Barnard and Mercer were up to li;o state convention.
Turn down collars are triumphant. Even Allen wears
The preps have been struck witli the UBual spring fe
ver botany.
Frank Myers, once a member of '85, visited alma
mater lust week.
Our old and now distinguished friend, Miss Minnie
Parker has returned.
The physiology class cut up a dog witli considerable
disgust and small profit.
C.A. Warner of the class of '80 of Hillsdale college
called upon us last week.
Miss Mary Leonard lias returned from Cincinnati,
where t-hc has been studying music.
Some fifteen or twenty of our intellects play base daily
ou S street when there is no preventing mud.
Knight and the devil went on a duck hunt last
Saturday, and secured twelve ducks and an appetite for
The official name of our institution is the "University
of Nebraska." All others are not genuiuc and should
not be used.
The society secretaries are sinking under the excess
of work that always comes to these officials during tha
spring term.
Tlic half boiled remains of the stiff have been removed
from the baseuipnl. It was quite an appetiser to those
that viewed it
Two thousand sheets of theme paper have been pur
chased by the University Printing company, and it
makes our head ache to think of the work it wiKlake to
coverall this with the regulation slush. Tli3 themes
hereafter piepared by the students will be put on file and
kept to inspire awe in those too lazy to read them.