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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1884)
THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. V n fc minds of men, arc numbeied. No longer can classical studies constitute tho wholo of a liberal education. Thoy must give way, in n great degree, to what is more conformable to tho stern, practical thought of the day And is not tho present moro worthy our attention than tho past? Is it not bettor to investigate the circumstances and conditions which surround us, than to spend our limltod timo in the contemplation of the thoughts, and feelings of a dead antiquity, a study which though it may aid in tho development of tho reasoning powers, is of but little value In its application to practical life? Bcience, too, disciplines the mind. While (it is a search for tho actual, it gives abundant exercise to tho imagina tive, perceptive and rcflecllvo faculties, and reveals such vast realms for puro logiral thought as the classics never possessed. 'I he study of the sciences alone could, with out doubt, develop the mind to its highest possible stand ard. So wo might go on, to find that the scientific spirit is exerting an influence on every phase of human thought and action. As the artist recognized as his highest motto: 'True art is fidelity to nature," so men are beginning to see that nature is the true criterion for the workings of mind and body alike. Not tho least value of science, however, is its utility, its application to practical inventions. How much better and higher in their aims ure our lives than were those of our ancestors. Our dwellings are palaces of luxury and comfort compared with theirs. Then, there was communication with the outer world only ut inter vals ; now, tho harnessed lightening connects the further most ends of the earth. Then, tho only means of travel ing was by the creeping stage coach, now, the locomo tive tvith double the speed of the wind, thunders over mountain and valley, and the steamship stems th c fury of the Atlantic storm. By the substitution of the energies of nature for human muscle, science has forever abolished slavery and has released man from a sole dependence on man ual labor, that he might turn his attention to the acquisi tion of intellectual culture. To this end it lias given us the printing press, the means of the rapid diffusion of knowledge, and has thus strengthened the bonds of human sympathy and brotherhood. To the proper understanding of nature, human minds owe their escape from the thraldom of that degrading superstition which held them so long in the chains of tyrants. Where, now, arc tlie arts of divination toler ated by enlightened Rome, or those ofjmagic, sorcery and witchcraft and the absurd pretentions of the astrologers? The more we know of nature, the more we see the beauty and harmony of her inflexible laws. Her most powerful forces are no longer terrible to us; on the contrary, we turn them to practical use and "rule by obeying Nature's powers." Science is, indeed, the very foundation stone of mod ern civilization, a mighty magician whose deeds nrc more marvelous thun those related in the fables of the Arabian Nights. Tho command was given science: "Subdue the world and use it," and well has she accomplished iter mission. Yet not satisfied, olio is ever pushing onward with lof tier ends in view. Is there no limit to tills progress? Will not tho natural limitation of the mind und senses prohibit us from going boyond a certain point ? So it would seem, but wo must beware when wo attempt to impose limits to tho groatness of human achievements. A century or two henco our ago may be scorned and pitied for its ignorance us we scorn and pity tho Igno rance and supcrtition of theJDark Ages. Science, how over, will tolcratono limits but those imposed by naluro herself; so that we may hope that it will continue in its noblo work, that it will olovato us mentally, morally and physically until our lives, acts, and thoughts shall be in harmony with Nature's law. Then will wo be enabled to sec clearly the beautiful uniformities and understand the puzzling mysteries of Nature. With science as our in terpreter, we may then listen to the "music of tho sphorcs," and gladly say with the poet: "I grlovo not that rips knowlcdgo takos away Tin charm that natnro to my childhood woro , For with that insight comoth day by day A greater bliss than wonder was boforo ." grift. The college annual Is booming. The editors work night and day and are gathering in everything of interest that has taken place since the 12th of September 1888. The who!" will bo dished up in au edifying and instructive style possibly not so serious and grave in its tone as a text-book of Statics, nor again so stupid aud inane as the average evening paper in short it will be good. It will bo just iisgood as we can possibly make it. If any one has neglected to subscribe he ought to lose no more time before seeing that his duty is done. Time is ruuning short, to tell the truth. Thoy want to have tho forms in press before too fifteenth of the mouth und they wiii have to know before that time just about what risk they can run in the purchase of engravings and other novelties. So let all whole-souled students sec that their names appear on ihe list of the "mu.ioger of finance" for at least one copy of the but the namo is not yet to be let loose on tho expec tant college world. In short take the advice of "one who knows" and come down liberally. If you do the editors may put you in tho "to-bo-let-ofT-with-a-pufP lis, which contains only those who support the Annual as hey should. Otherwise you may find all your family flairs dragged out in a way that will make 'you weep aud wail and gnash vour teeth. "A word to the wise etc." The Base Ball Association of N. S. U. is flourishing; Tli ere arc some forty members, and three full nines with substitutes aud all other modern appliances have been organized. Tho first nine feels competent to play any professional club that may wish to take up the gauntlet. (Italso feels equally competent to catch "gooso eggs" every inning.) The second nine is not quite so umbitious. The third nine, of which Hunger i? captain and Pound catcher, would feel elated if it could beat anything whatever. In fact they arc offering large pecuniary in ducements to any one who will get up a nine that they can lay out in professional stylo. Every afternoon these seekers after sport may bo seen wildly throwing a hall at everybody that heaves in sight, clubbing the umpire and destroying the beauty of the bystanders. Thoy play as if I wmvTTns?za