6 THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. Infant Phenomenon : Grnnllug your proposition that tho Olssoid of Dlogcnca is oquivnlont to mi equiangular parabola, wo cunnot seo how it will assist you in calcula ting tho .-'cscent of man on an Inclined plane, either as lo velocity or time. Perhaps you may have omitted by inl8ltko nn hundred or two pages of your ingenious dis cussion that was sent us for examination. Gwendoline: Wo cannot udviso you. Such affairs should be of too private and sacred a chnrncter lo appear in the public press. Try moral suasion and if he still re fuses to understandjyour hints about the ice-cream season having opened, then perhaps you had better part. Busted: Yes, thank Heaven! the oyster season is prac tically at an end. If you desire to join us in ihe Doxol ogy, call at the office any evening and you will rest as sured of no austere welcome on our part. Ink. Wisative: If you ever dare to ask us again whether our last month's wash bill is paid, your blood will be on your own head and also on our club. A word, etc. Am.vAWNSO: You certainly showed a great luck of good sense. Even if the fire was near her residence you hod no right 10 spend forty minutes hi curling your back hair before ambling over to the scene of action. As you ought to understand, there nro times when many of the conventionalities of etlquetto arc temporarily suspended" This was certainly one of them. Batujauian: No; you don't have to Join a fraternity unless you want to. What in blank makes you ask us so often for, nnywny ? This is the seventeenth time in two week?. Nobody wauls to interfere with your personal liberty. You ought to know that without inquiring. LiMiiimoEn: Look out for yourself. We have seven detectives and a Union girl hunting for you. Neverthe less the conundrum Is worth publishing. "Why is oue of tho evening papers like the first issue of the new nickk-?'' Give it up. "Because it has no cents." Hanging is too good tor you. ams &ninr(te. Tho Bophomoro class In elementary French has com pleted the primer and slxtocn lessons of grammar thus far this year. The Uiuon slate, which was badly rrnctured ef few weeks ago, has beon repaired. The ccmont used Is called ice cream. Miss Edith Doolittle, '80, goes to Bolton in a fow weeks to spend a year in study ot tho New England' Conservatory of Music. A number of poverty stricken students will spend tho summer in trading self respect lor cheek. In other wordy, they will canvass. Some rank protectionists who have been sending to Europe for books, and have had to pay n heavy duty on them, begin to waver in tho faith. Ti is thu proper tiling for students lo remain quiet nnd attentive during chapel exercises, of course, but is not the faculty under the same obligation? II. T. Conloy, 11 member ol '80 who fell from grace to become a tree-peddler, was airing his horticultural hyperbole around the building last week. Six of our enterprising boys are canvassing for plcturos and report flue lluc.cess, some making $100.00 per week. Printed catalogues of our library are needed. Damon Lille has resumed his University work. The faculty is already struggling with the new cnta logue. Eight more weeks and the college year of '83-4 will be a memory. II. E. Shotwell will spend the coming year onji home, stead among Ihe aborigines. Smith's dictionary of antiquities is the hardest worked book in the library at present. W. E. Cunningham has given up his studies ur.d gone to western Nebraska in search of wealth. "We Go It Alone." The gentlemen should see that this motto is adhered lo for a year at last. The clnif.el choir commenced Ihe term in a very fa tigued condition. It is slowly recovering. Mr. Geo. Jennings, of Falls City, was u visitor among members ot the Hebi-ewan staff last week. The reghtrntion for drill litis term numbers seventy, five, but of llifpe a large per cent have been excused. Six others have engaged to begin in a few weeks. Prof. H. H. Nicholson has removed his family to Beat rice, in order that he may have a Saturday and Sunday haven, free from the horrors of our Bus. Man's trombone. The delicacv knovn as "stiff soup" is now on draught in the basement. Member of the physiology classes will be required to samp' 0 it before passing their exnuilna 'tions. The Conservatory ol ,Music is enjoying a fair degreo of prosperity at prenent. Tho number of pupils ts'seven n larger number than usual under tho present manage ment. C. E. Verity was installed as temporary editor of the Rising City Independent two weeks ago, anil up to date has not been able to free hinnol I' from the duties of tho position. The mandate has gone forth Unit essays must be "nmile up" before the 21st of May. All delinquent: wlil be punished with inferior classification in the firth coming catalogue. The chancellor has recommended that students use printed University stationery as much as possible. It costs but little and is of groat benefit in advertising our institution. S. D. Killen,ofthc firm of Johnson fc Klljcn, wholes sale dealers In veracity, has gone homo to remain until September. He lmi already been evolved Into a "sure enough" agriculturist. B. W. Marsh, well known to students of 0110 and two years ago, was a caller at the intellectual fountain-head of the slate, a few days ugo. Ho is prospering as a dis penser of hardware at Minden . Tho Sophomore class is officered this term us follows. President, Miss Laura Roberts; Vice President, Miss Allie Lantx; Secy., Miss Dell Stratum; Scribe, Miss Cora Fisher. The result would seem to indicate that thcyonng ladies controlled the election, but it was caused by noth ing more serious limn the gallantry of the gentlemen. ( Jl WBSSb.