THE HESPERIAN STUDENT THE UNIVERSITY OF JYEBRASKA Irving J. Manatt, Ph. D., Chancellor. COLLEGE OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND THE A UTS. II. E. Hitchcock, M. A., Ph.D.,Dciui,iind Professor of Mathemotlcs. Gcorgo McMillan, Ph.D., Professor of Greek. QcorcoK. Howard, M. A.. Professor of History. Samuel 11. Thompson, M. A.. Professor of Didactics. Grovo K. Dnrbcr, M. A.. Professor of Latin. Hudson II. Nicholson, M. A.. Professor of Chnmlstry nrd Physls. Lucius A. Sherman, Ph. D., Fiofcsr-or of English. Frcder ck W. Grubc, M. A., Professor of Modern;iiagcf. Protestor or Natural Sciences. THE INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE. Snmucl K. Thompson, M. A., Dcnn, Professor pf Agriculture. Hudson H.Nicholson. M. A., Professor of Agricultural ChcmlMry. Harvey Culhcrtson, M. S., II. Agr., Prolcssor of Horticultuie. Diehard ll.Townlc'y. U. s! N.. lWof Military Science indTnctlw. Charles N. l.lttle, 1. A., Instructor In Mathematics and Civil Eng. THE LATIN SCHOOL. Miss Ellen Smith, M. A., Principal. Mrs. Adelaide Dearborn. Instructor In Elocution. Miss Madge O. Hitchcock, Instructor In Latin. Howard V Caldwell, D.S., Instructor In History. L. P. M. Kasterday, M.A., lnMructor In Physics aud Astronomy Dion 11. Culver, H. H., Instructor In modern Iniipunt'CB. S. D. Holimanu, Dlrectoi of Musical Conservatory. ..-- ueiuiiiTui i-niiiiuiguiiu xhiiuiuk. THE COLLEGE OF MLIHCINE. A. 11. Mllchcll, m. ., Dean, and Professor of Anatomy. I,. A. Mcrilam, m.u., Prolcssor of Principles and Practice of Mod- II. 1. Low'ry, m.a., m.u., Professor of Physiology and ThcrapontlcH. W. M. Knanp, jr.u., Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children. II. II. Nicholson, ji.a , Professor of Chemistry. L. 11. Groddy.,, Professor of Diseases of tho Eye and Ear, Hon. U. P. Mason, Proreesor of Medical Jurisprudence, N. J. lloachly, M.n.. Demonstrator of Anatomy. II, Ij. Paine, m.i., Professor of Theory and Practlco.(noma-opathlc) (!. I.. Hart, m v., Professor of Materia Medico. ' II. F. Hlghter, m.i., Professor of Obstetrics. W. S, Lotto,, Professor of Theory and Practice. (Eclectic.) J. II. Woodord, M.n., Professor of Materia Medico. " , Iro Von Camp, si.d. , rrorcssor oi uustoirics. Five toursis of frtutly me oll'mil: Classical, Scientific, Liteinry, Engineering and Agi cultural. The Latin School, lor i he prcpcnt, oilers u two yean,' course pre paratory lo these courses. Students wishing lo cnlcr ihc , nlin School must be prepared forcxamination in OrlJiog. phy, English Grammar, Practical Aritlimctic, Gcogm ' y, ttiul Hibtory of Ihe United Slates. This college was opened in 1883, ar.'l is now In vi gor oioiis operafion. Tliu University with ils collections nud the capital cily with its public in.-titulions offer special facilities and inducements lo medical Mudcnts. No fees are charged beyond the tnatiictilalion fee of $5, and tho actual eosl of material forlhe study of Practical Anatomy. Goal board in the city ut $8 a week; furnished room $3 to $ a mouth. Students of the Industrial College live on tho Inriii, where board is furnished at cost. Nr charges for tuition, excc t matrictlalion fee of $5. Students residing in the state, or persons about to enter the Univcr sily, are allowed half fare in going to and J'rom home by the railroads i-uterine; Lincoln. For half.faie certificates, Catalogue or other information address the Cha r.ccllo fjnllitdiim $itcrari: &ocicUj, "Forma .Vtntls .Ktcrnu est." . ltegular meetings every Friday evening, commencing promply at 7:30. Students and strangers welcome. Robert L. Martb, Pres ident; Win, E. Johnson, Scc'y . Debating Club open to PallodloiiH only), Saturday at7::K) rM. Stato University, Lincoln, Neb. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening from 7: IS to 8: !50j every noon from 12: 3Ti to 12: 15. Nihil- class every Suuduj morning at 9:;S0 (standard.) lAufrm jffaitict, "Llttera rum tltijantia tnundum ngaiit." Mcoiscwry Friday evening in Union Hall. Open to all. DobMing Club every Saturday venlng. Open to members. E.J.Itobln on. Pn-t-ldi-nt. K. .1. Churehlll, Secretary ZuflHipfTVjiMbitKfH W" HI. PRESCOTT, LINCOLN, NEB. (illvAIlSI AM) MflCTCGlffFLE'IE IN TO I C 1H)1e' IX THE STATE If you buy an instrument without seeing me and my stock you will surely miss it for I am positive I can save you money. I have a fine line of Goods suitable for Holiday Presents ; besides tho finest stock of Pianos nnd Organs ' ever brought to Lincoln. I have a fine lino of Music Cnb inels for holding Sheet Music and Jiooks. Full Line of Piano Spreads and Stools. BASTEBIsT PBIOES ZDISCOTTTZEJDn SffaSX 0dcw Will Receive XtooMi&t AUa, nn fitatte W. H. PRESCOTT, 1125 O ST. X3.JLNQ T-TJ-IN-IlN-a- JLiTX) KIEIFJLIIRrisrG-. .;? A