Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, April 15, 1884, Image 1

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Vol. XII.
LINCOLN, NEB., APRIL 15, 1884.
No. XII.
There arc now eighty American students at tho Unlvers
sity of Berlin.
Prof. Gyrus Northrop of Now Haven has accop ed the
presidency of tho University of Minnesota.
John G. Whiltler, who is a trustee of Brown University
is in favor of making the college co-educational.
Joseph Cook will present Willard's portrait of Wendell
Philipps to Harvard, of which the latter was a graduate.
Tho Chicago socialists declare that the Cincinnati riots
resulted from "a premature explosion ol the gcnoral dis
content." Harvard has 107 teachers, 1523 students anct a library of
270,700 volumes. Our University would feel a little
proud of such a library.
Chns. Roadc, the novelist, though still .engaged in
writing, hns retutned to London after spending tho winter
in southern France, in very poor health, and is said to be
apklly sinking.
Sentimental nonsense: A hair from tho head of Henry
Clay sold for thirty dollars in Baltimore recently. Soon
tho hair album will take the place of the autograph, but
it wiil be a little hard on bald heads.
At tho lcquesl of his widow no attempt Jwill be made
to creel a monument to Wendell Philipps. Pcrhap3, she
thinks that bronzo and marble monuments are becoming
too common, now-a-days, to have much significance.
Mr. Bpurgcon, the famous London Baptist preacher,
according to a recent writer, lias nothing clerical in his
appeaiance but looks for nil tho world like a village
blacksmith with his "Sunday-go-to-meeting" clothes on.
"If you want knowledge, you must toil for it; if you
want food you must work for it; and if pleasure you must
toil for it. Toil is tho law. Pleasure comes through toil
nnd not by self indulgence and indolence. When one
gets to love work l'.fo is a happy one." Jfutkin.
Tho Cambridge Memorial movement is progressing
slowly but surely, and it will be but a short lime when
tho statue of tho most popular of American authors will
grace tho moat ancient peat of American literature.
Amonc the contributions from abroad is a considerable
sum sent from Brazil, the largest contributor bcing.ftl
Mathow Arnold onco called Beechor "a heated barba
rian," but, when here, ho went to hear tho wc'l known
divino at the first opportunity. Bceclier detained him
after the sermon and returned good for evil by heartily
thanking Arnold for all he had written, saying he haa
road it two or thrco times over.
That Englishmen have voluntarily placod a bust of
Longfellow in that most sacred and most carefully guarded
of British institutions, Westminister Abby, is tho highest
tribute they could liavo paid to the memory of our illus
trious poet, and is a true indication of the high esteem
in which his works are held by tho English reader. At
tho unveiling ceremony addresses were made by Lard
Granville and Longfellow's friend and brother poet,
Over one hundred and sixty new doctors were turned
out bj the medical dopartinent of tho university of tho
city of New York last week. When wo take into con
sideration the fact that there aro many such medical mills
throughout the country turning out a large grist every
year, it would seem that there will soon bo as mauy doc
tors as patients. In such a case foul air, crowded tene
ment houses, poor sewerage etc. will be a blessing to
the doctors, at least.
It is evident that wo have not yet seen tno last act in
tho interesting drama produced by tho Laskcr resolution
at tho German court. After trcatiwg some innocent reso.
Unions of condolence as solemnly as if they were declar
ations of war, Bismark lias quietly, but promptly snubbed
Minister Sargcant at a reception. Bewara Bismark!
Already tho Great American Hog has tinned up his snout
iu your direction and grunted disapprovingly, and it
would not be wise to further excite tho wrath of the own
ers. Tho latest is that Sargeaut has resigned, and refused
to accept Iho position of Minister to Russia, which was
tendered hija. What next?
For centuries Switzerland, so snuggly situated in tho
lieurt of tho Alps, and surrounded by the more pnverful
of tho European nations, lias been a safe and somewhat
convenient refuge for plotting anarchists and political
exiles from nil Europe, nd tho nest in which most of the
fiendish plots, which havo so long terrified all thocrowned
heads, were hatched. Since, however, Switzerland has
couRcnlcd to join the other European nations in ihoir ef
forts to exterminate the anarchists, 'ho will no longer be
a safe refuge for them, and almost their only retreat will
be America. Wo do not want among us any moro of that
class who aro discontented uudor any form of govern
ment; we havo too many already. It. would be well for
nations to modify their oxtradition laws so as to include
political criminals also.