8 THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. not only lo keep ft lmge aud'ence away but to torment those ttIio did alteiel with cold Icet nml a bavy of clillla plnylug tag up and down the vertebral column. The graduates were mature men. The hair of one was sil vered vrltli age, and all had reached the period of life that is generally credited with bringing sense and good judgement. Their names arc Elijah D. Buckncr, M. R Holding Norman A. Saekett, and John M. Zoilic. On tho programme was a gmeral invitation to the public to attend a reception in the evening at tho residence of Dr. F. B. Rlghter. The rain came down in Allopathic doses at that time, however, and modolt Impossible (or the general public to respond, but u most enjoyable time was had by those who braved tho rain and mud of an equinoctial stoim to commune with the disciples of little pills and infinitesimal doses. THE ECLECTICS. Tho Opera House bavin g been engaged for tho Weud ling lecture, Iho commencement of this department was held in Temple Hall, on Friday evening. The. Capital City Orchestra furnished most excellent music, but tho Arlon Club failed to materialize. Tho opening prayer was given by Rev. E. H. Curtif, after which the dean in troduccd Hon. G. M. Lnmbertson who delivered,', brief and very Interesting address. Tho exercises were then closed with a short speech by Regent Gcro on' presenting the graduute, Mr. E. D. Thurston, with his shcopskiu. P tfife. Latest styles in hats at T. Ewlng & Co's. . flnilnf ou'tsniHl nuns iu T. ICwinir As (Jo's. " Celluloid collars and cufls at T. Ewlng & Ccs. Special bargains for students atT. Ewing & Co. Elegant Patterns In Neckwear at T. Ewing & Co's. Buy your boots and shoes of 0. W. Webster, 0 st Acad cmy of Music. Q Largo assortment of collais, cuffs and, neckwear at T Ewing &Co's. Doanc college is raising funds to erect an additional college building. , Call and see tho now fall suits at T. Ewlng & Co'o Ciothing Emporium. Clements has Iho finest lot of sterescopic views of the University ever taken. Tho best judges of artistic work go to Kcllcy & Co for Photos. No. 1020 0 st. Best style, best goods, at lowest prices at T. Ewing A Co's Clothing Emporium. All tho uowest styles and patterns of clothing and gent's furnishing goods at T. Ewing & Co's, Remember Students you can got lino work, and hotter inducements, In tho "Fotograf" line, at Kcllcy & Co 1020 O.St. Students It will pay you to examine tho pictures mado by Kcllcy & Co. before sitting clsewaro. Have you seen thaUlttisy University Panel they give gratis? Tho Capital is after Manager Church, of tho Opera House, with a sharpened faber. It wants that temple of tho drnmtv placed in tho hands of a gentleman. Tho Stato Teachers Association convenes in Lincoln on Tuesday next, and will bo in session until Thursday. Anubmerof their evening meetings will bo held In our highly respectable old chapel. Tho Lincoln Steam Djo House, on O street near twelth is tho best equipped establishment of tho kind In tho state. Students will dowell to remember that Mr. Rob eilsoirwill give them good wcrlc at surprisingly low rate. Tho Hon. Geo. R. Wendling told a small but cultured audience all he kuows about tho Devil, at tho Opora House last night. If tho immaculate orator will but call at the Student efllec ho will receive a few pointers free of charge. Our opportunities for acquiring knowledge concerning his Satanic Majesty arc unsurpased. We can raise him without tho least ellort jxc1mitM rh-H$rHCj Wo take a new interest in the Dickimonian from learn ing that ono of our Regents was onco its editor. Wo did not enjoy tho acquaintance of tho Dickimonian when Regent Mollallcu was at tho helm. Ever since we have had the opportunity of looking over its pages it has always impressed us as being a conscientiously edited paper. Tho Notre Dame Scholastic don't seem to admiro some poetry that was published in tho Student s fow weeks ago. This is a 'rightful state of affairs. t Wo hired that poem from a trump down town especially for tho benefit of t' o Scholastic, and after all, it is not appreciated. "Wo weep: our heart is filled with lamentation and woo. "Wo really think of putting ashes on our heads and changing our n&mo tn Scliolastf Such misery has tho Indiana ex.'mnn caused in our ii'cart. We do, not mean to make any remarks about tho Asbw's chongoof name. They all do it. In tho last uumbei.'.'o noUco'an article entitled "Tho Aluminum; Ago." Tho ideas' in ,it aro not new but are stated in a collected and terso manner that renders it exceedingly interesting. DePamo Monthly is a good paper and has fow defects worthy of notice. The only thing wo could possibly bjoct to, is that tho Fraternity Notes aro mostly of so hoary auVgo that it Is really almost as difficult to read them clear .through as it is to peruse the last edition of "Mnry's Little; Lamb." "Well now hero is souse. They aro in tho habit of con densing "carbolic dioxide" in tho graded school from which Voice halls. It is forblddon by law In all couu trios except tho U. S. Wo aro not surprised. It would bo exceslvcly dangerous for a chomlcal studont In Nobraska to make an attempt at condonsing "carbolic dloxldo" Will Prof. O. N. Stoddard who "condenses " every yoar pleaso rise and explain? Did tho Voice over seo any so lidified chaln-lightning? If Prof. Stoddard' makes it every year, send us a yard and a quarter, pleaso. Wo want it in our process for melting Hydrogen and liquify, lug gum 61100!". Come on Voice, holp us out, can't you? Prof. Stoddaid mukes 'em and you needn't bo such a hog as to keep them all toyourself. And If you know of any moro such experiments as "condonsing carbolic diox ide" have them printed for general distribution. They would bo of interest lo tho scientific world. r t X o