THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. "Rustic llfo and povorty Grow beautiful beneath his touch. There aro two characteristics of his gonlu3 that add much to tho charm of his novols, his hum r an d pathos. Tho formal abounds every whore hi his w rks . Dickens is inclined to look at tho weaknesses of hu man naturo in a good naturod, tolerant and lanjhiu way, and, as ho docs not attempt to describe perfect charac ters, he finds plenty to laug'i at; and, in lead, ho often usos his humorous stylo with good effect in nnkiug his characters describe themselves. Some critics insist that Dickens turns his.huraorous characters into caricatures. But while it is true that he often exaggerates any strik ing peculiarties iu ills characters, tho exiggarations can not be called caricaturcibocause there is so much so "y - lldlty beneath his hunn though grotesque iu form, tltoy aro true and natural at heart. A caricaturist, too, would show us not'iiug but a man's peculiarities, while Dickens always presents tho man. Most of his best and most exuberant humor is displayed iu representing char acters composed of vanity, conceit aud Ignoru'ico. His 'Artful Dodger" and "Mr. Bailey" aro instances in point, Tho genius of Dickens can draw tears as well as pro voke laughter. Sorrow, poverty, pain and death he de picts with power and oftou groat skill. Pew can read his works without strongly sympathizing with those in sorrow and distress, and the description! of m iuy vnic a, specially the deaths of little children, are very affect ing. In the representation of tho deeper passions, Dickons is masterly. Tuo gonorous and malignant passions arc well and fiiitlifully described, and an instance can be . given of his tragic power and tho masterly way iu which he describes the basor p.issions and criminal spirits, in the chapter in Oliver Twist entitled, "Tho Jews Last Night Alive." So well dcs he tell the story of that h or. riblc night, that .the reader is disgusted, yet fascinated by tho scene. Many Americans are inclined to judgo Dickens hastily because of his book criticising our character; but they must remember that Dickens did not possess the quali ties of VotMesninn. Willi all his abilities as a novelist, ho lacked tho ability to generalize, ami as any peculiarities in individuals would make the strongest impression on such a nature, ho would naturally draw Incorrect con clusions as to our national character. Dickons' success as a novelist ,is attested by tho un failing interest with which his works continue to bo read. Tho man who began Ills literary life with a con- '" dcnincd farce, a poor opera and sotm slight sketch es of character, lived to achieve a fame recognized not only where tho English tongue is spoken, but in all civilized countries, and lo see his own works translated into lan guages of which he understood scarcely a word. Dickons had no mission to accomplish, no high phi losophy of society, nor" sciontillc theories ol human na ture in general, nor any particular standard of morality to sustain. Ho was a roformor, indeed, but one who reformed, not by attempting to put into practice some , impracticable theory, but by daring assaults upon what oyer ho considered wrong, unjust and inhuman. He lias been a powerful agent in reforming society, and, by calling attention to tho ronl condition of the lower classes, ho did much lo elevate them. He was truly, what critics hnvn often called him, "a bcnofacWr of mankind." '84. ri(t, The Palladian boys have concluded to give up tho scheme of amassing princely fortunes by locture courses, concerts, etc. Hereafter they will nu'co imnoy in the strictly legitimate way, by selling books at" the original cost of binding" to unsusp acting natives, by bail ing their washerwomen out of 120 pji cent of tlnir just earnings and by other wiles which every student in tho University understands too well to need any reminders from the gifted pon of the Drifter. But why everybody in Lincoln did aol turn out to hear the world-renowned divine, Talmae, is one of the things that "no fellow can find out." Tllcro was a fair hous j but not a wild and uncontrollable jam such a3 B )b Ingor soil harrangued. The Palladlaus confidently expected a full house aud consequently woro disappointed wlnn they f.iuud their receipts so small. Talmngo has no business to charge such ridiculous prices for his lectures anyway. Ho really amounts to very much less as a public spiakor than people are led to think by his reputation. His re mark in chapel were exceedingly trite and commonplace such 9 any average student cottid have said as well aud as afftsctivoly and his whole speech fell very Hat. What fillcc.' ,'the soul of tho Drifter with indignation was his ex cessive lack of tact. When ho used n copy of the Stu dent that was lying on tho desk as au illustration in ono of his nuccdot03, and held it at arm's length with tho res mark "that's as dry as chips," when ho did this I say, a groan of anguish dud a wail of desolation and despair aroso from tho lips; pi" tho three hundred students assem bled there. A wall of agony so dreadful, that when It had escaped from tho chnpol by means of tho holes in tho coiling, it settled over Lincoln like a black pall aud caused tho head of "Nebraska Weather Service" to h ug oifc a bulletin warning overyono ol the approach of a cy- clono Such was the grlof caused among us a tho too great mildness aud charitableness of tho great T IjwiU's alltislon to tho Studknt. Tho blooming mods havo loft us. Tlioy havo ruoievod Ihoiri'iplomas aud have, vanished Irom our halls. Out Into tho high-ways and by-ways of great and populous Nebraska a throng of. voting men aud woniou, educated, polished and intelligent, witli the powei to boneiit their fellow men, have gone. Wo miss thorn . We miss tho sightof them, carrying into their lecture room hugi buns dies carofully dono up, "my washing you know." Wo mls3 the cold shudders that usod to run down our b.ick when one of them grasped us by the hand aud inqttlrod "how's your health?" It used to suggest such fearful thoughts to us. Wo found ourselves wondering whether they observed our condition of health with an cyo towards making us a possible patient or an Interesting "subject." Either idea was so frightful that beads of sweat broke out all along the bridge of our, Uoiu an noso ovcry time it was suggested to us. But that U nil over no. v." They havo dopar'ed. Peace be with them. r It pulns us that thore is so little society feeling In N. S, U. at present. Thore was an epoch In tho good old times of yore that was marked by the keenest possible rivalry between Pnlludlan and Union. This seems to be so far