Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, March 22, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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Issued semi-monthly by tho Hebpeiuan Student
PnUlshing Association of tlto University of Nebraska
MtMingingr Editor, A. G. Warner.
" ' ( 0. S. Allen.
EDiTOiiBiN.CmjF, : : : : i J H Holmes.
: : : E. J. RoniNSON.
Local, : :
Diuft, : :
Associate, : :
Medical, : :
Business Manage
WlLl.O. JONEfl.
0. Q MoMUjLAN.
! 8. TJLeTBON.
W. C. KNiairr
One copy, per college year,
One copy, one hnlfyenr, .
Single copy, .
One column, one insertion,
Two squares, one insertion,
One square, one insertion
. .40
All communications should be addressed to the IIes
teiuan Student. State University, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Mortal a(c,
It is rumored thai the leaders of the 'O'.hot-gun'O
policy of the south are negotiating to move the
"Democrat" down among them. If this '. ",one we
prophecy a brilliant success for that paper. It has
not any of those objectionable qualities, such as
sense, decency and brains, but possesses all the requi
sites that delight the heart of the "bull-dozer."
The present system of gradation by marking in col
leges has many serious defects. It tends to make
the student superficial in his aim and methods. He
is apt to seize on the easiest and quickest way to pass
the highest, regardless of whether it is the most
thorough and comprehensive. Many who have
a good memory, commit the whole subject by "cram
ming" just before final examination. This en
ables them to pass well, but the benefit they receive
from such a method of study is worth little or noth
ing, it seems as though there ought to be a
better system.
As the voice of the examiner is heard in the land
the Student wishes to enter its growl at the methods
of the University. Under the psesent system many
of the students are compelled, after working steadily
from two to four ho urs with the mind on a strain, to
hurry back in the afternoon with both body and mind
exhausted and dispose of another study. Aside from
the injury to health by the unaccustomed fatigue it is
unjust to grade the term work in any degree on the
work ofa mind already tlivd out, and even more to
when compared with others who may not be equally
unfortunate. If we must have examinations which are
practically abridged copies of half a dozen books let
usit most have but one each day and that in the
vmormiig. If this requires two weeks instead of one,
we think no one will object to lengthening daily
lessons to an extent which will makeup the deficiency.
Final examinations are now upon us. In many
respects it seems unnecessary to drag the student
through such an ordeal. His knowledge of the sub
ject, one would suppose, might be determined, from
his daily recitations and from the review. Final ex
aminations, too, are often unfair, only a small por
tion of the subject can be covered by them, and the
student often is not able to do himself justice in this.
Lincoln has had the pleasure of hearing Chevalier
DeKontski, the court pianist to the Empero of Ger
many. It was a musical treat. The beauty of the
Chevalier's playing is that in running from the loudest
to the most delicate tones, he never fails to bring out
distinctly the theme. It shows that, he is in per
fect harmony with the conception of hio pieces.
Music to the unculivated ear, may souni.'. like a con
fused mass of sounds, but the higher orctr of music
has a theme, a story so to speak, as muejn v as a pom,
although lacking so accurate a method of "conveyance.
The Student has always looked upon the "Dem
curat with a Ijind ot easy forbearance saying,
t'ach mon.'.; saw a new and more ridiculous attack on
the University, that it is ignorant and perhaps just
;i little stupid but after all means well. But lately
its violence has become suspicious; we are afraid it
has fallen from the paths of sobriety. We appreciate
the very evident fact that, since its policy in the be
ginning was to decry the University f consistency re
quires that it should always oppose everything done
there without inquiring into what it is. Self-preservation
is one of the first laws of nature and of course
any raising of the standard of education in the state
decreases by so much the "Democrats' " subscription
list. But we throw out the hint for.jts edification
that while al things reall and vitally connected with
Unrversity must as a matter of course be thoroughly
bad, viewed from its standpoint, things only tempo
rarily or accidently connected and without perhaps
knowing the character of the institution, may yet
have merit even cousiderable merit. For example
we fear that the eminent gentleman who does the
cuticci business for our esteemed contemporary listen
ed to Miss Thursby's singing with the ear that is us-
. s