Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, March 22, 1884, Image 1

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Vol. XII.
LINCOLN, NEB., MARCH 22, 1884.
No. XL
Only forty students of the Texas University are women.
Spurgeon, the Loudon preacher, has fallen holr 10 a
large fortune.
Cabel Chcoshahteaumark, an Indian, graduated from
Harvard in 1805.
Whittier regards Hawthorne ns the greatest master of
the English language.
Oxford has at last opened its examinations to women
on the some terms as to men.
John Guy Vassar has given $10,000 to he expended on
tho labratory at Vassar college.
It is believed that Wendell Philipps left interesting and
important manuscripts for publication.
A college exclusively for women will bo opened in
Now York City as soon as the necessary money can be
Chancellor Mauatt says that he comes back from visit
ing oilier schools much encouraged as to the prospects
for our own.
Tho False Prophet, El Mahdi, is in dally fear of assas
sination. Visitors are compelled to approach him on
hands and knees.
Car wheels, stoves, chimneys and numerous other
things requiring hard usage have been made from paper ;
and now a watch, which keeps good time, lias been made
entirely from that material. What next?
"Uetwoeii Shaksporo in his cradle and Shnkspcre in
Hamlet there was needed but an interval of timl, and tho
samo8Ubllmo condition is all thatltes between tho Amer
ica of toil and tho America of art." Higginson,
The late Prof. Sophocles of Harvard University was a
man of great learning and a volumnlous author. Ho was,
however, very eccentric. He lived alone and cooked his
own meals, preparing, it is said, somo very queer dishes.
A popular subscription has been started in Boston to
raise money for. the purposo of erecting a monument, to
Wendell Philipps. It moy be a good plan; but if they
would confer a little of this honor upon great men before
they die, it would do the recipient more good, and bo do
cidedly moro sensible. Wendell Philipps, however, has
loft a monument moro enduring than marble or bronze,
in his unselfish labors in bohalf of oppressed humanity.
Harvard does not seom quite ready to give up Greek.
Tho overseers announce, that thoy "stand together against
tho senseless cry which speaks of tho great ancient lan
guages as dead in an offensive senso of that word."
Harvard Annex ha3 forty-eight girl undergraduates,
whose average scholarship is higher than that of the
young men in tho university. In justice to tho latter,
however, it must bo remembered that tho girls are not
obligejl to devote ten hours a day to rowing and baseball.
There is a renewed interest manifesting itself in the
project 01 flooding the Sahara desert. Some of tho most
noted engineers and geographers think tl at it can be
done and be conducive of only good results; while many
think it will destroy the warm climate of southern Europe.
The Harvard faculty liavo taken steps in the right di
rection in adopting resolutions prohibiting tho students
from employing professional athletes or contesting
against them. Such contests form no part of tho curries
ulum of an educational institution. Ynlo, howovcr, still
holds' out.
The annual report of the president of Johns Hopkins
University has been received. This institution is coming
to tho front as one of tho most important factors in post
graduate education in America. Among other tilings wo
noticed tho mention ot the reading of a paper on "The
Income Tax in America" by H. W. Caldwell, now an in
structor in this institution.
Mathow Arnold delivered his farewell lecture in Now.
York Saturday March 1st. on tho subject "Literature and
Science." In tho course of somo remarks after tho lec
ture he said that lie was highly pleased witli tho people
and tho way thoy had treated him, and expressed the
wish to again visit America. A well filled purso, which
lie undoubtedly carries away with him, is, probably, not
the least caused of his gratification.
The contest between the classical and scientific studies
continues unabated. To an impartial observer, it appears
as though both sidos wero going too far. Charles Fran
cis Adams and somo of his followers would have nothing,
whatever, to do with Latin and Greek ; while, on the
other hand, some of his opponents would have as little to
do with tho sciences. It is obviously' wrong that a col
lego or university should baso Its teaching on either the
classics or sciences; and were tho subject to be left to. 7
settle itself, so to speak, it would doubtless choose the
"goldeu mcau," and furnish courses of study with these
now opposing elements judiciously intermingled.