THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. aWS'sris? SI i$U9g H w t cBK Hcrt o i a a sa pZBh a 2 a f, tra ; S? 5"S2.Sd2J aFpssS FRANK J, BENEDICT, TBACIIElt OP PlYftO. "'MM.', AND HARMONY, Tuition, $19.00 per term or 34 (half hour) lessons. First door north Dormitory Corner O and 17th. Tho lorgest Collection of Grcon House plants in the State. Cut llowcrs.tloral designs or all do&crlpttotie, fancy baskets, etc., constantly on hand. Tea and Tube roses In bloom. 8. GIVENB. 8.E. PEARL. Star Laundry ON ELEVENTH, 1IKT. 1 AND Q. ALL WASHING DONE BY HAND AND Warranted First Class! USUAL KATES, Anil washing dono on short notice. bit. 8. II. KINO, BfEJTTISTy 1020 0 STK13ET. A. J. SHaW Physician and Surgeon Olllcc removed to O St bet. 10 and 11. GOLD; f the working class. Sent! 10 cents for postage, and wo will mall you Trw. a ro al. vulualilo hor of sample goods mat will put you In tho wnv of maKing moro money in n ruw days than you i.vnr fliniitriit nnfanlliii, nr nnv nunnua f.. . -. ...-. ,....,.,...... ,., .mpuivoo, wo will stau you. Hal not rod ul rod. can work all tho tlmo or iu Cap-You spare tlmo only. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, J. J. IMHOFF, Prop., Turkish W Russian s 111 tllC IlOtCl.- RllClllllUtiMlll cured by Turkish UulllH. Corner 11th and P Streots, Lincoln, Mob. JANSEN BROS.& COMPANY, Manufacturers, Retailers, and Jobbers ol' FURNITURE. W t i. : SIdo of Post Ofilco Square. 8-5.7 . . LINCOLN, NED The work Is uulversallvudanted to hotli sitxos young and old. You can easily earn from 50 eta to 95 every evening. That all who want work may tost the buBlness.wi mako this unparal led otter: to all who uro not woll satlslled we will send SI to pay for tho trouble of writing lous.Full particuIar8.dircctlouti.otc sout free. Fortunes will be mudo by those who give thulr whole tuna to the work.' Great success abso lutely sure. Don't dolav. Start now. Address stinson a Co., Portland, Maine. uMurnr nnuGJtrjr, DBiliKK id Sloves and Hardware ! Opposite I. O. LINCOLN, - - - NEBRASKA fP. 9 CWIiXCMK PROP. OP LINCOLN STJEJAMBAKJEltY. DAVID MAY, DEATiKU IN CLOTHING AND G-ENTS' FURNISHING IwAMlfiwantorhoLTvesotalTThcPros. AEiniSldouts or the U.S. Tho largest, hand Boniest bcHt book ovor sold for loss than twice our prlco.Tho fastest Holling book in America. Immenso protlts toagonts.All Intelligent poo plo want It. Anyono can become a succossiul agent. Terms froo. IIallbtt Book Co. Port land, Maine North Sltlo rofciofllco Square. LINCOLN. NEBRASKA Ricfirrrnd Straight Gut No. I GieaXMTTXS aro made from tho hrlghtest most delicately liavureu aim niuuoil cost UOLti I.KAF grown In Vlrgtn'a. This is tho Old and Oiuuinal MUAND or bTHAIOIIT ClTT I'MAUETTKS, and was brought out by us in 1875. Tlio irrnat popularity of this brand Iiah ha caused cert i n parties to placo on sate base Imitations: tho public Is cautioned to olero that our signature appears on evory package or Genuine Itlchmuud Straight Cut Cigarettes. RltV Your Gro ccrlosaitlic Key stone Grocery Corner M tin d 11th, Goods Frexh ix d Dealing square J. UAUGIIMAN. PHOPIUBTOtt WCIIMOND QICH CUUI.Y TOllACCO. CUT Tho Unghtest and Most Delicately Fla vored (iold Leaf Grown This tobacco la delightfully mild and Irngram. Absolutely wlthiiutadulteratlon or drugs, and can ho Inhaled witli entire satisfaction without irritating tho lungs, throat or mouth. Allen V Glnter, Itlnf'rs, Rich, mom!, Va. ALSO MANUFACTUUEUH 01 Opera PulTs. Little Ucnuty, ichmond Gom Etc . i igarcttes. Richmond Straight Cut, Turkish & Perique mixtures, and Old Itlp ' Long Cut Tobaccos. BOTCH fetU?9 Get their washing dono at the Chinese Laundry. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Under wear done up in first-class style. Yee Lung, Proprietor, No. n6, South nth. M. HARRIS, DENTIST. Teeth lnsortod in Gold, Silver aud Colin old. All work warranted. Ofllce, 1007 OSt