Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, February 15, 1884, Page 8, Image 8
mwiHiiMiiriBMMa mm 8 THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. $xchni(Qe grh-n-jgrac. edienl JBiTttfffty. Tho Sibyl caps the climax. Tho Doano Otcl still roosts on the dcml onk limb nml hoots in its familiar way. Tlio Motor, published nt Bluo Springe, Nob., hns im proved much sinco tlio Into change. Specimen of news from tho Hastings College liecicic: "Miss Johnson wis sick one day Inst week." A promising geological student on being asked of what coal is formed, replied : "Of decomposed rocks." Badger. "Wo are sorry to Bay that wo'r.au't shako DePauvo of the Asbury again. The monthly is the same as of old, ox. i-cpt that it has burdened i'solf with a name that would destroy an average college journal. The Hetrs Letter complains, and very justly, of tho strict rules and regulations of their collogc. In our opinion the more students we put upon honor, as op posed to cast-iron rules, tho better for the students and also lor tho college. Again the Btrkeleyan, after an absence of sometime comes out in its old dress, but much improved i n its reading matter. Olla Podrida glows again witlrrending that is quite runny. This department makes a greater success in this line than any college paper that we hove over perused. A boy, a girl, A wavy curl Mown out by the wanton wind; A waiat, an arm. Sure, what's tho harm I f arm about tho walBt wore twined Ablush, aide, One more I wis ; Tho father toward them ucntly stole; A scream, ashout, A foot let out, Tho Impress left of hie boot-solo. Student Life. Our old friend Palettte Scrapings has called on us for tho first timo this year. It still maintains its high stand ard in every respect. Although much larger than ordi nary it is tilled with sound and interesting reading mat. tcr, which is now and then seperatcd by romantic sketch es. The tut representing "Old Tom" is quite familiar. Hn loooksold and sleepy; but ho is only waiting for some would be friend to come in reach ef his hind legs, for Tom would kick a fellow if he had to wait a century. The Oarthaginian for January, contains an article outi tillcd "The Dial Poinl6 On." In our estimation it is ex cellent. The thought is clear and expressed in neatly conttsucted and clean cut sentences. Sonic of the ideas are old, but they are completely hiden by the shower ol new ones. However tlieic is one thing about the piece that we do not nppiicratc and in fact do not think it in keeping with scolarship and good taste: that is the use of the Latin phrases. It may express exactly what we wish to say, but how many are there who cannot understand it, and for the sake of these if nothing more wo would use plain English. Celluloid collars and culls at T. Ewlng & Go's. Instead of tlio usual quiz, the Eclectic boys intend to hold a privato tlobato. Dr. Boll's little bov after having the measles is ailllctcd with a seriously sore mouth. Prof. Graddy Isslok and unable to moot uj this week Wo wish him a speedy recovery. A fow students, who havo studied medicine some years, hope to graduato noxt spring. " r ' The practiso which in disposing of one murderer makes fifty others is an abomination. Pity tho community in which mob law prevails and Judge Lynch presumes to administer justice. Somoof the inmates of this institution anticipate visit ing the Yellowstone Park next summer. Iu the absence of Prof. Graddy, Prof. Mitcholl ocou picd a part of his timo and Prof. Lowry tlio other part. Are you taking in tlio lectures on medical jurispru dence? Lawyers and profesors find tliom worth the taking. "Wo hopo the state will give the medical department a new building this year. Quarters are full now and will be quite too small for us next year. Your humble servant cheerfully extends tho fraternal hand to tlio other candidates for tlio medical editorship and their supporters, and respectfully acknowledges the measure of confidence and appreciation manifested by his reelection. Furthermore, after mingling with class es in New York, New Hampshire and Vormont, I take pleasure in slating that it nover lias boon my privilago to mingle anywhare, with more agreeable associates, or to bo a member of a class which I could servo with more pleasure. The institulious represented by tlioir graduates' in the" medical faculties of this University are as follows: Rubs Medical College, Chicago; Indiana Medical College. Iu dianapolis; St. Louis Medical College, Missouri ; Medi cal Department, Michigan University; Mt. Union Col lege, Ohio; Antincb College Ohio; Bowditln Medical College, Maine; Ohio Medical College, Cincinnati; Hahnamaun Medical College, Philadelphia; Homoeo pathic Medical College, Now York; Hahuanianu Med ical College, Chicago; New York Opthalinic IIospilal College; Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati; Amer ican Medical Cu"ego' St. Louis; University of Nashville. Tennessee; bt. Thomas and The Royal London Opthal inic Hospital, London, England. Names of institutions, too numerous to mention, at which preparatory and par tial courses were pursued, and post graduate courses taken, and also those from which honorary degrees were received wo omit. Large assortment of colhus, cuffs and neckwear at T. Ewing & Go's. Doane college is raising funds to erect an additional college building. The best judges of artistic work go to Kelloy & Co for Photos. No. 1020 O st. Best style, best goods, at lowest prices at T. Ewing fc Co's Clothing Emporium.