Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, February 15, 1884, Page 6, Image 6

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From what ho said we gathered that he was in Beared of
a distant land where ho might rest in (ho peaceful seourN
ly of knowing IiIb own thoughts before any ono else be
came cognizant of them. Wo promised to give thu re
quested ndvicc, and ho departed in a somewhat calmer
mood. Then wo aro9C, rubbed the ink off our face, pull
ed our uccktio around in front, and sauntered down lovn
in search of news.
Wo espied a small aad dirty, but very businessslike
specimen ol tho rising generation witli a huge bundle o'
"sample copies" of tho Saturday Night. Now experience
had taught us that this apparition was a blessing some
what disguised. So we collared him and compelled him
to hand over ono of tho illustrated weeklies. Wo are well
aware that people who pretend to cultivation do not yearn
alter this paper with the whole intensity of their souls
but in this they merely display a pitiable ignorance. Tour
humble servant would no more think of refusing a "earn
pic copy1' than an interest in a silvsr nine. In fact each
and every ono of tho allitoratively entitled novels and
(here are usually three of thorn is a sourco of mirth be
side which tnc complete works of Mark Twain sink into
unmentionable insignificance. Never refuse the proffered
sheet again, and when you have read all about the Dukes
and DuchesBco disguised as Comanche Indians, and the
detectives and Jew pawn-brokers of New York, and the
maiden with "wondrous beauty e'on" (they always say
'e'en') "more radiant than the soft shining crescent oib of
night," and the various embellishments of thundering
oceans, canal-boat pirates and road agents thrown in
free of charge, then you will lean back against n conve
nient gate-post and "enjoy yourself."
A Prep came up behind us as we were absently plan,
ning some means to do away with the slate system, and
enquired if wc had "heard that real good story about"
He got no farther. We know what was coming and in
stanlly prepared his mortal Irame for the iuciIb, verdict
justifiable homicide.
Talking of Preps reminds us that wc would rather visit
a prep class once a mouth than a circus twice a week.
It is much more intellectual, and probably more moral.
The first thing that strikes one in a cla&a of ihit grade is
that tl'c scholais hold up their hands when they waul to
say something. They learned this in the country schools
and will probably recover from (he effects of such unnec
essary knowledge before they graduate. Let us hope so.
Again it is n matter of remark that the whole character
of a student may be readily summed up from the part of
the room in w'..ich he sits. Up in front now, right under
tho eagle eye of the instructor sit the "digs." They never
whisper, never look secretly at their books or cutis, never
draw pictures of the teacher and throw thein over to the
girls. Not (hey. They hang on to every honeyed utter
ance of the solemn intcllcctuul head of the department
with an awful dread lest they may lose something, and
generally behave themselves in a theoretically commend
able way. The scholars iu the uexl row buck are a little
less staid and not quite so studious. T'ley cannot always
resist the temptation to whisper to each other when the
teacher has his head under (he lid of the desk looking
for au ink bottle or a steel pen or something of (hat 6ort.
Hut (hey are good fair young people usually. After this,
as we go farther toward tho rear of tho room tho clmngo I8
more rapid, and in the oxtromo back row is congrogatcd
n set of boys who match pennies, play "old slodgo" and
poker, fire off parlor matches and make thcmsolves gen
erally useful as well as ornamental. The girls who habit,
ually stay back in theso sinful regions flirt desperately
and continually, chow gum, and cat peanuts during tho
whole hour. They always both of them flunk without
tho slightest Inconsistency until they aro suspended.
And when they arc. their long suffering teacher goes
down town and in thankfulness of spirit gives himself a
treat at tho nearest restaurant.
But where the college students shine with olcclric
light radiance is not iu the classes, but in the literary so
cieties. By tho way the editor has made a discovery.
Literal y societies arc merely ingeniously contrived
schemes for giving every student a chance to grapple
with the French Revolution before tho admiring eyes of
a public audience. Oh I how wehatothat revolution
No ono can write a two page essay on the most trivial
subject without dragging in that despicable historical ins
cident. Give the French Revolution n decent burial and
put a 800 ton tombstone over the grave, and let tho gov
eminent detail some troops to watch the ccmctary night
and day to circumvent the plans of resurrectionists
Then and then only will the editor enter the hall of either
society without awuiting with trembling expectancy and
hopeless melancholy the never failing orgies that arc held
over the remains of the French Revolution.
Latest styles in hats at T. Ewing & Co's.
Cadet suits and caps at T. Ewing & Co's.
Special bargains for students atT. "Caving & Co.
' Elegant Patterns in Neckwear at T. Ewing & Co's.
Buy your boots and shoes of O. W. Webster, O st Acad
emy of Music.
Another destructive storm .11 the Atlantic coast. The
Ohio is angry again.
Call aud sec tho new fall suits at T. Ewing & Co's
Clothing Emporium.
Clements has the finest lot of slercscopic views of tho
Univuisity ever tukuu.
Tho German Seminary opened at Crete, Neb. J an nary,
the third, aud is projpering.
Too bad that the speaker of the House (Carlisle) is
the tool of the alcoholic liquor.riug.
All the newest styles aud patterns of clothing and gent's
furnishing goods at T. Ewing & Co's.
Remember Students you can get tine work, and belter
inducements, in the "Folograf" line, at Kelley & Co
1020 O. St.
"Nclu.Fraulein Schloes, Icli kan nlclit gab'
Zu Ureitman'a Tanz mlt dlr;
Abar, nicln Frcuud, lch blttc flc
(Jet 11 lch auf idncn car.1'
"Waromn, Hcrr Gchllcol, geb ele nlclit
Mlt mo zu jcucm Tanzt"
"liccausc, Krautelu, mein Onkel bat
Mcln Ucbcrrock and Pantzl"
.Students it will pay you to examine the pictures made
by Kelley & Co. before sitting clseware. Huve you seen
that daisy University Panel they give gratis?